HSSC - Federal Board

Novel (PoZ) - MCQs



1.        “I wonder when in the world are you going to do anything, Rudolf”. These words are spoken by:             Rose
2.        “I enjoy an enviable position. I am brother to Lord Burlesdon”. These words are spoken by: Rudolf Rassendyll
3.        “To a man of spirit, Opportunities are duties”. These words are spoken by: Rudolf Rassendyll
4.        “Before God, you are the finest Elphberg of them all. But I have eaten of the King’s bread and I am King’s servant.” These words are spoken by:                         Colonel Sapt
5.        “Whatever else I wear. This I will wear till I die and after”. These words are spoken by:         Princess Flavia
6.        “Heaven doesn’t always make the right men kings.”      These words are spoken by: Fritz
7.        “Good families are generally worse than any others”. These words are spoken by: Rose
8.        “You have got a charming travelling companion.” These words are spoken by: George Fatherly
9.        “A thousand crowns for a sight of brother Michael’s face when he sees a pair of us”. These words are spoken by: Rudolf Elphberg
10.    “There is none within ten miles, and a thousand doctors wouldn’t take him to Strelsau today.”           These words are spoken by:              Colonel Sapt
11.    “As a man grows old he believes in fate. Fate sent you here, fate sends you now to Strelsau.”                   These words are spoken by:                                 Colonel Sapt
12.    “If he is red, he is right”. These words are spoken by:                woman from cook-shop
13.    “To the right our road, to the left Castle, each at eight miles”. These words are spoken by:      Colonel Sapt
14.    “I must be found out.”                 These words are spoken by:                Rudolf Rassendyll
15.    “Say I am Christian or say I am jealous. My God! Shall I see him marry her?”  These words are spoken by:          Madam De Mauban
16.    “Au Revior, Rudolf Rassendyll”.            These words are spoken by:    Rupert of Hentzau
17.    “A threat is more warning than most men get from me.”            These words are spoken by:    Black Michael
18.    “Black Michael will fall, like the dog he is.”       These words are spoken by:    Rupert of       Hentzau
19.    “Our little Delilah will bring out Samson”.      These words are spoken by:    Rudolf Rassendyll
20.    “Our little Delilah will bring out Samson”.          Here Delilah means     Johann’s FiancĂ©e
21.    “Our little Delilah will bring out Samson”.          Here Samson means                Johann
22.    Novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” was written in:                                      1893
23.    Novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is an artistic pen down of:                     Anthony Hope Hawkins
24.    Novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” was published in:                                  1894
25.    Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins was born in:                                                1863
26.    Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins was born in:                                                1933
27.    Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins was knighted in:                                         1918
28.    Sir Anthony Hope has created a romantic story at a _________ degree. remarkable
29.    Rudolf Rassendyll is the _________ of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. hero
30.    Rudolf Rassendyll belongs to:                                                                 England
31.    Rudolf Rassendyll is _________ years old.                                            29
32.    The height of Rudolf Rassendyll was:                                                    six feet, two inches
33.    Rudolf Rassendyll resembled King Elphberg in:                                    physical features
34.    The colour of Rassendyll’s hair was:                                                       red
35.    Lord Burlesdon is the _________ of Rassendyll.                                   brother
36.    The real name of Lord Burlesdon is:                                                       Robert
37.    Lord Burlesdon is Rassendyll’s _________ brother.                              elder
38.    The name of Rassendyll’s sister in law is:                                               Rose Robert Rassendyll
39.    To play a good knife and fork was the custom of:                                  Rassendyll
40.    George Fatherly is a diplomat in the British Embassy in:                        Paris
41.    Bartram Bertrand is a poet and:                                                               journalist
42.    Bartram Bertrand works with:                                                                 newspaper named Critic
43.    Bertram Bertrand was interested in:                                                        Antoinette De Mauban
44.    Dresden was famous for its:                                                                    picture galleries
45.    Duration of Rassendyll’s stay in Ruritania was:                                      two months
46.    Ruritania is a/an _________ country.                                                      imaginary
47.    King Rudolf was the _________ king of Elphberg family:                    fifth
48.    Rudolf Elphberg is the _________ in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. King of Ruritania
49.    Princess Flavia is the _________ of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. heroine
50.    Princess Flavia is immediate _________ to the throne.               heir
51.    Black Michael is the _________ of previous king from his morganatic marriage.          son
52.    Black Michael is the _________ of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. villain
53.    Princess Flavia is _________ of Rudolf Elphberg.                                 cousin and fiancĂ©e
54.    Black Michael is _________ of Rudolf Elphberg.                                  half brother
55.    After the death of Rudolf Elphberg the heir to the throne of Ruritania would be: Princess     Flavia
56.    “Strelsua” is the _________of Ruritania.                                                Capital
57.    Zenda was a small:                                                                                   town
58.    “Zenda” is a small town about _________ miles away from the Capital: fifty
59.    “Zenda” is a small town about _________ miles away from the border of Ruritania. ten
60.    The crown Prince of Ruritania is:                                                            Rudolf Elphberg
61.    Black Michael wants to marry _________ to get the throne.                  Princess Flavia
62.    King’s face was slightly _________ than Rassendyll.                            flashier
63.    The Coronation Ceremony lasted for:                                                     one hour
64.    The perfect of Police came to Zenda to look for:                                    Rudolf Rassendyll
65.    Black Michael had hired _________ men to dethrone King Elphberg.  six
66.    Out of “The Six” _________ were Ruritanians.                          three
67.    Out of “The Six” _________ were Ruritanians.                          three
68.    De Gautet was:                                                                            French
69.    Bersonin was:                                                                               Belgian
70.    Detchard was:                                                                              English
71.    Lauengram was:                                                                           Ruritanian
72.    Krafstein was:                                                                              Ruritanian
73.    Rupert of Hentzau was:                                                               Ruritanian
74.    Rupert of Hentzau was the most daring and _________ of the six.       Dangerous
75.    Detchard was killed by:                                                               Rudolf Rassendyll
76.    Max Holf was killed by:                                                              Fritz
77.    Fritz was interested in:                                                                 Lady Helga
78.    Rupert was fond of:                                                                     Madam De Mauban
79.    King Elphberg was injured by:                                                    Detchard
80.    The number of killed in the incident at Shooting lodge were:    three
81.    Black Michael was killed by:                                                       Rupert of Hentzau
82.    _________ attacked and injured Rassendyll.                              Rupert
83.    Rupert attacked Rassendyll with a:                                             dagger
84.    Out of “The Six” ruffians of Black Michael _________ were foreigners.          three
85.    To protect himself at the Summer House, Rassendyll used a:     tea-table
86.    Rassendyll proves himself to be a better _________ than Rudolf Elphberg.     king
87.    Duke Michael plays the role of a/an _________ in the novel “Prisoner of Zenda”.       villain
88.    Rassendyll and Black Michael meet each other first time in / at the:                  Cathedral
89.    In the Summer House, Black Michael’s men offer Rassendyll _________ and safe return.
       50,000 Pounds
90.    The second offer from Black Michael for Rassendyll to leave Ruritania was brought the safe             passage to the frontier and an amount of:                                                10, 00, 000 Pounds
91.    The second offer from Black Michael for Rassendyll to leave Ruritania was brought by:         Rupert of Hentzau
92.    Rupert snatched a horse from a farm:                                          girl
93.    Rassendyll was trapped in summerhouse by three of the six, De Gautet, Bersonin and:           Detchard
94.    They fired their pistols but Rassendyll defended himself with:  iron-topped tea-table
95.    At Summerhouse, Rudolf Rassendyll injured:                            Detchard  
96.    The Duke of Strelsua is:                                                               Black Michael
97.    The Prisoner in the Castle of Zenda is:                                        Rudolf Elphberg
98.    Black Michael is the _________ of the Castle of Zenda.           owner
99.    King Elphberg was imprisoned in:                                               old Castle
100.The old and new portions of the castle of Zenda were connected by a:             drawbridge
101. A _________ is a deep wide ditch that is dug around a castle and filled with water to protect           it from enemies.                                                                                  moat
102. “The Ladder of Jacob” is a:                                                        pipe
103. Rassendyll tried to survey the Castle of Zenda first time:         alone
104. Rudolf Rassendyll meets Antoinette De Mauban at:                 railway station
105. Antoinette De Mauban was going to:                                         Strelsau
106. Antoinette De Mauban comes from:                                          France
107. Antoinette De Mauban is about _________ years old.              30
108. Antoinette De Mauban is a:                                                        French widow
109. Rudolf observed that Madam Mauban was a year or two over:            thirty
110. Rudolf made his mind to stop at:                                               Zenda
111. Rassendyll sent his luggage directly to:                                      Strelsau
112. _________ gave Rudolf Rassendyll the address of Castle.       Johann
113. In Zenda, Rassendyll stayed in:                                                 Inn Kept
114. Johann was Duke Michael’s _________ on the State of Zenda. game keeper
115. Rassendyll walked in the forest of Zenda for an:                      hour
116. Colonel Sapt and Fritz Von Tarlenheim served Rudolf Elphberg as: aid-de-camp
117.When Fritz and Sapt met Rassendyll first time, both wore shooting costumes and were          carrying                                                                                   guns
118. Rudolf Rassendyll was awaken from his sleep in the forest of Zenda by: Fritz and Sapt
119. This person made arrangement for Rudolf Rassendyll’s stay in Zenda: Johann
120. This person was left behind to look after King at shooting lodge in Zenda: Joseph
121. Joseph was a _________ to King Elphberg.                               domestic servant
122.Countess of Helga was lady-in-waiting to:                                 Princess Flavia
123. Princess Flavia warned Rassendyll about:                                  Black Michael
124. On the coronation day it was actually _________ who was crowned as the King of   Ruritania:                                                                                Rudolf Rassendyll
125. The Coronation Ceremony was scheduled on:                           Wednesday
126. Rassendyll was coroneted in the/ at the:                                                Cathedral
127. Max Holf was _________ to Johann.                                         Brother
128. This person provided internal information of the castle to Rassendyll: Johann
129. During his first adventure to the Castle of Zenda Rudolf Rassendyll killed:    Max Holf
130. The letter through which Rassendyll was invited to the Summer House was written by:         Antoinette De Mauban
131. Marshal Strakencz was _________ of the Ruritanian Army.     Commander in Chief
132. _________ impersonated Rudolf Elphberg.                               Rudolf Rassendyll
133. _________ betrayed Black Michael and helped Rassendyll.     Madam de Mauban
134. Rudolf Rassendyll arranged a _________ for Princess Flavia.  Ball
135. In Ball, Rudolf Rassendyll presented Princess Flavia a:            rose
136. Princess Flavia wore Rassendyll’s _________ as his memory:  ring
137. Princess Flavia did not leave Ruritania with Rudolf Rassendyll because:         she was           bound by honour and responsibilities.
138. Rudolf and Princess agreed that the interests of the kingdom must be placed before their:     love
139. Rupert of Hentzau had an interview with Rassendyll in the ground of the: Tarlenheim state
140. Madam De Mauban fires a revolver at:                                      Rupert of Hentzau
141. Before the leaving on his dangerous mission, Rudolf Rassendyll entrusted Marshal with the task of guarding:                                                                        Princess Flavia
142. The anonymous letter that was sent to the king invited him to come to:summerhouse
143. At the summerhouse, Madam De Mauban informed Rassendyll about: danger to his life
144. If an attack was made on the Castle of Zenda, Michael planned:         to kill the king
145. The body of the king was orders to be thrown in the moat through:     pipe
Ruritania is:                                                                             an imaginary country
Rassendyll says to Michael, “I was playing with a Mongrel dog”. It means: dog of mixed breed
 “God save the King” was whispered by:                               Sapt
Fritz Von Tarlenheim was in love with:                                  Countess Helga
The next heir to the throne of Ruritania is                            Princess Flavia
The next heir to the throne is:                                                 Princess Flavia
Cousin of the King and immediate heir to the Throne of Ruritania was:       Princess Flavia
The Coronation Ceremony took place on:                              Wednesday
The Coronation Ceremony of King Rudolf takes place in:    Strelsau
The old and the new portions of the Castle of Zenda were connected by: drawbridge
Out of the Six hirelings of Black Michael, the three Ruritanians are Lauengram, Krafstein and: Rupert of Hentzau
Duke Michael was killed by:                                                  Rupert of Hentzau
Black Michael was killed by:                                                  Rupert of Hentzau
Rudolf Elphberg was Princess Flavia’s:                                 cousin
The woman who sacrificed her love for the sake of her country was: Princess Flavia
For the sake of country, Princess Flavia sacrificed her:          love
The most daring and dangerous of the Six is:                        Rupert of Hentzau
The most dangerous of the Black Michael’s six was:             Rupert of Hentzau
The most daring and dangerous of Michael’s Six is:              Rupert of Hentzau
The most daring and dangerous of the Six is:                        Rupert of Hentzau
The most dangerous of the six followers of Black Michael is: Rupert of Hentzau
By far the most dangerous and daring of ‘The Six’ is:           Rupert of Hentzau
In the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” Jacob’s ladder was actually a:            pipe
The Jacob’s ladder was a:                                                       pipe
Jacob’s ladder was connecting:                                              New and Old Castles of Zenda
Madam De Mauban wrote a letter at the command of Black Michael to: Rudolf Rassendyll
Madam De Mauban wrote a letter to Rudolf Rassendyll at the command of: Black Michael
Mauban wrote a letter to Rassendyll on the order of:                        Black Michael
Marshal Strakencz was:                                                          Commander in Chief
“You have borne yourself as a wise king and a brave man” was stated by: Marshal Strakencz
Black Michael was the Duke of:                                             Strelsau
Antoinette De Mauban was liked by:                                                 Rupert of Hentzau
Rupert of Hentzau was mad after:                                         Madam De Mauban
Fritz Von Tarlenheim was the:                                                King’s attendant
This line ‘Heaven doesn’t always make the right man king’ is said by:         Fritz
“Heaven does not always make the right men king” is said by:         Fritz
Through the novel “The Prisoner Of Zenda”, Anthony Hope conveys the message that:
honour is superior to love.
The man imprisoned in the Castle of Zenda was:                   Rudolf Elphberg
To dethrone King Elphberg, Black Michael hired the services of the gang of: The Six
The throne of Ruritania was saved by the wisdom and loyalty of: Sapt
Due to the jealousy of Princess Flavia, Black Michael was betrayed by: Madam De Mauban
Madam De Mauban betrayed:                                                Black Michael
Madame de Mauban wanted to marry:                                   Duke Michael
Lady Burlesdon was the sister-in-law of:                               Rudolf Rassendyll
The name of sister-in-law or Rassendyll is:                             Rose
To a man spirit my dear Rose, ‘Opportunities’ are:                possibilities
In the tea-table incident, Rassendyll used the table to:          protect himself.
In the Summerhouse for his defense Rassendyll used a:        tea-table.
The main villain of ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’ is:                      Duke Michael
The Language of Ruritania was:                                             German
“Ball” as referred to in The Prisoner of Zenda means:           Dance Party
Lauengram was a:                                                                   Ruritanian
The Prisoner of Zenda in the novel is:                                    Rudolf Elphberg
Ruritania is an imaginary country in:                                      Central Europe
The Prisoner of Zenda is rightly called a:                               melodrama / Romantic
The Prisoner of Zenda is written by:                                      Sir Anthony Hope
Bertram Bertrand is a poet and a:                                           journalist
The King and the Duke both wish to marry:                          Princess Flavia
The hero in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is:                  Rudolf Rassendyll
Lord Burlesdon was the brother of:                                       Rudolf Rassendyll
The group called “the Six” refers to:                                      Lawless murderers.
Rudolf Rassendyll belonged to:                                             England
Rudolf Rassendyll was aged:                                                 29
There was a close resemblance between Rassendyll and:       Rudolf Elphberg
The capital of Ruritania was:                                                  Strelsau
Sir Jacob has to have an embassy in six months and Robert is sure that he will take his brother as an: attachĂ©
The man of Ruritanian Army chief in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is:            Strakencz
The bodyguards of King Elphberg were Col. Sapt and:        Fritz
‘I can’t kill a woman whom I liked’, The speaker of these words in novel “Prisoner of Zenda” is:
King Rudolf Elphberg was imprisoned in the room at Zenda inOld Castle
Madam De Mauban is a rich lady from:                                 France