HSSC - Federal Board

SLO Based English Notes SSC - II - FBISE - @ 2021 Onwards (Part I - Marking Scheme, SLOs & Grammar / MCQs Topics)



SECTION A (Marks 15)

Section A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on this page and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.


Q: Fill the relevant bubble against each question:


Which one of the following sentences contains the best Synonym for the underlined word in the sentence? “During my leisure time, I enjoy reading.” (Model Paper - Set I)

A. During my repose time, I enjoy reading.   I

B. During my pleasure time, I enjoy reading.

C. During my stress time, I enjoy reading.

D. During my toil time, I enjoy reading.

Fake diamond rings are quite affordable.” Which one of the following contains the best Synonym for the underlined word in the sentence? (Model Paper - Set II)

A. original                               B. imitation

C. loyal                                    D. trustworthy


“The Earth brings forth large crops every year for the sustenance of man and beast.” Which one of the following sentences contains the best Synonym for the underlined word in the sentence? (Model Paper - Set III)

A. Earth brings crops for deprivation of living things.

B. Earth brings crops for exhaustion of living things.

C. Earth brings crops for starvation of living things.

D. Earth brings crops for nutriment of living things.


It became hard for him to support his large family with his slender salary. Antonym of the underlined word is:

A. skinny                                 B. hairline

C. voluminous                         D. compressed


Faraz is a giant in his class, towering a foot over his class mates. (FBISE - 2022)

A. Faraz is short                      B. Faraz is tiny           

C. Faraz is heavy                     D. Faraz is tall

Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research. Infer the meaning of underlined word and choose the correct response. (Model Paper - Set I)

A. rude                                                B. very serious

C. proud                                  D. greatly admired

The paint spilled all over the floor; _________, the sweeper had a big mess to clean up. Choose suitable Transitional Device from the following: (Model Paper - Set I)

A. moreover                            B. as a result

C. however                              D. for example

Zahid looks a noble person but he always becomes _________ any good deed. Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank. (Model Paper - Set I)

A. a supporter of                     B. an obstacle for

C. a preacher of                       D. a promoter for


I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn, it will be _________ for them to work harder. Choose a suitable option to fil1 in the blank. (Model Paper - Set I)

A. an incentive                        B. a protection

C. an option                            D. a facility


Fortunately, the explosion _________ the asteroid from a course that would have sent it hurdling into our planet. Infer suitable word from the following options: (Model Paper - Set I)

A. ignited                                B. diverted

C. directed                              D. attracted


At the end of the speech the whole assembly gave the speakers a standing _________. Fill in the blank with suitable word from the following options: (Model Paper - Set II)

A. ovation                               B. jeering

C. cheering                              D. support


If you can _________ the cost of travel, there is of course no substitute for visiting the country itself. Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank. (Model Paper - Set II)

A. afford                                 B. spend

C. expend                                D. calculate


She sat without a word, seemingly _________ to my presence. Fill in the blank with suitable word. (Model Paper - Set III)

A. ignorant                              B. different

C. indifferent                          D. diffident


The Muslim saints devoted their lives to proselytizing Islam. Which one of the following will best replace the underlined word? (Model Paper - Set III)

A. preaching                            B. studying

C. supporting                          D. exposing

He is known to be an eloquent speaker and is often invited for making _________ speeches. Choose the suitable option to fil1 in the blank. (Model Paper - Set III)

A. emotional                           B. rhetorical

C. political                               D. anti-social


I don't like _________ sound of a barking dog, especially when I'm trying to sleep! Choose suitable option to fill in the blank. (Model Paper - Set III)

A. a delightful                         B. the loathsome

C. lovable                                D. an enthusiastic


Owning two cars is a luxury in most countries. Which type of Noun is the underlined? (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. Concrete                             B. Abstract

C. Proper                                 D. Collective

The child is gaining maturity. The underlined word is: (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. Abstract Noun                   B. Concrete Noun      

C. Proper Noun                       D. Collective Noun

A _________ of sailors was on board to start voyage towards Arabia. (Model Paper - Set I)

A. gang                                   B. crowd

C. choir                                   D. crew

The sheep clustered in a tight to ward off the cold weather. (Model Paper - Set III)

A. gang                                   B. crowd

C. herd                                                D. flock


I played the guitar but my brother played _________ piano. (Model Paper - Set II)

A. hers                                     B. her

C. his                                       D. their


Which of the following sentences has an Adjective? (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. she is an excellent player.   B. I shall definitely play.

C. she is here                           D. she walks too slowly.

I ate some rice. The underlined is Adjective of: (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. Quality                                B. Quantity

C. Manner                                D. Demonstration


After the trip, I feel, I am the _________ on earth. (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. lucky                                  B. luckiest      

C. luckier                                 D. more lucky


__________ word to the wise is sufficient. The correct option is: (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. A                                        B. An

C. The                                     D. No article is required

I met him at _________ mosque. Choose the correct Article to complete the sentence. (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. a                                         B. an   

C. the                                      D. No Article required


When I saw him, he __________ chess. Choose         the correct Form of Verb. (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. is playing                            B. was playing

C. were playing                        D. play

Our friend __________ writing to us before he left the city. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. is                                         B. will be

C. have                                                D. had been

The ship __________ rapidly. Choose the correct Verb to complete sentence. (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. sinking                                B. sank

C. sunk                                                D. sinked

I _________ up every day at five o’ clock. (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. get                                      B. gets

C. getting                                D. got


The young boy _________ the car rashly yesterday. Choose the correct form of Verb to complete the sentence. (FBISE - 2022)

A. driving                                B. drove         

C. driven                                 D. drived


Just before he got there, a tree branch _________ down on the car. (Model Paper - Set II)

A. will crash                            B. crash          

C. crashed                               D. crashing


She _________ studying in England before she came to Pakistan. Choose the correct form of Verb to complete the sentence. (FBISE - 2022)

A. is                                         B. will be        

C. have                                    D. had been


I _________ my mobile phone since 2009. Fill in the blank with correct form of Verb. (Model Paper - Set II)

A. have had                             B. have

C. had                                     D. am having



He works carefully. The underlined word is an Adverb of: (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. manner                                B. quantity

C. degree                                 D. frequency

“She seldom asks me to help her.” Which type of Adverb is used in the given sentence? (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. manner                               B. frequency  

C. degree                                 D. time


The birds chirp beautifully. The underlined is an Adverb of: (FBISE - 2022)

A. place                                   B. time

C. manner                                D. frequency


Which one of the following sentences possesses the Adverb of Manner? (Model Paper - Set I)

A. He has firmly discarded the idea of attacking the enemy.           

B. My dog always barks.

C. The girls went upstairs to get their coats.

D. My teacher often writes on the white board.


Which one of the following sentence possesses the Adverb of place? (Model Paper - Set II)

A. I ran upstairs to my room.

B. Do you usually play football?

C. The horse galloped wildly.

D. The girl read the book silently.


Which one of the following sentences possesses the Adverb of frequency? (Model Paper - Set III)

A. He suddenly turned his car to the right.

B. My dog likes going for a walk at night.

C. The singer performed well in the concert.

D. I usually take a cup of coffee in the morning.



The cat jumped __________ the chair. Choose the correct Preposition to complete the sentence. (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. about                       B. off

C. beneath                   D. through


The cat jumped _________ the chair. Choose the correct Preposition to complete the sentence. (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. about                                  B. through      

C. beneath                               D. off


There was _________ inside. The building was empty. (Model Paper - Set I)

A. everybody                          B. somebody

C. nobody                               D. anybody


During the war, when I looked out of the house, I cou1dn't see       in the street. (Model Paper - Set III)

A. everybody                          B. somebody

C. nobody                               D. anybody


Nafeesa is afraid _________ spiders. Choose a suitable option to fil1 in the blank. (Model Paper - Set II)

A. from                                   B. in   

C. of                                        D. at


The teacher set some homework _________ the end of the lesson. Fill in the blank with suitable Preposition. (Model Paper - Set II)

A. about                                  B. in

C. of                                        D. at


The foolish crow tried to sing. The underlined word is: (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. Noun                                   B. Verb

C. Adjective                             D. Adverb

There is little time for preparation. The underlined word is: (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. Verb                                   B. Adverb      

C. Adjective                            D. Noun



He finished the dish of ice cream very quickly. What is the Adjective Phrase in this sentence? (Model Paper - Set II)

A. he finished                         B. very quickly

C. of ice cream                        D. the dish of ice cream


Choose the sentence with an Adjective Clause in it: (Model Paper - Set I)

A. The team member who raises the most funds will receive an award.

B. The patient in the wheel chair has a broken leg.

C. The house with white paint is at the end of the street.

D. The goat with the brown legs was grazing in the meadow.

Choose the sentence with an Adjective Clause in it: (Model Paper - Set III)

A. The player who permed the best was declared man of the match.

B. He knows how things work around here.

C. Alina did the dishes till her legs gave up.

D. I went through the book at a lightning speed.


Salman enjoys playing cricket. The sentence is an example of: (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. Assertive                             B. Interrogative

C. Exclamatory                                    D. Imperative

I am doing it now. This sentence is an example of __________ sentence. (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. Simple                                 B. Compound             

C. Complex                             D. Compound complex


The earth revolves around the sun. The sentence is an example of: (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. Simple Sentence                 B. Compound Sentence         

C. Complex Sentence             D. Compound-complex Sentence

Identify the Compound Sentence from the sentences given below: (Model Paper - Set I)

A. My mother cooked dinner while I was doing my homework.

B. I like playing basketball and my brother likes playing tennis.

C. He missed the first period because he was late.

D. I have not seen my grandmother since I came to Germany.

Identify the Simple Sentence from the sentences given below: (Model Paper - Set II)

A. Because you scored the highest on the test, you will get a prize from your teacher today.

B. Those clouds promise rain; we should hurry before we get caught in a flash flood.

C. The largest mammal is found in the sea.

D. I was feeling really sick, so I had to go to the doctor.

Identify the Compound-Complex Sentence from the sentences given below: (Model Paper - Set III)

A. He left in a hurry after he got a phone call but he came back five minutes later.

B. Aleena likes playing badminton but her brother likes reading books.

C. He missed the plane because he was late.

D. I have not met my classmates for a long.

Alas! She is dead. Which kind of sentence is this? (FBISE - 2022)

A. Declarative                         B. Interrogative          

C. Exclamatory                       D. Imperative


I had written the letter. Which Tense is used in the given sentence? (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. Simple Past                         B. Past Progressive

C. Past Perfect                         D. Past Perfect Continuous

She had done the exercise. Which Tense has been used in the given sentence? (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. Present Perfect                   B. Past Perfect           

C. Simple Past                         D. Past Perfect Continuous



Cat is to kitten as lioness is to: (FBISE – 2022-B)

A. lion                         B. puppy

C. cub                          d. baby           

Clock is to time as ruler is to: (FBISE – 2022-A)

A. mile                                    B. length        

C. angle                                   D. space


Clock is to time as Thermometer is to:         (Model Paper - Set I)

A. heat                                    B. radiation    

C. energy                                 D. temperature


Whisper” is to “shout” as “walk” is to: (Model Paper - Set III)                   

A. drag                                                B. jog 

C. run                                      D. tiptoe


Because I am not a football fan, I am _________ to the fact my friend met a popular football player yesterday. (Model Paper - Set I)

A. ignorant                              B. as a result

C. however                              D. for example


_________ it was raining, I still walked to school. Choose suitable Transitional Device from the following: (Model Paper - Set II)

A. consequently                      B. accordingly

C. as a result                            D. although


We managed to have a decent harvest_________ the drought. Choose suitable Transitional Device from the following: (Model Paper - Set III)

A. moreover                            B. as a result

C. however                              D. despite

The sky was the colour of the calm Pacific thousands of miles from land. This sentence contains a: (Model Paper - Set III)

A. Metaphor                            B. Personification

C. Simile                                 D. Symbol


He was as snug as a bug in a rug. This sentence contains a: (Model Paper - Set I)

A. Metaphor                            B. Personification

C. Simile                                 D. Symbol


A lie has no legs. Which Poetic Device is used in the sentence? (Model Paper - Set II)

A. Personification                   B. Simile

C. Metaphor                            D. Alliteration


“Life is but a walking shadow” is an example of: (Model Paper - Set II)

A. Personification                   B. Simile

C. Metaphor                            D. Alliteration



The United Nations often tries to _________ in conflicts between countries. Choose the word with correct spellings to fill in the blank. (Model Paper - Set I)

A. entercede                            B. intercede

C. intercide                             D. interscede


The students need to submit an _________ to complete the application for admission. Choose the word with correct spellings to fill in the blank. (Model Paper - Set II)

A. affedevit                            B. afidevit

C. affidavit                             D. affidavit


It is _________ for so many nations to change their form of government so quickly and peacefully. Choose the word with correct spellings to fil1 in the blank. (Model Paper - Set III)

A. unprecedented                   B. inprecedented

C. unprecidented                    D. unprecedented



He says, "I am unwell". Choose the correct Indirect Speech.

A. He said that I am unwell                             B. He said that he is unwell

C. He says that I am unwell                             D. He says that he was unwell