HSSC - Federal Board

SSC-II FB- Preparation Papers (Bahria, APS Etc)


Practice Papers


1. These expenses, along with the other __________ deductions are subject to a further reduction of 2 percent of his adjusted gross income. Choose the word with correct spelling to fill in the blank.

A. misellaneous                                   B. miscellaneous

C. miscellaneous                                 D. miscellaneous

2. Which of the following is the antonym of “revenge”

A. retribution                          B. pardon                                C. vengeance               D. payback

3. A tall boy, Hamza is the captain of our Volley ball team. The given sentence is the example of.

A. Anaphoric Expression                    B. Alliteration

C. Cataphoric Expression                   D. Verbosity

4. The result of this was that we were held _________ for six hours in the departure lounge waiting for the end of the dispute.

A. by                                       B. about                                  C. on                           D. up

5. The students checked their answers with one another, everybody had a different answer. The underlined Pronoun is:

A. Reflexive                            B. Personal                              C. Demonstrative        D. Reciprocal

6. I couldn't have known when the bus comes. The underlined part is a /an:

A. Adverbial Phrase                B. Noun Clause

C. Adverbial Clause                D. Adjective Clause

7. "All the world's a stage And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances", William Shakespeare. Identify the Figure of Speech

A. Personification                   B. Anaphora                            C. Simile                     D. Metaphor

8. I saw a ___________ of fish near the beach.

A. swarm                                 B. school                                 C. flock                       D. colony

9. Lately, I__________ about moving to Cilaos because I __________ unhappy with the hot weather! Choose the correct Tense.

A. have thought….have been becoming                     B. have been thinking ... have become

C. have thought ... have become                                 D. have been thinking ... have been becoming

10. Adverb of Degree is also known as:

A. Simple Adverb                   B. Adverb of Quantity           C. Relative Adverb     D. None

11. Select the sentence that contains an Intransitive Verb.

A. The new hybrid tomato plant grows well in dry climates.

B. The botanist developed a new hybrid tomato plant for dry climates.

C. A new hybrid tomato plant involves cross breeding.

12. Running can make people more aware of their physical surroundings, such as the scent of honeysuckle or the changing moods of the trees. Identify the nature of the underlined Transition?

A. addition                  B. contrast                   C. illustration              D. cause and effect

13. "I am waiting for my friend." Change Active Voice to Passive Voice.

A. My friend is being waited for by me.

B. My friend is waited for by me

C. My friend was being waited for by me.

D. My friend is waiting for me.

14. The usual Form of a Declarative Sentence is:

A. to make a statement                                   B. Subject-Verb

C. a period or full-stop                                    D. Imperative

15. What is a Participle called when it is used as a simple qualifying Adjective in front of a Noun?

A. Past Participle                                            B. Participial Adjective

C. Participial Noun                                         D. Participial Adverb



i. If you don’t curtail your spending, you will be broke in no time. The synonym for the underline word is:

A. follow                                             B. buy

C. purchase                                         D. reduce

ii. Opportunity knocks at the door once:

A. Simile                                             B. Personification

C. Metaphor                                        D. Hyperbole

iii. There are two types of _____: viral and bacterial. Choose the correct option:

A. pneumonia                                      B. newmonia

C. pnumonia                                        D. newmonia

iv. Don’t blame yourself for the mistake; _____ is perfect:

A. everybody                                      B. nobody

C. somebody                                       D. each

v. Their progress was slow as they were tired. The underlined part is a/an:

A. Simple sentence                             B. Compound sentence

C. Complex sentence                          D. Imperative sentence          

vi. Our city will have _____ university soon. Choose the correct option

A. a                             B. an                C. the                          D. no article

vii. We need to use ____ for the welfare and betterment of humanity.

A. modern inventions                         B. phones                               

C. transport                                         D. food                                  

viii. The teacher sent some homework ____ the end of the lesson. The correct preposition is:

A. about                                              B. by

C. at                                                    D. in

ix. ____ it was raining, I still walked to school. Choose the suitable transitional device from the following:

A. As a result                                      B. Accordingly          

C. Consequently                                 D. Although

x. They welcomed the chief guest with a _____of flowers:

A. bouquet                  B. bunch          C. pack                        D. cluster

xi. Amjad arrived ____ than Bilal. Select the correct degree of adverb:

A. early                       B. earlier          C. earliest                    D. most early

xii. A ‘Sonnet’ is an example of:

A. fiction                     B. novel           C. poetry                     D. drama

xiii. The old man remembers the days, when there was no television:

A. Noun clause                                   B. Adjective clause

C. Adverb clause                                D. Simple sentence

xiv. The black umbrella with a broken handle is mine. The underlined part is a/an:

A. Noun phrase                                   B. Adjective phrase

C. Adverb phrase                                D. Apposite phrase

xv. Select which one of the sentences contains Transitive Verb:

A. Alex sent a postcard from USA.   B The wasps fought bravely.

C. The sun shone brightly.                  B. Many horses fled away.



Q: 02. Read the following Passage carefully and answer any five questions including Question No. (i) appended to it.

Note: Question (I) about summary writing is compulsory and carries 06 marks while rest of the questions carries 03 marks each.


Masjid Cordoba is the living symbol of the past glory of Islam and dominance of Islamic civilization In Europe. The Masjid was founded by Abdul Rahman 1 in 784 AD, who after the fall of the Umayyad Dynasty escaped to southern Spain. Once there, he established and consolidated his control over almost the whole of the Iberian Peninsula. In Cordoba, he attempted to recreate the glory and grandeur of Damascus, the capital of the Islamic state. He erected magnificent buildings, promoted agriculture and imported fruit trees and olive plants from his former home. Even though the masjid was founded in 784 AD by Abdul Rehman, but the expansion and enlargement of the masjid was carried on by his successors. This magnificent masjld, a Jewel of Islamic architecture, was finely completed by Abu Amir Almansur in 976 AD. The structure of the masjid comprises of a large hypostyle prayer hall (hypostyle means filled with columns), a courtyard with a fountain in the middle, a covered pathway circling the courtyard and minaret which is not visible now because of It being encased in bell — tower.

Allama Iqbal paid a visit to the Masjid-e-Cordoba in 1933. This visit was not an ordinary visit of an average tourist interested in ancient monuments but a pilgrimage to an outstanding symbol of faith by a faithful believer and visionary poet. The sight of the Masjid transposed him into the golden age of Islam which provided roots to the enlightenment of Europe. These strong feelings resulted in creation of one of his superb poems, the Masjid- e-Qurtuba.


i. Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title to it.

ii. How is the masjid a living symbol of pat glory of Islam?

iIi. How did Alama lqbal feel after his visit to the masjid?

iv. Describe the structure of the masjid.

v. “The sight of the Masjid transposed him into thegoldenage of Islam whichdevelopled roots to the enlightenmentof Europe.” Elaborate.

vi.Whatin youropinion is the significance of the Masjidof Cordoba to presentdayMuslims?

vii. Write Synonyms of the underlined words.




I belonged  to  the  following  clubs:  Reading  Club  (two  years),  second  year  as Secretary Reading Club, and Computer Club. In the year 2009, I received awards in the following classes: Computer Applications, Geography, and Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry.

I currently belong to the Hiking and Outdoor Club, and Environmental Awareness Club. In addition, this year I participated in a programme called "Read with a Friend." In this programme I, along with a group of students, went to the nearby elementary school to read to a class of students from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade.

In order to gain an understanding of independence and responsibility, I held several summer jobs in the preceding two years. I also worked to help myself financially in a boarding school. My first summer job was at the English Language Centre. My second job was at Mc Donald’s, and my past summer job was at D.K. Academy. I am thankful to all these institutions for my job experiences. They have prepared me mentally and financially. This is important in a way that I am now more mature and responsible; which helps me not to be worried about the future but to look forward to it.

I am glad that I have got a taste of what the real world has to offer. I have learned many lessons from my Public High School, boarding school, and my work experiences. I am now ready to learn many more lessons through my college experience. Although it has been tough, I have succeeded so far. I am prepared to excel and make it much further in the years to come with my college education. This developing positive outlook has given me motivation that I need to become successful. I never give up. When I am determined to achieve, "I shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars."


i. Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title to it.                            (5+1=6)

ii. What are the writer’s achievements as a student?

iii. How has the writer got the taste of the real world?

iv. What was the writer’s purpose of doing summer jobs?

v. How has the writer spent his summer vacation?

vi. What has the writer gained from his summer job experiences?

vii. Give the SYNONYMS of the words that are underlined in the passage


One of the modern world’s intriguing sources of mystery has been aeroplanes wanishing in mid-flight.  One of themore famous of these was the disappreance in 1937 of a pioneed woman avator Amelia earhard. On the second stage of an attempted round the world flight, she had radioed her position as she and  her navigator searched desperately for their destination, a tiny island in the Pacific. The plane never arrived at Howland Island. Did it crash and sink after running out of fuel? It had been a long haul from New Guinea, a twenty hour flight covering some four thousand kilometres. Did Earhart have enough fuel to set down on some other island on her radioed course? Or did she end up somewhere else altogether? One fanciful theory had her being captured by the Japanese in the Marshall Islands and later executed as an American spy; another had her living out her days under an assumed name as a housewife in New Jersey.

2. Seventy years after Earhart's disappearance, 'myth busters' continue to search for her. She was the best-known American woman pilot in the world. People were tracking her flight with great interest when, suddenly, she vanished into thin air. Aircraft had developed rapidly in sophistication after World War One, with the 1920s and 1930s marked by an aeronautical record-setting frenzy.

3. But only Earhart, the reserved tomboy from Kansas who disappeared three weeks shy of her 40th birthday, still grips the public imagination. There are currently two main theories about Amelia Earhart's fate. Some say the plane could have broadcast only if it were on land. not in the water. The Coast Guard and later the Navy, believing the distress calls were real, adjusted their searches, and newspapers at the time reported Earhart and her navigator were marooned on an island. An Earhart researcher, Elgen Long, claims that Earhart’s airplane ran out of gas within fifty-two miles of the island and is sitting somewhere in a 6,000-square-mile area, at a depth of 17,000 feet. At that depth, the fuselage would still be in shiny, pristine condition if ever anyone were able to locate it. It would not even be covered in a layer of silt. Those who subscribe to this explanation claim that fuel calculations, radio calls and other considerations all show that the plane plunged into the sea somewhere off Howland Island.


i)                    Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title for it.

ii)                  Who was Amelia Earhart? Also men •

iii)                List the two theories about Amelia’s fate.

iv)                Explain the main idea of the second paragraph.

v)                  Give the Antony of the underlined words.

vi)                Give your point of view about thetext type of the given passage. And why do you think so?

vii)              Who are “Myth-Busters”?


Q: 03 Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas.


And when the sun comes out,

After this rain shall stop,

A wondrous light will fill

Each dark, round drop,

I hope the Sun shines bright,

It will be a lovely sight.


Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly



‘Tis a lesson you should heed,

Try, Try Again;

It at first you don’t succeed,

Try, try again;

Then your courage should appear,

For, if you will persevere,

You will conquer, never fear

Try, try again.


Thy kindness shall bring to thee many sweet hours.

And blessings thy pathway to crown;

Affection shall weave thee a garland of flowers,

More precious than wealth or renown




Be kind to thy brother: wherever you are,

The love of a brother shall be

An ornament purer and richer by far,

Than pearls from the depths of the sea.



I hear leaves drinking rain,

I hear rich leaves on top,

Giving the poor beneath,

Drop after drop.

b. Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end.


If you find your task hard is hard, Try again;

Time bill bring you your reward, try again;

All that other folk can do,

With patience should not you?

Only keep this rule in view, try again.


i.                    What is theunderlying message given in the stanza?

ii.                  Which rule shouldone keep in mind as stated in the stanza?


But all  of that is

not its core,

its center is in truth

eternal stillness

bright blue skies

and all you hear

are gentle whispers

far away

and unimportant


i.                    What is the theme of the stanza?

ii.                  Why, according to the poet, whispers are unimportant?



i.                    What is the Rhyming scheme of the given stanza?

ii.                  Explan the message of the poet.


Hold fast to your dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That can not fly.


i.                    Elaborate implied message of the stanza in your own words.

ii.                  What is the Rhyming scheme of the given stanza?

iii.                What do you understand by the phrase “broken-winged bird” ?



Courage must come from the soul within,

The man must furnish the will to win,

So figure it out for yourself, my lad,

You were born with all that the great have had,

With your equipment they all began.

Get hold of yourself, and say: "I can."


i. What equipment is essential for someone to become a great person?                                 (02)

ii. What must the young lad do and say?                                                                               (02)


II. Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.


i. Why did the poet advise to hold fast to dreams?                                                               

ii. What will happen if dreams go?                                                                                        



Q: 04 (a). fill in each blank with Past Indefinite or Past Continuous Tense of the Verb in brackets.

BAHRIA COLLEGES – PNET                      

i.                    What ___________ (you / do) when I ___________ (call) you last night?

ii.                  Shamsa ___________ (watch) a film when she ___________ (hear) the noise.

iii.                We ___________ (play) tennis when Javed ___________ (hurt) his ankle.

iv.                When you ___________ (arrive) at the bus stand, who ___________(be) there?


i. If you work hard, you ______ (pass) the examination.                                                                  

ii. She ______ (mop) the floor when her cousin came in.                  

iii. He walked along the road, wondering what _____.(happen)

iv. It seldom ____________ (rain) here in February.



(i). Saman (live) ___________ in Berlin for morethan two years, in fact, she (live) ___________ there when theBerlin wall came down.

(ii). I am sick of rain andbad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) ___________ up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) ___________.

(iii). If it (snow) ___________ this weekend, we (go) ___________skiing near Lake Tahoe.

(iv). If you (need) ___________ to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) ___________ at the Sheraton in San Francisco.

(v). When I (arrive) ___________ home last night, I discovered that Jamil (prepare) ___________ a deliciousdinner.

(vi). I (have) ___________ thesamecar for more than ten years. I (think) ___________ about buying a new one.


(b). Rewrite the following sentences so that the Verbs will be in the Active Voice (Any Four).


i. The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work.

ii. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.

iii.                We are taught grammar by Mrs Sikandar.

iv.                You will be given a ticket by the manager.

v.                  The budding was damaged by the fire.

vi.                He was praised by the teacher.


(b). Change the paragraph into indirect speech:

The King said, “Is my son dead?” The messenger said, “No Sir, thank God.” The King worriedly said, “Do you mean he is fine?” The messenger replied, “No Sir, he is in great trouble and badly needs your help.”


(b). Change THE GIVEN direct speech into Indirect Speech (Any Four)

(i). I said to her, “Are they inviting me for the meeting?”

(ii). She said to me, “Brother, you are not helpingme as I expected.”

(iii). She said, “I have been waiting forhim since last morning.”

(iv). My brother said to me, “Have you bought a story book for me?”

(v). My mother said, “ I saw you in the shop buying chocolates.”

(vi). Rabi said, “ What a horrible sight!”

(vii.) I said, “ How beautiful your handwriting is!”

c. Fill In the blanks with appropriate modal verb as per direction given In the brackets. (Any Four).


i. ___________ I come with you? (Permission)

ii. There was a time when I ___________ stay up very late (Past Ability)

iii. You ___________ not lose any more weight. You are already slim. (Necessity)

iv. My grandmother is eighty-five, but she ___________ still read and write without glasses. (Ability)

v. ___________ you help me with house work, please? (Polite request)

vi. Our country ___________ become a superpower by 2025. (Possibility)



i.Everybody knows the name of Iqbal.                       (Change into an Interrogative Sentence)

ii. Remind me to come here again.                              (Transform into a Negative Sentence)

iii. You must study regularly.                                     (Change into an Imperative Sentence)

iv. I can never forget you.                                           (Change into an Interrogative Sentence)

v. You are the only person fit for the post.                 (Change into a Negative Sentence)

vi. Are there any restrictions?                                     (Change into an Assertive Sentence)


(c) Do as Directed (Any Four) of the followings.

(i). You are requested to shut the windows and doors. (Change into Imperative Sentence)

(ii). Do you like chocolate pasties?                             (Change into Negative Sentence)

(iii). My name is Jawaid Nizami.                                (Change into Interrogative Sentence)

(iv). This is a beautiful place.                                      (Change into Exclamatory Sentence)

(v). Go and try this newflavour.                                 (Change into Negative Sentence)

(vi). Today is not a gloomy weather.                          (Change into Assertive Sentence)

(vii). Do turn off all the lights and fans when you leave the room. (Change into Imperative Sentence)


Q: 05. Write an Application to:


The Managing Director of a firm for the post of manager. (08)


The Chief Executive of an organization for the post of Public Relations Officer.


The Principal to start Sports Week in your school.


Write a Letter to the editor of a newspaper about / to:


The nuisance caused by excessive use of pressure horns In the city during exams.


About the trouble caused by the encroachments in front of the shops in bazaars, drawing attention of the concerned authorities to take remedial measures.


highlight the importanceof proper garbage disposal with an aim to create awareness among the city residents.


Describe your daily routine using appropriate / correct transitional devices (at least six) for connecting your ideas logically In a paragraph.


Describe your visit to a park using appropriate/correct transitional devices (at least six) for connecting your ideas logically in a paragraph.  



Q.6 Fill in the blanks with appropriate Transition Words.

Lastly, logically, further, in addition, as you can see it, in short

___________, the effect poverty has on education needs to be examined. ___________ many students below the poverty line do not have access to transportation and other resources that allow them to take advantage of school of choice. The services available ___________ through programms within their area are  ___________ that these students lack access to quality education and services students in middle class homes have.

___________ . poverty can have an impart on several aspects of an individuals life. Not only does it impact their work and home life, but education as well. ___________ as a community, it is pivotal to provide advanced services and assistance to individulas in lower-income areas.

Q: 07. Write an Essay (200 to  250 words)


My most recent travel experience,      Global Warming,         Health is Wealth


Importance of Sports and Games, Measures to save our Environment, Information Technology


Seeking education is essential for all,             Uses and misuses of Science and Technology,          

Awareness about importance of First Aid



The sports car drove the long and winding road. The underlined part is:
a. subject                          b. sentence                  c. predicate                  d. object
“They could have been late if they had not taken a taxi.” This sentence is conditional ______
a. Type I                           b. Type II        c. Type III                                d. None of these
Neither of the newspapers in English.”  The underlined part is:
a. Distributive Pronoun                 b. Demonstrative Pronoun                 
c. Indefinite Pronoun                    d. Emphatic Pronoun
“He runs a small grocery store.” The underlined word is a /an:
a. Linking Verb                b. Intransitive Verb     c. Auxiliary Verb         d. Transitive Verb
Which of the following options is synonym of “proficient”?
a. inept                             b. ignorant       c. expert          d. clever
“Because he was late, he missed the first period.” The underlined part of the sentence is:
a. dependent clause          b. independent clause c. relative clause          d. None of these
“Jogging for thirty minutes every day helps you lose weight.”
a. Infinitive Phrase           b. Gerund Phrase          c. Adverb Phrase        d. Prepositional Phrase
“One day, Pip gave something to eat and drink to a prisoner who had escaped from prison.
The underlined part of the sentence is a /an:
a. Noun Clause                b. Adjective Clause       c. Infinitive Phrase       d. Adjective Phrase    
“Eight people got into the elevator but it was crowded so three people got off.” The sentence is:
a. Simple                          b. Compound                 c. Complex                  d. Compound Complex
It is typical for a Chinese family to make eight to nine dishes for the New Year Eve Dinner.” 
The underlined word is a /an _____ Noun:
a. Uncountable                 b. Abstract                     c. Material                   d. Collective
Which of the following is not an Adverb.
a. gently                           b. yesterday                   c. then                          d. sensible
“They _________ before he arrived.”
a. ate                                 b. will have eaten         c. had eaten                 d. have eaten
"After the eight—hour flight, we were all tired." The underlined word is a /an:
a. Gerund                                                          b. Abstract Noun
c. Participle used as a Verb                               d. Participle used as an adjective

Q: 02.
The use of prayer in healing isn't a new fad: instead it is an old idea, the significance of which for modern times is now being rediscovered. Many experts researching in health and stress management are advocating the benefits of prayer-based meditation. It is believed that achieving emotional tranquility through spiritual means could be the ultimate healing experience.
We are the only species conscious of our own mortality and have an organic craving for the eternal. Patients of terminal diseases are expected to show signs of depression and denial but those who are essentially religious are wired to God. When alone and afraid, such patients read their religious scriptures and even talk to God. He's always here, lending a patient hearing to them. The strength that comes with it keeps the patient going.
It is not only a matter of coping with illness. Religiously-inclined patients recover with few complications. By praying to God, religious patients acquire an indirect form of control over their ailment. They have a strong conviction that God is with them and that He's personally interested in their well-being. This safeguards psychological isolation, despair and negativity.
Write down the summary of the passage. Also suggest a suitable title. (5  + 1 = 6)
What are the benefits of prayer-based meditation?
What is meant by “wired to God”?
What keeps the patients going?
How do religious patients get control over the ailment?
What safeguards the religious patients against psychological isolation, despair and negativity?
Write SYNONYMS of the words that are underlined in the passage.

Q: 03. 
        a. Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas

I.                 Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert young,

Who loved thee as fondly as he?

He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue,

And joined a thine innocent glee


II.               If you find your task is hard

Try again;

Time will bring you your reward,

Try Again;

All that other folks can do,

Why with patience should not you?

Only keep this rule in view,

Try Again.

 b. Read the following Stanzas carefully and answer the Questions appended to it:


The clouds are romping with the sea,

And fleshing waves call back to me

That naught is real but what is fair,

That everywhere and everywhere

A glory liveth through despair.


i. Give two examples of Personification from the given stanza.

ii. Elaborate the implied message of the stanza?



You can triumph and come to skill

You can be great if you will

You're well equipped for what fight you choose

You have legs, arms and a brain to use,

And the man who has risen, great deeds to do

Began his life with no more than you


              i. How do you triumph in life?

              ii. Elaborate the implied message of the stanza.



If you find your task is hard
Try again
Time will bring you your reward.
Try again;
All that other folk can do.
Why with patience should not you?
Only keep this rule in view,
Try again.
i.     What must one do if the task is hard?
ii.   How can being patient help a person in his struggle ?
iii. Why is the poet repeating the sentence 'try again'?


Q: 04. a. Fill In the blanks with appropriate Modal Auxiliary Verbs as per directions given in the brackets (Any Four)                                                                                                              (04)

i. They __________ help you with building your house (Ability).

ii. __________ you please pass the salt? (Polite request)

iii. When we were children, we __________ go into the woods to pick wild mushrooms. (Past ability)

iv. You __________ not add too much salt to my soup (Necessity)

v. __________ I have some cookies? (Permission)

vi. Where is my wallet? It __________ in my room (Possibility).

b. Change the paragraph / text into Indirect Speech:                                                        (04)

The mayor: 1 am proud to announce that a new children's park will be built in the Sutter neighbourhood.'

The mayor: “I made a promise to improve your lives. Whose lives are better to start with than those of our children?”

The city planner: “The new park is a result of several months of research and planning”

Resident: “I don't know who is more excited - me or my children!”


Change the Narration of any FOUR of the followings.                                          (04)
(i)                 She said to me, “I have written an essay.”
(ii)               The gardener said to the children, “Don’t spoil the plants.”
(iii)             The players shouted, “We are winner!”
(iv)             He said to me, “Will you lend me your camera?”
(v)               Father said to me, “May you go higher in your life.”
(vi)             They said to him, “What is your business?”
(vii)           She said, “How pretty the bird is!"

 c. Do as directed (Any FOUR) of the following:                                                                (04)

i. It is a lovely rose. (Change into Exclamatory)

ii. Bravo! A nice kick. (Change into Assertive)

iii. She did not behave well there (Change into Interrogative)

iv. Will you lend me your book? (Change into Imperative)

v. Show me your house. (Change into Interrogative)

vi. You could not have taken the school bus. (Change Into Interrogative)

Q: 05. Write an Application to the Managing Director of a firm for the post of Manager (08)


Write a Letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining about the transport system in your locality drawing the attention of the concerned authorities to take remedial measures. 

Q: 06. Write a paragraph to describe the most memorable experience of your life using appropriate / correct Transitional Devices (at least SIX).                                     (06)

Q: 07. Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics (200-250 words)                  (10)

Charms of Winter Season    OR      The Role of Social Media in Our life

OR      How can we Save our Environment


Q: 02. 
These days, it is not unusual to see people listening to music or using electronic gadgets while crossing busy roads or travelling on public transports, regardless of the risks involved. I have often wondered why they want to take such risks” is it because they want to exude a sense of independence, or they want to tell the world to stop bothering them? Or is it that they just want to show how cool they are? Whether it is a workman or an executive, earphones have become an inseparable part of our lives. Sometimes even leading to tragicomic situations.
2. The other day, an electrician had come to our house to fix something. We told him in detail what needed to be done. But after he left, I found that the man had done almost nothing. It later turned on that he could not hear our directions clearly because he had an earphone on. Hundreds of such earphones addicts commute by the Metro every day. While one should not begrudge anyone their moments of privacy or their love for music, the fact is 'iPod oblivion' can sometimes be very dangerous.
3. Recently. I was travelling with my wife on the Metro. Since the train was approaching the last station, there weren't too many passengers. In our compartment, other than us, there were only two women sitting on the other side of the aisle. And then suddenly, I spotted a duffle bag. The bomb scare lasted for several minutes. Then suddenly, a youth emerged from nowhere and picked up the bag. When we tried to stop him, he looked at us, surprised. Then he took off his earpieces, lifted the bag, and told us that the bag belonged to him and that he was going to get off at the next station.
4. We were stunned but recovered in time to ask him where he was all this while. His answer: he was in the compartment, leaning against the door totally immersed in the music. He had no clue about what was going on around him. When he got off, earplugs in his hand, we could hear strains of the song.


i.        Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title for it. (5+1=6)

ii.      What reasons does the author offer for the people taking risks on the road?

iii.    Why didn't the electrician carry out the work properly?

iv.     Why were the people in the Metro doubtful about the bag?

v.       Give the SYNONYMS of the underlined words.

vi.     Explain the term 'earphone addicts'.

vii.  Find words from the paragraph indicated which are similar in meaning to the words given

below (a). inspite of (para 1) (b). path (pare 3) (e) absorbed (para 4)

Q: 03 a. Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas                                        (02)

The wind is now
a roaring, smashing
monster of destruction,
raking all man's work
from the valleys,
from the vales,
and sends them spinning,
broken flying –


but all of that is
not its core,
its center is in truth
eternal stillness
bright blue skies
and all you hear
are gentle whispers
far away
and unimportant

b. Read the following Stanzas carefully and answer the Questions appended to it:         (04)


I hear leaves drinking rain:

I hear rich leaves on top

Giving the poor beneath

Drop after drop;

Tis a sweet noise to hear

These green leaves drinking near.


i.   Write the Rhyming Scheme of the given stanza.                                                (02)

ii. Give two examples of Imagery from the given stanza?                                      (02)


'T is a lesson you should heed

Try, try again.

If at first you don't succeed,

Try, try again.

Then your courage should appear.

For, if you will persevere.

You will conquer, never fear.

Try, try again.

i.What advice is the poet giving in this stanza?                                                       (02)
ii.     Write meanings of the underlined words.                                                        (02)

Q: 04.
a. Fill In the blanks with appropriate Modal Auxiliary Verbs as per directions given in the brackets (Any Four)                                                                                                              (04)

1. It ___________ (rain) since last night and it ___________ (look) as if it may rain for the rest of the day.

2. My school ___________ (hold) a food-and-fun fair next month to raise money for the school building-fund

3. The bees not only ___________ (collect) honey, but they pollinate the flowers as well

4. Maria told him what ___________ (happen) run) to his dog, se he ___________ (run) home to see it.

5. ___________ (be) the taxi ___________ (come) yet?

6. We ___________ (go) shopping last weekend. There ___________ (be) a great crowd at the shopping center.

7. The birds ___________ (sing) in the trees, and there ___________ (be) not a cloud in the sky.

b. Change the paragraph / text into Indirect Speech:                                                        (04)

Mother said to Ali, “Why are you late from school?” Ali said, “I slipped by stepping on a banana.” Mother was shocked to hear this. She said, “Have you hurt yourself?” Ali replied. “I have got a bad bruise on my left knee.”

c. Do as directed (Any FOUR) of the following:                                                                (04)

i. They were happy to move to the city (Change into Negative)

ii. Ahmed has already eaten his dinner (Charge into an Interrogative Sentence)

iii. He does his own work. (Change into an Imperative Sentence)

iv. Who knows answers to these questions? (Change into a statement)

v. Samantha did not take the medicine. (Change into Positive)

vi. Bob was working this weekend. (Change into Negative) 

Q: 05. Write an Application to your Principal requesting him to arrange one day trip. (08)


Letter to the Editor of a newspaper regarding Frequent Breakdown of Electricity drawing attention of the concerned authorities to take the remedial measures.                               (08)

Q: 06. Use the appropriate Transitional Devices from the list below to fill in any SIX blanks in the following passage.                                                                                                                     (06)

also, although, because, but, even, first, however, In addition, moreover, similarly

__________ online learning has both advantages and disadvantages, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks __________. __________ most of the disadvantages can be reduced through careful planning. The __________ and perhaps most obvious disadvantage of online classes is the lack of face to face interaction. Teachers cannot gauge their student’s nonverbal reactions. __________, students miss the teacher's non-verbal cues: tone of voice, pauses, and gestures. They cannot spontaneously ask a question or volunteer an answer. They __________ their fellow students. __________ computers can accommodate physical limitations with text to speech, enlargeable print, font or mouth-operated controls and other adaptations, many students with disabilities have much better access to information than in traditional classrooms. __________, slower students or language learners who need to hear material more than once can read or listen repeatedly and learn at their own pace.

Q: 07. Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics (200-250 words)                  (10)

My favourite festival             OR      Impact of Social Media on our society

OR      Importance of Education



Q: 02. Read the following passage carefully and answer questions appended to it.

Note: Question # 01 about Summary Writing is compulsory and carries 06 marks while rest of the questions carries 03 marks each.

The population of Pakistan is increasing at a rate of 3.2%. Presently, we have to feed more than 200 million people and if the rate of increase in population remains the same, then it will be almost double by the year 2025, leading to add pressure on the underground water resources. Factors such as Global Warming and climate change will further aggravate the problem of the water scarcity. According to a research study on water resources of Pakistan, water of economic values of $70 billion is being thrown into sea every year due to non-construction of water reservoirs. Being water starved country, which has the foreign reserve of only $20 billion, we cannot afford throwing water of the economic value of $70 billion every year into sea.

Study of Pakistan Counsel of Research on the Water Resources of Pakistan (PCRWR) revealed that rapid depletion of ground water may soon worsen the water crisis in Pakistan's major cities, causing a drought-like situation. Such crisis needs to be taken on war footings, otherwise, a large section of Pakistan's population, especially those living in big cities, will be facing severe shortage of water.



I. Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title to it.

II. What difficulty will anse with the increase in Pakistan's population?

III. What do you mean by Global Warming?

IV. How will Global Warming affect the shortage of water in our country?

V. What has PCRWR revealed about the situation In Pakistan?

Vl. Suggest one measure to be taken to cope up with the water crisis in Pakistan.

VII. Write Antonyms of the underlined words.

Q: 03.

a. Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas.

“Courage” the morning-glory saith;

Rejoice!” the daisy murmureth,

And just to live is so divine

When pansies lift their eyes to mine.


The wind is now

a roaring smashing monster of destruction,

raking all man work from the valleys

from the vales.

and send them spinning

broken flying


b. Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end.

Figure it out for yourself, my lad.

You've all that the greatest of men have had,

Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,

And a brain to use

If you would be wise

With this equipment they all began,

So start for the top and say “I Can


I. What has the poet pointed out that makes a human different from others?

II. What does the word “Equipment” refer to in the fifth line?


The clouds are romping with the sea,

And flashing waves cell back to me

That naught is real but what is fair,

That everywhere and everywhere

A glory liveth through despair.


I. Why are the clouds romping with the sea?

II. What does the poet mean when he says that glory lives with despair?


Q: 4.

a. Identify Demonstrative, Reflexive and Interrogative Pronouns in the following sentences.

I. Who is there?

II. Hand no that hammer.

III. I saw myself in the mirror.

IV. Which is your pen?

b. Replace each Adverb Clause by an Adverb or Adverb Phrase.

I. As soon as I saw the cobra I ran away.

II. I did not pay her, as I had no money with me.

III. I have not been well since I returned from Murree.

IV. He may go home after his work is finished.

c. Do as Directed. (Any four)

I. I can never forget you.                                (Change into an Interrogative Sentence)

II. Only the brave deserves the praise.           (Change into a Negative Sentence)

III. Books are a source of comfort for us.      (Change into an Interrogative Sentence)

IV. Will you please close the door?                (Change into an Imperative Sentence)

V. Literature is the story of humans.              (Change into a Negative Sentence)

VI. Go away from here.                                  (Change into Imperative Sentence)

Q: 5. Write an Application to the District Nazim about the poor condition of your area.


Write a Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about Increasing street crimes.

Q: 6. Use the Appropriate Transitional Devices given in the list below to fill In the following blanks.

since, otherwise, until, however, therefore, although

I. We hope to receive the order on time, _________we will cancel.

II. She was attractive; _________she was not beautiful.

III. _________an iInvoice is paid in cheque, make sure it is deposited as soon as possible.

IV. Our company expanded, _________we hired new personnel.

V. _________last week, she has not been the same.

VI. Najma was a terrible employee _________she got promoted.

Q: 7. Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics.

I. Need for online studies

II. My Ambition

III. Courtesy


PRE – BOARD 2021-22 - APRIL

Q: 2. Read the following passage carefully and answer any FIVE questions including Question No. (I) appended to it. Note: Question (i) about summary writing is compulsory carrying 06 marks while rest of the questions carry 03 marks each.                                                                                 (6 + 4 X 3 = 18)

It is rare to find someone with good technical and communication skills. You can get far ahead of your class fellows if you focus on your communication skill. People will judge, evaluate, promote or block you based on your communication skills. Since habits form by repeating both good and bad forms of communication, learn to observe great communicators and adopt their styles and traits — in written and verbal forms. The art of listening and learning from each and every interaction, is another secret recipe. Develop the subconscious habit of listening to yourself as you speak and know when to pause.

Learning what not to say is probably more important than learning what to say. As your career develops, you will realize that the wise speak less. Speak when you have value to add, else refrain. Poorly constructed emails with grammatical errors are acceptable between friends, but they should be seriously avoided while communicating formally with your seniors. Avoid any communication in an emotional state when you might say things you will regret later. One unnecessary word uttered at the wrong time or place can ruin a relationship, career or even your life. Such is the power of words. If such a thing happens, you should immediately apologize, else it may haunt you for life.

Another problem to overcome is speaking too fast. Since our minds are working faster than our speech, we are inclined to speak fast. This does not necessarily mean that the person hearing it will get it any faster. On the contrary, it is always the reverse. So slow down, and think before you speak. “When I get ready to speak to people," Abraham Lincoln said. "I spend two-third of the time thinking what they want to hear and one-third thinking what I want to say." Adding humour and wit is also essential. But realize that not all jokes are funny and observe certain boundaries. Never say anything that could offend. Remember you are not a comedian who must offend as many people as you can to be witty.


i. Write down the summary of the passage. Also suggest a suitable title. (5 + 1 = 6)

ii. Why is it necessary to have good communication skills?

iii. How can communication skills be developed?

iv. Write down meanings of the underlined word

v. What according to the writer, should be avoided while communicating?

vi. Why should you be careful when you tend to be humorous?

vii. Write down any three traits of a good speaker, from whom you are inspired.


Q: 3. a. Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas.

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you:

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;


Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.


b. Read the following Poem / Stanzas carefully and answer the questions appended to it:

You are the handicap you must face,

You are the one who must choose your place,

You must say where you want to go,

How much you will study the truth to know,

God has equipped you for life, but He

Lets you decide what you want to be.


i.                    What is the message of the poet in the above given stanza?

ii.                  What opportunities God has given to human beings to be successful in life?


For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude:

And then my heart with pleasure fills.

And dances with that daffodils.


i.                    How do daffodils help the poet in getting rid of pensive mood?

ii.                  Write and explain any two poetic devices used in the stanza.


Q: 4.

a.                  Fill in the blanks with appropriate Form of the Verbs given in the brackets.

I. THE club __________ (hold) its annual meeting last Monday.

II. He __________ (prepare) for his examination next week.

III. The __________ car (travel) very fast when It skidded.

IV. They __________ (visit) many countries by the time they return home.


b. Change the FOUR bold into Indirect Speech. (4)

Maria recently returned from a conference in Dubai and told her colleagues about her trip there. She said "The architecture of Dubai is fascinating, with many now buildings of glass and steel". Of course, she also saw the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. Some of her (mewls went up to the top, but Maria said, "I didn't because I am afraid of heights". She said, "I don't even like being on a second-storey balcony, so the Burj Khalifa was definitely out of question for me!" Maria said that there were many shopping centers in Dubai, but they were expensive. The weather was 'unbelievably hot.' On her last night in Dubai, Maria and her friends went on a dinner cruise on a small boat in the harbor. There was music and great food, and they could see the lights of the city as the boat cruised through the harbor, She added, "It was the perfect ending to two weeks in Dubai".


c. Do as directed (any FOUR) of the following (4)

i.                    Ismail always feeds the cat before going out. (Change into Interrogative Sentence)

ii.                  They launched their business last year. (Change into Negative Sentence)

iii.                The mother reprimanded the boy for coming home late. (Change into Interrogative Sentence)

iv.                The captain ordered the soldiers to fire at the enemy. (Change into Negative Sentence)

v.                  The teacher told the boys not to make a noise. (Change into Interrogative Sentence)

vi.                Lot the task be finished. (Change into Imperative Sentence)




Q: 5. Write an Application to the MPA of your city requesting him for a children's park in your locality. (8)


Write a Letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the nuisance caused by the excessive use of pressure horns in the city during examination days drawing attention of the concerned authorities to take the remedial measures.


Q: 6. Describe a trip that include something unexpected and surprising using appropriate / correct Transitional Devices (at least Six) for connecting your ideas logically in a paragraph. (6)


Q: 7. Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics: (200-250 words) (10)

Artificial Intelligence OR Respect OR Video Games Influence