HSSC - Federal Board

SLO Based FBISE NOTES - Poetry (Paraphrasing and Poem Comprehension Qs) - SSC - II @ 2021 and Onwards (Part III)



By: W. E. Hickson

Q: What is the lesson taught in the first stanza?

Ans: The lesson taught in the first stanza is about striving and not to yield, the poet says that we should not be afraid of any failure but continue our struggle till we get our target or be successful in our endure.

Q: Give an example of struggle from your life?

Ans: Student will devise own answer that can vary from person to person.

Q: Why is the poet repeating the sentence 'try again'? OR Why is the poet repeating the sentence “Try Again” in the poem?

Ans: The poet is repeating the sentence 'try again' in third stanza to emphasize and highlight the importance of trying again. He wants the readers to have patience and not to give up as if someone else can do a thing then anyone can do the same with patience. On other hand, it is also said that the reward of patience is sweet.

Q: Why is trying again important in life?

Ans: Trying again is important in life because it helps to lead a successful life. Mostly people give up and quit right before their biggest discoveries are made. In that moment when we want to quit, we must remember that the next attempt could be the jack pot. Just keeping determination to complete the task, is the real name of the game. An outstanding person keeps going on even in the most difficult situations. Problem-free life never makes a strong person. Be strong to accept the challenges of life and don't ask life “Why Me” instead say “Try Me”.

STANZA #: 01.

'Tis a lesson you should heed

Try again;

If at first you don't succeed,

Try again.

Then your courage should appear;

For if you will persevere,

You will conquer, never fear,

Try again.


Q: What is the name of the poet of the poem “Try Again”?

Ans: The poem "Try Again" has been composed by famous British educational writer "W. E. Hickson”. W. E Hickson’s complete name was William Edward Hickson and he is commonly known as Richman Hopson as well.

Q: What is the meaning of “heed”?

Ans: Word heed means “to keep in mind or to pay attention”.

Q: What is the result of perseverance?       OR      What will be the result of perseverance?

Ans: We will conquer our fears and be successful in winning over the difficulties.

Q: What should you do in case of failure?

Ans: If we fail, we should not give up but keep trying again and again.

Q: When should you show courage?           OR      When should courage appear?

Ans: Our courage should appear in times of test.

Q: What does the word 'persevere' mean?

Ans: The word persevere means to persist or to continue. It also means to persist steadily in an action of belief.

STANZA #: 02.

Once or twice though you should fail,

If you would at last prevail,

Try again. If we strive, 'tis no disgrace

Though we did not win the race

What should you do in that case?

Try again.


Q: What is the name of the poet of the poem “Try Again”?

Ans: The poem "Try Again" has been composed by famous British educational writer "W. E. Hickson”. W. E Hickson”s complete name was William Edward Hickson, and he is commonly known as Richman Hopson as well.

Q: What can we learn from failure?

Ans: We can learn about our weaknesses and shortcomings from the failure and can improve ourselves to avoid repeating those. We also learn patience, gain experience and develop our analytical skills through failure and looking into the reasons of failure. We come to learn that what mistakes we have done and faults we have in attempting for something. We can be a better and improved person by overcoming our shortcomings and avoiding the mistakes we have done before.

Q: How many times should we try?

Ans: We should keep trying again and again till we achieve our goal. Every time we try one thing, we always learn new things and overcome our previous shortcomings.

Q: What is meant by “you would at last prevail”?

Ans: “You would at last prevail” means that you will be successful at the end.

Q: How is failure not a disgrace?

Ans: It is true that failure is not a disgrace because wise men learn from their failures, they try again carefully and avoiding the mistakes they committed before at last get success and become respectable.

Q: How many times should we try and why?

Ans: We should keep trying again and again till we achieve our goal. Every time we try one thing, we always learn new things and overcome our previous shortcomings.

Q: What should we do if we don't win the race?

Ans: If we don’t win the race we should not be hopeless and should not give up hope but keep trying till we achieve our goal.

Q: "If we strive, it is no disgrace," explain this sentence.

Ans: The expression "If we strive, it is no disgrace" means that if we strive and fail, try again after failure then there is no disgrace in it. Every successful man has failed at least once in life and the failure has paved way for his / her success.

STANZA #: 03.

If you find your task is hard.

Try again;

Time will bring you your reward.

Try again;

All that other folk can do,

Why with patience should not you?

Only keep this rule in view,

Try again.


Q: What should we do if we find a task hard?

Ans: If we find our task hard we should not give up hope and keep trying till we achieve our goal.

Q: What rule we should keep in view?        OR Which rule is necessary for success in life OR What rule does the poet state in this stanza?

Ans: We must keep the rule of trying till we achieve our goal in view for our success.

Q: What will one accomplish trying for a hard task?

Ans: One will achieve many things like patience, learning from own mistakes and to overcome our fears from trying for a hard task.

Q: What kind of task demands patience?

Ans: Any and every kind of hard task demands patience.

Q: What is the key to success mentioned in the stanza? OR How does patience help in hard tasks?

Ans: Patience and continuous effort is the key to success.

Q: What is the reward of time?

Ans: The reward of time is ultimate success.

Q: What is it that all other folk do?

Ans: All other folks can do anything with their will power and effort.

The Rain

By: Dr. Hartmann


Q: What does the poet hear?

Ans: The poet hears leaves drinking rain.

Q: What according to the poet is a sweet noise?

Ans: According to poet, falling of rain drops on the leaves drop after drop is a sweet noise.

Q: What will happen after the rain stops?

Ans: The sun will shine after the rain has stopped. Sun will shed its light equally on all the leaves.

Q: How does sun come out after the rain?

Ans: The sun will come out with a wondrous light that will fill each dark, round drop.

Q: How does the light fill the drops?

Ans: The sunlight will fill each dark, round drop with a wondrous light.

Q: What makes the scene lovely?

Ans: The beauty of sun shining after the rain and filling each drop with its wondrous light makes the scene lovely.

Q: Identify use of Metaphor in the poem and answer these questions.

Ans: The poet has used leaves, sun and sunlight as metaphors. Rich leaves which symbolize rich people of the society, poor leaves symbolizing poor part of the society and sun representing Nature and its blessings for mankind.

Q: What do the rich leaves symbolize?

Ans: Rich leaves symbolize rich people of the society.

Q: What do the poor leaves stand for?

Ans: Poor leaves symbolize poor part of the society

Q: What does the sun symbolize?

Ans: The sun symbolizes nature and countless blessings of nature in poem.

Q: Which object is being personified in the poem?

Ans: Tree leaves and Raindrops have been personified in the poem.

Q: Which human traits are given to that object?

Ans: The human traits “drinking” and “quenching their thirst” have been given to the leaves in poem.

STANZA #: 01.

I hear leaves drinking rain;

I hear rich leaves on top

Giving the poor beneath

Drop by drop;

‘Tis a sweet noise to hear

These green leaves drinking water


Q: Give the name of the poet. OR What is the name of the poet?

Ans: This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Rain” which is composed by “W. H. Davies.

Q: What does the poet hear?

Ans: The poet hears leaves drinking water and after quenching their thirst passing the remaining water to lower leaves drop by drop.

Q: What do the rich and the poor leaves symbolize?

Ans: The poet has used leaves, sun and sunlight as metaphors. Rich and the Poor leaves symbolize both parts of human society. i.e Rich leaves symbolize Elite Class that enjoys all the luxuries whereas the lower leaves represent Poor class which has to suffer for even basic needs of life at times.

Q: Which problem of society has been highlighted in the stanza?            (2014-Annual-A)

Ans: Unfair distribution of assets and basic needs of life in society have been discussed and highlighted in the stanza.

Q: What is the sweet sound for the poet?

Ans: The drinking of water by green leaves is a sweet sound to hear for the poet.

Q: Why is the noise sweet to the poet?

Ans: The noise is sweet to hear for the poet as he can imagine that the rich are taking care of the poor and though at last yet poor are getting their due share in basic needs and blessings of life.


And when the sun comes out.

After this rains shall stop,

A wondrous light will fill

Each dark. round drop;

I hope the sun shines bright

It will be a lovely sight.


Q: How does the scene look after the rain?

Ans: The scene after the rain looks wonderful as the sunlight fills each dark and round drop with its wondrous light.

Q: How is the poet hopeful?                         OR      What is the hope of the poet?

Ans: The poet is hopeful that the sun will shine rightly on the tree without any difference of rich or poor leaves and will share its light equally with the whole tree. He is hopeful that there will be equality in the society. The differences and injustice will be no more and humans will live with equity.

Q: How does the scene look after the rain?

Ans: The Scene is wonderful after the rain as a wondrous light will fill each dark, round drop of water and will make it glisten.

Q: What will happen when the sun will come out?

Ans: When the sun will come-out it will be a lovely sight to see everything fresh and washed by rainwater.

Q: What will fill the drops after the rain stops?

Ans: When the rain will stop each dark, round drop will be filled by a wondrous light.

Q: What is the hope of Poet?

Ans: The poet hopes that the sun will shine bright to share its light with the world.

Q: What change in the weather does the poet expect?

Ans: The poet expects that the sun will come out after the rain and there will be Brightness all around the world. Each dark and round drop will be filled with wonderful sunlight to make the scene lovely.

Q: Enlist all the Adjectives and Adjective Phrases in the stanza.

Ans: Adjectives and Adjective Phrases used in the stanza are wondrous light, dark, round drop, shines bright and lovely sight.

UNIT #: 05. “THE RAIN”
W. H. Davies' favourite themes are nature and the hardships of the poor. This poem also has a symbolic meaning. The upper leaves (metaphor) get the rain drops and quench their thirst. Afterwards they pass on the drops to the lower leaves (metaphor). This metaphor means that the rich get a golden chance first and whatever remains trickle down to the poor. However, the poet is hopeful that there will be equality in the society like sunshine which spreads all over the world without difference and equally. This sunshine is alike for the dark round drops of rain and rich green leaves.
Write the Central Idea of the poem “The Rain”.   (2015-Annual-A&B, 2016-Annual- A&B)
W. H. Davies' has used a symbolic meaning for natural elements in his poem. He has used metaphorical meanings of upper leaves of the tree which get the rain drops and quench their thirst first. Afterwards they pass-on the drops to the lower leaves. These metaphors mean that the rich get a golden chance first and whatever remains, trickle down to the poor.
However, the poet is still hopeful that there will be equality in the society like sunshine which spreads all over the world without difference and equally. This sunshine is alike for the dark round drops of rain and rich green leaves.

Q: 01. What does the poet hear?
Ans: The poet hears leaves drinking rain.

Q: 02. What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
Ans: According to poet, falling of rain drops on the leaves drop after drop is a sweet noise.

Q: 03. What will happen after the rain stops?
Ans: The sun will shine after the rain has stopped. Sun will shed its light equally on all the leaves.

Q: 04. How does sun come out after the rain?
Ans: The sun will come out with a wondrous light that will fill each dark, round drop.

Q: 05. How does the light fill the drops?
Ans: The sunlight will fill each dark, round drop with a wondrous light.

Q: 06. What makes the scene lovely?
Ans: The beauty of sun shining after the rain and filling each drop with its wondrous light makes the scene lovely.

C. Identify use of metaphor in the poem and answer these questions.
Ans: The poet has used leaves, sun and sunlight as metaphors. Rich leaves which symbolize rich people of the society, poor leaves symbolizing poor part of the society and sun representing Nature and its blessings for mankind.
1. What do the rich leaves symbolize?
Ans: Rich leaves symbolize rich people of the society.
2. What do the poor leaves stand for?
Ans: Poor leaves symbolize poor part of the society
3. What does the sun symbolize?
Ans: The sun symbolizes nature and countless blessings of nature in poem.

D. Identify the use of personification in the poem and answer these questions.
1. Which object is being personified in the poem?
Ans: Tree leaves and Raindrops have been personified in the poem.
2. Which human traits are given to that object?
Ans: The human traits “drinking” and “quenching their thirst” have been given to the leaves in poem

Q: Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end.
I hear leaves drinking rain;
I hear rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop by drop;
‘Tis a sweet noise to hear
These green leaves drinking water
Q: Give the name of the poet.                                  2018-Annual-A                                  OR
Q: What is the name of the poet?                            2018-Supplementary
Ans: This stanza has been taken from the poem “The Rain”. The poet of this poem is W. H. Davies.
Q: What does the poet hear?                                    2018-Annual-A         
Ans: The poet hears leaves drinking rain water and later passing the water to lower leaves.
Q: What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?                                              OR
Q: What do the rich and the poor leaves symbolize?         (2018-Annual-A, 2014-Annual-A)
Ans: The poet has used leaves, sun and sunlight as metaphors. Rich leaves symbolize rich people of the society whereas poor leaves symbolize poor part of the society.
Q: Which problem of society has been highlighted in the stanza?            2014-Annual-A
Ans: Unfair distribution of assets and basic needs of life in society have been discussed and highlighted in the stanza.
Q: Why is the noise sweet to the poet?                                                        2014-Annual-A
Ans: The noise is sweet to hear for the poet as he can imagine that the rich are taking care of the poor and though at last yet poor are getting their due share in basic needs and blessings of life.

And when the sun comes out.
After this rains shall stop,
A wondrous light will fill
Each dark. round drop;
I hope the sun shines bright
It will be a lovely sight.
Q: How does the scene look after the rain?            (2018-Supplementary)
Ans: The scene after the rain looks wonderful as the sunlight fills each dark and round drop with its wondrous light.

Q: How is the poet hopeful?                                     (2018-Supplementary)
Q: What is the hope of the poet?                             (2015-Annual-B)
Ans: The poet is hopeful that the sun will shine rightly on the tree without any difference of rich or poor leaves and will share its light equally with the whole tree. He is hopeful that there will be equality in the society. The differences and injustice will be no more and humans will live with equaity.

Q: What change in the weather does the poet expect?                  (2015-Annual-B)
Ans: The poet expects that the sun will come out after the rain and there will be Brightness all around the world. Each dark and round drop will Be filled with wonderful sunlight to make the scene lovely.

Q: Enlist all the Adjectives and Adjective Phrases in the stanza. (2015-Annual-B)

Ans: Adjectives and Adjective Phrases used in the stanza are wondrous light, dark, round drop, shines bright and lovely sight.

Role of Print and electronic media in our life is very significant we know the national and international news because of media. Electronic media brings awareness. Print media also plays a vital role in this respect.
Q: 01. How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?                           OR
How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news than the TV? (2018-Annual, 2017-Annual)                                                                                                               OR
What is good thing about newspaper?
Ans: A newspaper is more convenient medium of news because we can read newspaper at any time and at any place. Newspapers are mobile that means we can carry them along and can use our leisure time to read as desired.
Q: 02. How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?
Ans: Television broadcasts the news or any specific programme at its time and viewer cannot skip any part of it unless it is finished. Viewer is also bound to watch the current programme being broadcasted and to wait till the time of his favourite programme has arrived.
It also restricts as if a viewer wants to alter or do not want to see a segment he cant omit it or ignore it like the reader of a newspaper can do.
Q: 03. In what way viewing TV is easier than reading a newspaper?                 OR
Does a T.V viewer need mastery of language? Why? (2016-Annual, 2015)
Ans: Television doesn’t require specific mastery or language skills. The sole purpose of Television is to entertain the viewers and keep the audience connected through entertainment and fun. Therefore, majority of the people prefer to watch television over reading newspapers.
Q: 04. How do Newspapers give us more in-depth coverage? (2017-Supplementary, 2015)
Ans: The Newspapers give us more in-depth coverage as the journalist investigate and interview people, look into the facts and verify them in person. They also take the time to confirm and reaffirm any news and do all this with complete sensibility and responsibility.
Q: 05. Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
Ans: Some people read more than one newspaper to get different viewpoints about news and check for the validity of news. Different journalists see and create different view point about same matter so reading more than one newspapers facilitates the reader to look into same topic from different perspectives.
Q: 06. How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
Ans: Readers can give feedback to the newspaper articles by writing to the forum pages.
Q: 07. Which Medium do you prefer for news? Why?                                                     OR
Which medium of the two, newspaper and television, you will prefer for news and why? 2018-Supplementary
Ans: I prefer reading Newspaper over watching Television as newspapers give a vivid exposure to the problem and also facilitate with the solution through expert research and on facts.
Q: 08. In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper?
Ans: Viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper because much mastery of language is not necessary. Everything is visual and auditory. Therefore, viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper.
Q: 09.  How does television make us lazy?
Ans: On television, we can view news with a little or no effort. So, it makes us lazy.
Q: 10. Explain the comparison of Television with newspaper mentioned by the author as 'a fast food meal' and “a ten course dinner” respectively. (2019-Annual)
Ans: A newspaper never publishes anything which has not been verified and not confirmed by some journalist him / herself. Watching television is like a fast food as in fast food we are bound to have whatever has been offered whereas reading newspapers is like having the choice of getting the news of our own choice and ignore what we don’t want to read.

Q: 11. Write three benefits of viewing news on television? (2016-Annual)
Ans: Three benefits of viewing news on television are:
(i)                 We do not need mastery of language for it.
(ii)               It is in the language of common man.
(iii)             Viewer can relax and enjoy news while having popcorn.