HSSC - Federal Board

Marking Scheme and solved Model Paper (Part- II) XI - Karachi Board - New Book - 2022 & Onwards


Annual Examination - 2023

TIME: 2 Hours 40 minutes                                                                           Max. Marks: 50 SECTION B (SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS)

Note: Attempt TEN part-questions from this section, including at least TWO part-questions from each sub-section. All questions carry equal marks.



(i). Which is the greatest curse according to the Quaid-e-Azam? Explain.


Unit Reference: Unit #:  01 - Quaid on 11th August 1947.

The biggest and colossal curse according to Quaid-e-Azam is bribery and corruption. This curse excavates entire system of any state. The Quaid-e-Azam has termed this a poison that works like a termite. However, The Quaid trusted that through adequate measures this curse can be taken under control to crush this evil with iron hand.

(ii). What are the benefits of E-Commerce in today’s world?

Unit Reference: Unit #: 04 - Technology Smart and Tech-Savvy

Ans: The World is moving so fast since the invention of computers and internet. In the new Global Economy, most of the businesses around the world have changed from conventional to virtual. As Technology is the key to continued advancement in every walk of life, E-Commerce is one of those. It means Electronic Business and dealing of merchandize through Internet. As Internet is part and parcel of our lives now so the business through internet is a common norm aswell. Those who don’t change with the passage of time become extinct so no one can deny the importance of E-Commerce in 21st Century.

(iii). What mistake did Stephen Leacock make when he wrote the cheque?

Unit Reference: Unit #: 05 - My Bank Account by Stephen Leacock

Ans: Author Stephen Leacock has lost his head due to nervousness and in that condition he committed a serious mistake of writing wrong amount i. e. total amount of Sixty Six (66) Dollars on the cheque instead of Six (06) dollars which he intended to withdraw for his daily expenses.

(iv). Why should you choose a career that interests you?


Unit Reference: Unit #: 09 – Choosing Career

One must choose a career that interests him / her because there is a difference between job and career. It is about a future growth so the realization of one’s aspirations, fulfillment of personality, prospectus of productivity, satisfaction both mentally and financially and happiness so the decision must be taken very carefully and should be considered with experts’ like parents, teachers, seniors in the particular field and career counselors’ advise.


(v). Discuss the poem “The Character of a Happy Life” with reference to the line; “And having nothing yet hath all.”


Poem Reference: Unit #: 01 – The Character of a Happy Life

The poet Sir Henry Wotton described that the man of happy life doesn’t possess any worldly wealth of materialistic objects to make him rich yet he has the contentment of mind and soul that he hasn’t done any wrong nor have hurt anyone in any sense that he would be accountable on the Day of Judgment. According to the poet this is having all in real.

(vi). What irony has been presented in the poem Ozymandias?


Poem Reference: Unit #: 03 – Ozymandias

P. B shelly has composed the poem “Ozymandias” in which he has described that every rise has a fall and people forget anyone with time. He has given the example of most powerful Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II whose broken status is lying in the desert and when a traveler passes by, it tells the story of its glory and power in its time realizing its helplessness in the wake of time.

(vii). What reward does a Khahori get after his hard work?


Poem Reference: Unit #: 07 – Lines from Sur Khahori

A Khahori gets the ultimate reward of being saved from ignorance. He gets the trophies of contentment and satisfaction in this world and hereafter.

(viii). Identify the Poem and the Poetic Devices used in the following lines:

Where thickest lies the forest growth

We find the patriarchs of both.

And they hold counsel with the stars

Whose broken branches show the scars,

Of many winds and much of strife.

This is the common law of life.


Poem Reference: Unit #: 04 – Good Timber by Douglas Malloch

This stanza has been taken from the poem Good Timber composed by Douglas Malloch. In this stanza the poet has made lovely use of different poetic devices such as Personification and Metaphors and Alliteration.


(ix). Why was Kreton interested in visiting the planet “Earth”?


Play Reference: “A VISIT TO THE SMALLE PLANET: Scene – ONE”

Kreton is interested to observe and watch humans. He says they are his hobby and he wants to study their natures and habits closely. He is interested to visit the Planet “Earth” to observe the war in person.

(x). Describe the reactions of different characters to Kreton’s visit.
Play Reference: “A VISIT TO THE SMALLE PLANET: Scene – ONE”
Different characters have reacted differently on the Kreton’s visit. It is actually to portray different attitude of humans towards one thing. Some show fear, some show excitement, some are curious to know more and some are dead afraid of the unseen.
Representing each walk of life many characters have been presented with different responses on Kreton’s visit such as:
TV Newscaster Mr. Spelding is in a state of disbelief whereas John is hit by the wave of curiosity, Ellen with the feelings of fear and worriedness for the safety of her fiancée. General Powers shows his fear and sense of duty and at the same time as he is opportunist so the thought of promotion flows in mind side by side.

(xi). How is media portrayed in the play?
Play Reference: “A VISIT TO THE SMALLE PLANET: Scene – ONE”
Media is portrayed as a guided medium of information and misinformation controlled by the law enforcement and government authorities. It is depicted that media is dictated by government what to broadcast, write, telecast and said on it and there is a very strong censorship that media faces in case of news casting.
(xii). Which character in the play “A Visit to a Small Planet” do you like most and why?
Play Reference: “A VISIT TO THE SMALLE PLANET: Scene – ONE”
The character I like the most in the play is John Rudolph, a young man, who is fiancée to Ellen Spelding and at the same time liked and disliked by her parents. He is a self-depending, confident and brave. He is the one who informs about the flying saucer and proceeds to investigate as the first one in play.
(xiii). Change the Narration.



(a). The manager said to the customer, “Get out of my office.”

(b). He said, “The earth is round.”

(c). Raza said, “I must arrange a couple of things.”

(d). She said, “Be quite and listen to my words.”

(e). She said to me, “What are you doing now?”


(a). The manager ordered / told the customer to get out of his office.

Present Indefinite Tense

(b). He stated / wised / told said the earth is round.

Universal Truth

(c). Raza emphasized that he must arrange a couple of things.

Present Indefinite Tense

(d). She ordered to be quiet and listen to her words.

Declarative Sentence

(e). She asked / inquired me what I was doing then.

Continuous - Interrogative

(xiv). Change the Voice:


(a). He has to purchase a car.

(b). Let her write a poem.

(c). Why did you help her?

(d). Who did this?

(e). Someone killed the criminal.


(a). A car has to be purchased by him.

Present Perfect Tense

(b). Let a poem be written by her.

Present Indefinite Tense

(c). Why was she helped by you?

Past Indefinite Tense  - Interrogative

(d). This was done by whom?

Present Indefinite – Interrogative

(e). The criminal was killed by someone.

Past Indefinite Tense

(xv). Spot the errors and do the correction of Verb, Preposition and Adjectives in the following sentences:


(a). He does his homework at the afternoon.

(b). The lamp will be lit on 8.00 pm.

(c). She clean her room every day.

(d). They have make a cake on their birthday.

(e). My bed is more big than my desk.


(a). He does his homework in the afternoon.

Error of Preposition

(b). The lamp will be lit at 8.00 pm.

Error of Preposition

(c). She cleans her room every day.

Error of Verb (Third Person -s / es)

(d). They have made a cake on their birthday.

Error of Verb (Tense)

(e). My bed is bigger than my desk.

Error of Adjective

(xvi). Do as directed:


(a). Do you play tennis said Bilal                                     (Punctuate)

(b). If I were you,                                                 (Complete the Sentence)

(c). My brother does not write letters to his friends.     (Put the Adverb “usually” in the right place)

(d). He could not win a scholarship. He is careless.       (Make a Compound Sentence)

(e). You      visit your dentist at least twice a year. (Modal Verb showing Advice)


(a). Do you play tennis?” said Bilal.

(b). If I were you, I had accepted this job offer. (Conditional Sentence)

(c). My brother usually does not write letters to his friends.

(d). He could not win a scholarship due to being careless.          (Make a Compound Sentence)

(e). You should visit your dentist at least twice a year. (Insert Modal Verb showing Advice)


Note: Attempt all questions from this section.

Q: 03. Read the following Passage and answer the Questions that follow:



Make a Précis of the passage and suggest a Suitable title to it.



Harland Sanders was born in the USA in 1890s but his childhood wasn’t a happy one. His father died when he was only six. So, his mother needed to find a job. She went to work in a shirt factory and Harland stayed at home to look after his younger brother and sister. That was when he first learned to cook. He left home when he was twelve and worked on a nearby farm. After that he had a lot of different jobs and in 1950 he became a service station manager in Corbin Kentucky. He started cooking meals for hungry travellers who stopped at the service station and soon people came only for the food. Harland moved to 142 seat restaurant across the street. Where he could serve all his customers. Over the next nine years he developed the secret chicken recipe that made him famous. In the early 1950s he closed the restaurant and decided to sell his recipe to other business. The first official Kentucky fried chicken restaurant didn’t open until August 1952--- by 1964 there were more than 600 KFCs in North America. That year Sanders sold the company for $ 2 million, but he continued to work as KFC’s public spokesman and visited restaurants all over the world. He travelled every year until he died in 1980 aged 90. There are now KFC restaurants in more than 80 countries and they sell 2.5 billion chicken dinners every year and the recipe is still a secret.


(a). How long did it take Sanders to develop his secret chicken recipe?

Ans: It took Sanders around nine years to develop the secret chicken recipe that made him famous.

(b). What did Sanders do after he had sold his company?

Ans: In the early 1950s after closing the restaurant Sanders had decided to sell his recipe to other business. However, he continued to work as KFC’s public spokesman and visited restaurants all over the world.

(c). Give a suitable title to the passage.

Ans: Suitable title for the passage, in my opinion, can be: History of KFC or Harland Sanders – a Trend Setter or A Dream Came True

(d). Identify Regular and Irregular Verbs: (i). left (ii). went        (iii). needed     (iv). stayed


Regular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

needed – first form need

left – first form leave

stay – first form stayed

went – first form go



Harland Sanders, born in the USA in 1890s with an unhappy childhood as his father had died in childhood and mother being jobless. She worked at a factory and he stayed home to look after his siblings and also learnt to cook. He left home at the age of twelve and worked on a farm. He did multiple jobs including a service station manager’s Job in Corbin Kentucky where he cooked for hungry travelers stopping there. It turned into food visits making Harland to move to a 142 seat restaurant across the street. He developed his famous secret chicken recipe in nine years’ time which he decided to sell in the early 1950s after closing the restaurant. The first official Kentucky fried chicken restaurant didn’t open until August 1952 but by 1964 there were more than 600 KFCs in North America. Sanders sold the company for $ 2 million but continued as KFC’s public spokesman visiting all over the world till his death in 1980 aged 90. KFC restaurants in more than 80 countries selling 2.5 billion chicken dinners every year with the same secret recipe.

Suitable Title: Suitable Title for the passage, in my opinion, can be: History of KFC or Harland Sanders – a Trend Setter or Where there is a Will there is a Way.

Q: 04. Write a Formal Email to your College Principal asking / requesting him to allow your team to participate in Sindh Inter-College Cricket Tournament. 

To: PrincipalABCcollege@abc.edu.pk

CC: Ichagestudentaffairs@abc.edu.pk                                                                                                 

BCC: Classteacher.gradeXI@abc.edu.pk

From: studentsofXI@Gmail.com

Subject: Permission for participation in Sindh Inter-College Cricket Tournament.

Date: June 11, 2022                                                                                        Time: 2:29 pm

Respected Sir / Madam,

I am writing this email requesting you to allow our college team to participate in Sindh Inter-College Cricket Tournament.

As it is said “All work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Our college facilitates sports and games opportunities with proper coaching available and we have a proper college cricket team which is talented as well as a very balanced team that has won many prizes in internal and external tournaments.

Sindh Inter-College Cricket Tournament is a place where students can showcase their talents and can get an opportunity to make their names. It is also a place where selectors from PCB come to pick talented guys for under 19 team and domestic cricket chances. It is also a platform to make a name of our college and win laurels for it. Our college coach has done a lot of effort throughout the year and has made our team ready for any type of game. We also want to make him proud and assure that his efforts didn’t go in vain. All the formalities have already been done and only your permission is required to proceed for registration.

Therefore, it is humbly requested that our team may kindly be granted permission to participate in the Sindh Inter-College Cricket Tournament. That we can prove that Government College students and teachers are not lesser than any other private institute and they do not lack talent and confidence.

I, on behalf of our college students and cricket team, hope that your kind office will approve my request and will facilitate us with this opportunity by granting permission to participate.

Yours Obediently.

X. Y. Z

Captain of College Cricket team and students of Class XI


Write a Report about Student Week held in the college (Including events, days and dates).

Q: 05. Write a Narrative Account of an incident that influenced you greatly.

“On October 05th, 2021, at around 10:34 AM, when we were travelling at Main Shah Rah-e-Faisal, near Hotel “Lal Qila”, one Black Audi car crossed us whose driver was driving recklessly. It seemed like the driver was a very young guy who was in quite hurry to reach somewhere or had some sort of emergency as he was not only driving recklessly but honking his horn to get way from cars ahead.

Ali, who was with me in the car mentioned that this guy looks trouble and we should be careful while he is ahead of us. We were wearing our seatbelts yet we checked them to reaffirm that those were tied on and reduced speed to keep the things in control. The guy slowed down a bit and when we crossed him, we saw that he was wearing branded sun glasses, decent outfit consisting upon a short-sleeved shirt and jeans.

We were hit by surprise that such a decent man could be in such rash driving and meanwhile we were thinking that, the guy again put his foot on the accelerator and went again at the top speed. I told Ali that he is putting himself and others in danger and Ali nodded in agreement. Suddenly a car coming down from Nursery Bridge gave indicator of coming towards the fast lane.

Car indicator was shouting a warning that the coming car is moving towards its right to take the fast lane but the car who was flying from our side had no time to notice and pull over avoiding collision with the prior one. The result was obvious. The guy who was rushing on Shahrah-e-Faisal all the way went right into the car turning towards the fast lane. The guy had tried his level best to pull handbrakes but as the car was at maximum speed so it turned and rolled like 100 times on the road, hitting two auto rickshaws, 5 bikes and ending into the side wall. There were many other witnesses to report on the circumstances of the accident. We pulled over and immediately called Emergency service to send in some ambulance and police on the accident spot.

When we walked to the wreckage of the car we saw that the driver whose car had rolled on was wearing his seat belt and fortunately his airbag came out timely yet he was unconscious and bleeding from many parts of his body. The other car was also damaged but somehow the driver was safe.

We, including all others present, thought about the severe outstanding hazards related to the incident and reminded each other that all the drivers and riders need to be careful about over speeding, driving and keeping it in control even in emergency.

The Police and emergency services approached the accident site and took control but this accident had left a great impact on me and I have left driving since. Now I am afraid of sitting on the staring wheel and can’t drive as whenever I step up the same scene revolves in front of my eyes and I start having my blood pressure raised. We should always be careful for our and others safety when we are on road and specially driving on highly packed traffic highways. In fact, doing so can not only reduce such incident rates but can also save precious lives.


Write an Essay to Compare and Contrast on any one of the following:

(i). Physical Classes vs Online Classes

“Man never stops learning” no matter how and what the circumstances are. Since the invention of Computers and discovery of Internet later on, education has taken many new faces and have emerged in all aspects. Traditional classroom teaching has adopted many new ways and inclusion of Electronic gadgets like tabs, Projectors, Computer and OHDs have become a part and parcel of the teaching learning process. However, since the COVID-19 things have turned the other way around. In the wake of COVID it was impossible and could have been a complete disaster to try face to face teaching and learning. As it is said “Necessity is the mother of invention” world was forced to switch from F2F to complete Online or Hybrid mode which was a combination of Face to Face and Online Classes. Education got slow like the rest of the things in life and learning process was hampered due to Corona.

Face to Face Classes:

Face to Face classes have their own pros and cons. Teacher and his/ her expressions do help students learn better. A teacher has time to explain and can judge if any student is not getting the ideas discussed in class. When as student is present in class his physical ability and mental agility helps him / her understand and cope with the concepts in a better way. Direct communication and touch of the books and copies helps him / her better comprehend the concepts learned

These classes also make a student time bound and disciplined as he / she has to be available for studies at specific time. It also teaches them time management and to be socially mobile with their peers. It also promotes group and individual learning take place simultaneously. It also teaches learners basic skills of being a helpful, responsible and tolerant citizens of the digital world.

However, in certain circumstances these classes have their limitations too as the people are exposed to pollution when they commute from homes to educational institutes. They suffer irritation on roads due to heavy traffic and traffic jams both at the time of arrival and departures. Change of weather and global warming are also the risks a learner faces when he / she comes out of the secure environment of homes.  

Online Classes:

When a student studies online he/she has to face a lot of hurdles for a smooth learning process. Internet data is quite expensive. Technology and internet speed is not as advanced as required for smooth video and voice calling. Frequent power outbreaks also make it difficult to connect and take classes without interruption. Moreover, the teaching faculty is not always as tech-savvy as it is needed to conduct classes using digital technology and modern gadgets. Computers and internet are way complicated for traditional and stereotype teachers and they stuck up if some technical glitch happens. At times support staff is limited and they can’t handle any technicality immediately at all the places. Free Voice and Video platforms provide limited time slots as most of the institutes cannot afford their high prices and have to restrict themselves to the options provided by the platforms like Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, Google meet etc.

Apart from all these hurdles online classes are not secure as those are vulnerable to hackers and data streaming is not safe on those. Any hacker can access sensitive information of the students / teachers and even institutes by using hacking software and tactics. Digital accounts are not safe as compared to the face to face strategies of noting and keeping record of the learning.

To conclude we can say both of the class types have their own advantages and disadvantages but to conclude we can say that Face to Face classes, in every way, are comparatively better than the Online Classes due to the limitations those have.

(ii). Football vs Cricket

It is truly said that “A healthy brain lives in a healthy body” and “All work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Sports and games are equally important for students to develop and groom their personalities and students adopt many physical activities for the same purpose. Cricket and Football are two of the most played physical sports in the world but both have their set of rules and gears.


Football is a game played around the globe in league and on international levels. It is a timed game consisting upon on two halves of limited time in which a team has to score goals against their counterparts putting the ball in a specific area called goal. Football gear is specific from dress till the shoes only used for this game. Players are categorized as attackers, defenders and midfield men according to their place and position in game. Only one player (Goal Keeper) has permission to touch or hold the ball in hands else touching the ball by any player is considered as a foul. The team consists upon a number of players performing different tasks on the field. The field is rectangular in shape and has proper marked lines diving it into different areas like Side lines, Half, Dee, Corner and penalty shooting areas. Any push or mishandling during tackling ball or trying to defend a goal can result in a foul and the defaulter is given warning, in case of dangerous foul a yellow and at extreme a red card is given to the player causing him suspended from the game.

There are referees on side lines to give their decisions about sideline crossing, offside in case of attack and fouls where as a referee is in the middle of the field on toes to cope up with the game.

If the game doesn’t end in given time then extra time is giving and if even the game doesn’t finish in that extra time then five (05) penalty corners are awarded to each time, hitting most in the goal is announced as the winner.


Both are played in open air in grounds and have a team kind of procedure to play but Cricket is played in a circular or oval ground where the ball and bat is used to play. There are 11 players in a team and the game is divided into different formats like Super Sixes, T-10, T-20, One Day and Test Matches. Each of the mentioned ones have different set of rules and different format. Each time can keep 11 plyers including bowlers, batsmen, fielders and a special field placement called wicket keeper. The game is played on a specific kind of plain which is called cricket pitch where two batsman are to be present at the same time. One plays as the striker whereas the other, from other end, supports as a runner. A wooden bat is used to hit a ball while being in front of wickets. When a ball is hit, a complete run-up from one side of the pitch to other side of the pitch makes one run. There is a specific area for batsman to stand and play his / her shots called crease. It is indicated with a line and if the batsman on strike somehow misses the area of crease, fielder behind the bells, wicketkeeper, can end his batting by hitting the ball to wickets. The scoring criteria is typical too having at least one and maximum 6 runs as a normal routine. There are other runs as BIs, Wide and No Ball if a foul is done by the bowler during balling or the batsman has missed the ball hitting on his batting gear somewhere.