HSSC - Federal Board





  1. “The World As I See It” is written by:

● D.Y. Morgan     ● Bertrand Russell      ● Liaquat Ali Khan     ● Albert Einstein

  1. Albert Einstein was born in the year:

● 1966                   ● 1866             ● 1879             ● 1897

  1. Albert Einstein died in the year:

● 1954                   ● 1855             ● 1967             ● 1955

  1. Albert Einstein is regarded as a greatest mathematical:

● scientist              ● novelist        ● dramatist      ● Physicist

  1. Albert Einstein has given the famous theory of:

● science               ● energy          ● drama           ● relativity 

  1. Albert Einstein was born in:

● Italy                   ● America       ● England       ● Germany

  1. Albert Einstein was awarded Noble Prize for:

● Mathematics      ● Physics        ● Drawing       ● Chemistry

  1. Albert Einstein was awarded Noble Prize in the year:

● 1926                   ● 1926             ● 1921             ● 1834

  1. According to Albert Einstein, we live for our:

● children              ● parents         ● fellowmen               ● scientists

  1. Einstein was strongly driven to:

● richness              ● poverty        ● fellow-men              ● simple life

  1.  Einstein regarded class difference as contrary to:

● injustice             ● poverty        ● justice                      ● simple life

  1. Einstein considers that plain living is good for everybody, physically and:

● clinically ● naturally       ● mentally                  ● artificially   

  1. Albert Einstein was inspired by the sayings of:

● Tang                   ● Alexander                ● Russell         ● Schopenhauer 

  1. Schopenhauer was a _______ philosopher.

● Chinese              ● Japanese       ● German                  ● American  

  1. According to Albert Einstein, Truth, Goodness and _______ have lightened his ways. 

● Cruelty               ● beauty         ● leadership                ● luxury

  1. Albert Einstein hates property, outward success and:

● lavishness           ● beauty          ● leadership                ● luxury

  1. The ordinary objects of human endeavour property, outward success and luxury have always seemed to Albert Einstein as:

● acceptable          ● negligible     ● contemptible           ● deniable 

  1. Einstein’s political ideal is:

● communism       ● autocracy     ● capitalism                 ● democracy  

  1. Einstein believes that every man should be respected as an individual and no man:

● satirized             ● ionized         ● mechanized              ● idolized

  1.  Einstein claims that he is a deeply _______ man.

● communist         ● autocrat        ● capitalist                  ● religious

  1.  Phrase “gang my gait” means:

● go on the way of religion          ● go on one’s own way        

      ● go on fellow-being’s way          ● go on the prophet’s way


The ideals which inspired Einstein were: truth, goodness and beauty

Albert Einstein is regarded as the greatest mathematical: Physicist

According to Albert Einstein, the sound sense of nations has been corrupted by: school and the press

The fairest thing we can experience is: mysterious

Einstein believes that everyman should be respected as an individual and no man be: idolized

Albert Einstein believed in: democracy

   The Political ideal of Albert Einstein was:     democracy

   According to Einstein the best form of government is: democracy

The renowned philosopher, Schopenhauer was a:             German

Einstein considered ‘property, outward success and luxury’ as a thing which is: contemptible

Albert Einstein’s political ideal is:        Democracy

According to Einstein, the fairest thing we can experience is:     the mysterious


Q: 01. What leads Einstein to feel a strong sense of duty towards his fellowmen?

Ans: Einstein feels a strong sense of duty towards his fellowman as he knows that we are here to stay in this world for sometime so, his inner and outer life depends on the labour of other men. Therefore, we should serve others well. Our happiness and welfare depends on our fellowmen and we all have the same fate. He feels a strong feeling to repay the society in the same way as it has done to him.


Q: 02. What is his attitude to property, outward success and luxury?                             OR

Q: What is the attitude of Albert Einstein to property, outward success and luxury?

Ans: Einstein believes that simple life is the best and there is no need to acquire much property or wealth. Outward success, luxury and property are ordinary objects of human endeavour as they create mean and inhuman attributes in man if followed. There is no need to impress others with success or glory as the life of satisfaction is the true life therefore, the use of luxuries and comforts is not very important.


Q: 03. What are the ‘insecure foundations’ referred to at the end of the last sentence of the fourth paragraph?

Ans: Mutual understanding and sympathy, the way of geniality and light heartedness cause a man to avoid forming his opinion and judgments and these are the insecure foundations referred by Albert Einstein at the end of the last sentence of the fourth paragraph.

Q: 04. What, in brief, is Einstein’s attitude to leadership?        OR

Q: What is Einstein’s attitude towards leadership?                    OR

Q: What are Einstein’s views about leadership?                               OR

Q: What is Einstein’s attitude to leadership?                                  OR

Q: What are Einstein’s views about democracy?               

Ans: Einstein believes that the right way of leadership is democracy not autocracy like that of USA. The leaders or rulers should be elected in a free way by the people for definite long periods of time, who know all the issues of the state and can deal with them easily,  so that they may design and follow long-term policies for the public good.


Q: 05. On what grounds does Einstein put the individual before the State?

Ans: In Einstein’s view the most valuable thing in human life is the creative and sensitive individual who alone creates the noble and sublime. He is the one who brings glory to the country while other common men remain dull in thought and in feelings.


Q: 06. What example does he give of service by the State to the individual?

Ans: The service by the state to an individual done in the fields of medical treatment and economic assistance are the examples of service by the state to the individual. It is only possible in a democratic state where every individual can be facilitated.


Q: 07. What is his attitude to war?

Ans: War is a mean contemptible thing which is based on commercial and political interests of rulers and nations so Einstein hates the war and says that it would disappear if these interests were not there man would have respected and worked for each other. 

Q: 08. What forces does he blame for the persistence of war?

Ans: Einstein blames commercial and political interests of rulers and nations for the persistence of war beside the lust of power and superiority. Einstein says that war would disappear if these interests were not there and man had the sound sense of nations not being systematically corrupted by the school and press. 

Q: 09. What does he appear to regard as the most precious element in human experience?

   Q: What does Einstein appear to regard as the most precious element in human experience? 


Ans: Einstein appears to regard mysterious or hidden in life as basis of true art and science, as the most precious element in human experience. According to him mystery compels one to find out the truth and the hidden reality and a person who cannot feel amusement in knowing mystery, is a person with dull soul who cannot do anything for the betterment of society.


Q: 10. What is his belief concerning the immortality of the soul?

Ans: Einstein believes that there is no life after death and that the soul is not immortal but the actions and the deeds of a man makes him immortal and alive in the memories of people.


Q: 11. What is his belief concerning the purpose of life?

Ans: According to Einstein the real purpose of life is unknown to man. We can say that the purpose of life is to serve our fellowmen. Human beings cannot live alone so, they should help each other. Man should not run after wealth and property but truth, goodness and beauty are to be taken as best ideals.


Q: 12. What is his belief concerning the Human freedom?

Ans: According to Einstein man’s actions are guided by inner emotions and external circumstances. It means that man is not free in his actions. This thing saves us from the sense of responsibility and in this way man leads a happy life.


Q: 13. What is his belief concerning politics?

Ans: According to Einstein democracy is the ideal politics. In democracy, every man is respected but no man is worshipped. He likes the presidential system of democracy in which one man is responsible for the whole administration and is elected by the free will of the people.


Q: 14. What is his belief concerning God and religion?

Ans: According to Einstein he is a religious man. He says that God is not like ourselves who reward and punishes. In his views, God means reality and religion means the search for it. As being a scientist he has no faith in life after death.


Q: 15. Which are Albert Einstein’s ideals and which are not?            OR

Q: Elaborate the personality of Elbert Einstein as revealed in, “The World As I See it”.

Ans: Einstein feels a strong sense of duty towards his fellowmen as he knows that we are here to stay in this world for some time so, his inner and outer life depends on the labour of other men. Therefore, we should serve others well. Our happiness and welfare depends on our fellowmen and we all have the same fate. He feels a strong feeling to repay the society in the same way as it has done to him. Einstein believes that simple life is the best and there is no need to acquire much property or wealth. Outward success, luxury and property are ordinary objects of human endeavour as they create mean and inhuman attributes in man if followed. There is no need to impress others with success or glory as the life of satisfaction is the true life therefore, the use of luxuries and comforts is not very important. He has a faith that mutual understanding and sympathy, the way of geniality and light heartedness cause a man to avoid forming his opinion and judgments and these are the insecure foundations. Einstein believes that the right way of leadership is democracy not Autocracy like that of USA. The leaders or rulers should be elected in a free way by the people for definite long periods of time, who know all the issues of the state and can deal with them easily.  so that they may design and follow long-term policies for the public good. In Einstein’s view the most valuable thing in human life is the creative and sensitive individual who alone creates the noble and sublime. He is the one who brings glory to the country while other common man remains dull in thought and in feelings.

The service by the state to an individual done in the fields of medical treatment and economic assistance are the examples of service by the state to the individual. It is only possible in a democratic state where every individual can be facilitated. He says that war is a mean and contemptible thing which is based on commercial and political interests of rulers and nations so Einstein hates the war and says that it would disappear if these interests were not there man would have respected and worked for each other.  Einstein blames commercial and political interests of rulers and nations for the persistence of war beside the lust of power and superiority. Einstein says that war would disappear if these interests were not there and man had the sound sense of nations not being systematically corrupted. 

Einstein regards mysterious or hidden in life as basis of true art and science, as the most precious element in human experience. According to him mystery compels one to find out the truth and the hidden reality and a person who cannot feel amusement in knowing mystery is a person with dull soul who cannot do anything for the betterment of society.  Einstein believes that there is no life after death and that the soul is not immortal but the actions and the deeds of a man makes him immortal and alive in the memories of people. The real purpose of life is unknown to man. We can say that the purpose of life is to serve our fellowmen. Human beings cannot live alone so, they should help each other. Man should not run after wealth and property but truth, goodness and beauty are to be taken as best ideals. According to Einstein man’s actions are guided by inner emotions and external circumstances. It means that man is not free in his actions. This thing saves us from the sense of responsibility and in this way man leads a happy life.

Democracy is his ideal in politics. In democracy, every man is respected but no man is worshipped. He likes the presidential system of democracy in which one man is responsible for the whole administration and is elected by the free will of the people.

Einstein is a religious man. He says that God is not like ourselves who reward and punish. In his views, God means reality and religion means the search for it. As being a scientist, he has no faith in life after death.