HSSC - Federal Board


                                    PAKISTAN AND THE MODERN WORLD



  1. “Pakistan and the Modern World” is a speech delivered by:

Liaquat Ali Khan        ● Quaid E Azam         ● Ch Rehmat Ali                    ● Ali Brothern

  1. Speech titled “Pakistan and the Modern World” was delivered by Liaquat Ali Khan at:

● Karachi              ● India                        ● USA                        ● Canada

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan was the 1st _______ of Pakistan.

● Chief Minister   ● Governor General    ● Prime Minister       ● President

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan became the Prime Minister of Pakistan in:

● 1948                   ● 1947             ● 1951                         ● 1940

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan had delivered his famous speech at:

Kansas University        ● Karachi University  ● Karachi University  ● Punjab University

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan had delivered his famous speech at Kansas University in:

● 1948                   ● 1947             ● 1951                         ● 1950

  1. Kansas University is in:

● Pakistan                         ● India                        ● USA                        ● England

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan was being conferred upon a/an _______ degree by Kansas University.

● Doctorate           ● Master’s                   ● Honourary              ● compulsory

  1. The purpose of the speech was to bring closer together Pakistan and:

● Australia            ● India                        ● USA                        ● Canada

  1. Hindus strictly believe in:

caste system      ● Social system           ● religious system       ● communist system

  1. “_______ does not descend upon a people, a people must raise themselves to it.”

● poverty              ● selfishness    ●  liberty                     ● sovereignty

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, “The discovery of Asia has not yet been ”:

● disowned           ● owned          ● discouraged                         ● accomplished 

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan, in his speech, calls Pakistan anew state and a new:

● country              ● region           ● democracy              ● autocracy

  1. In South Asia, Where present days Pakistan and India are situated, there lived:

100m Muslims ● 200 m Muslims        ● 300m Muslims         ● 400m Muslims

  1. In South Asia, Where present days Pakistan and India are situated, there lived:

● 100m Hindus     ● 200m Hindus           ● 300m Hindus          ● 400m Hindus

  1. Hindus believed in:

polytheism        ● economic institutions           ● equality        ● monotheism 

  1. Maintenance of freedom requires constant:

● watch over         ● discontent                ● vigilance                  ● equality  

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, Asia must be made stable by removing _______ for the sake of World peace.

discontent                     ● dispersion                ● disturbance                          ● wars

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, Our first duty is to:

ourselves           ● our fellow beings     ● our neighbours         ● others

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, there is a great similarity between beginning of Pakistan and early days of :

● New Zealand     ● Hong Kong              ● China           ● America 

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan visited America in _______ after becoming the Prime Minister.

● 1947                   ● 1925             ● 1950                         ● 1920

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, we live today in an era of:

● general Arts       ● human troubles        ● widening Horizons             ● triangle

  1. An American statesman pointed out the similarity of how America and Pakistan both began as a/an:

● political country ● democratic country      ● agricultural country      ● prosperous country

  1. Liaquat Ali Khan emphasizes that Pakistan’s strength will be happy augury for:

● peace      ● democracy               ● capitalism     ● future development

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, The role of the Western World to be the:

● democratic one              ● enlightened one      ● aggressive one         ● impressive one 

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, True democracy is _______ in its very conception.

● national              ● regional        ● metropolitan            ● international

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, The freedom means freedom only from foreign domination is a/an _______ idea.

● modern              ● outworn       ● emphatic      ● aristocratic

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, War and peace and progress and prosperity are all:

inevitable today            ● indivisible today      ● essential today         ● inequitable today

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, Patriotism distorted into a form of narrow-minded and intolerant self-aggrandizement is:

Fascism             ● Communism ● Chauvinism              ● Capitalism

  1. According to Liaquat Ali Khan, the second reason for the demand of separation of Muslims was:

● political              ● communism             ● religion                    ● capitalism


Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated in: Rawalpindi

The word Monotheist means believer in: one God

Pakistan is a new state; or to be more exact, a new: Democracy

Liberty is a fruit that must be earned before it can be: enjoyed

Liaquat Ali Khan says that the West must share its: fund of knowledge

“We cannot hold the clock back so we must go forward at a double pace.” This speech was delivered by: Liaquat Ali Khan

   The speech ‘Pakistan and the Modern World’ was delivered by Liaquat Ali Khan

    in: America

As we cannot hold the clock back, so we must go forward at a double: pace

An Honorary degree was conferred upon Liaquat Ali Khan by: Kansas University

Asia contains half of the population of the world and very distinct civilizations which are at least: three

A free people must first maintain their own: freedom

“Liberty does not descend upon a people”, is stated by: Liaquat Ali Khan


Q: 01. Briefly state the main reason given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the Muslim’s desire not to continue living in a united India?                                                                                OR

Q: State the reason given by Liaquat Ali Khan for the desire of the Muslims of Sub-Continent not to continue living in undivided India.

Ans: Liaquat Ali Khan in his speech at the University of Kansas stated the main reason for the Muslim’s desire to not to continue living in a united India as their refusal to accept Hindus as new masters after independence from British rule. Through their ripe experience they knew that freedom from foreign hands will not be the real freedom but to be forced to live as a defeated and subjected minority of Hindus.

Q: 02. What main differences does he point out between Muslim and Hindu beliefs and attitudes?

Q: According to Liaquat Ali Khan, What were the difference between the Hindus and the Muslims of India?

Ans: Liaquat Ali Khan points out the main differences between Hindu-Muslim beliefs as the belief of Muslims in one God (Monotheists), and of Hindus in many gods and goddesses (Polytheists), Muslim’s belief in the Prophet of Arabia and Christ and Hindus’ non-belief in them, the belief of Muslims in the right of private ownership and distribution of wealth through inheritance and the practice of Hindus to promote increase of wealth by mortgage system.

Q: 03. What advantage does he show the Hindus to have gained from the creation of Pakistan?

Ans: The Hindus have gained the advantage of true freedom to develop their own culture after independence without the interference of Muslims and they could live peacefully without being inhibited by the contiguity ad untrammeled by the constant discontent and trouble caused by the dissatisfaction and unmanageable minority of the Muslims.

Q: 04. ‘Our administrative machinery had to be built up from scratch.’ What does this sentence mean?                                                                                                                        OR

Q: Our administrative machinery had to be built from scratch. What does Liaquat Ali Khan mean by these words? 

Ans: ‘Our administrative machinery had to be built up from scratch.’ Means that after the independence Muslims of Pakistan had no regular official machinery or institution to run and administer newly born state and her matters. They had to build every institution, administration and official machinery from start and that was an uphill task. Administrative machinery here means as the political and non-political bodies that can organize and run the country on her track.

Q: 05. On what grounds does Liaquat Ali Khan assert that the first duty of the Pakistanis as a free people is to themselves?                                                                                            OR

Q: According to Liaquat Ali Khan, what are the main demands of freedom?

Ans: The first duty of the Pakistanis as a free people to themselves is to maintain and preserve their own freedom which means to keep it protected from all internal and external threats; otherwise, they will disgrace the fair name of free men, women and people all over the world.

Q: 06. What does he state the real meanings of freedom, for the common man, to be? OR

Q: What is genuine freedom according to Liaquat Ali Khan?     OR

Q: What is the real freedom according to Liaquat Ali Khan?      OR

Q: According to Liaquat Ali Khan, what is the true meaning of freedom? OR

Q: What real meaning of freedom for the common man does Liaquat Ali Khan state?

Ans: Liaquat Ali Khan states that real meanings of freedom for the common man to be, is not freedom from a foreign domination but freedom from needs, wants, disease and ignorance as no nation can ever feel free if they are not free from these basic issues.

Q: 07. What is meant by a ‘synthesis’? What is the synthesis that Liaquat Ali Khan believes is necessary for Pakistan to achieve?

Ans: A synthesis means combination or coming together of the different elements. The synthesis that Liaquat Ali Khan believes is necessary for Pakistan to achieve is the ancient faith or old traditions of the east and modern science and technology and it can be achieved by upholding the independence by uplifting the resources and true efforts.

Q: 08. Liaquat Ali Khan contrasts two emotions that the Asian people tend to feel when they view the Western world. What are these two emotions?

Ans: The two contrasting emotions of the Asian people tend to feel when they view the Western world are admiration of the progress of civilization in West which is vast enough in its magnitude and pace and feelings of unease at their own backwardness and misery in their struggling society.

Q: 09. What does he put forward as the two main duties today of the Western World? OR

Q: According to Liaquat Ali Khan what are the two main duties of the Western World for the progress and maintenance of world peace today?

Ans: According to Liaquat Ali Khan, the two main duties today of the Western World for the progress and maintenance of the World Peace are, first to share its great fund of knowledge, experience and skill with those that were denied their opportunities and the other duty is to demonstrate not a faint outlook but the true conception of democracy in its conception and is essential for the maintenance of the world peace.

Q: 10. What are the aims of Pakistan? What does Pakistan want to do?

Ans: Pakistan is emerged on base of belief in God, democracy, justice and peace. The Pakistanis want to work for peace and justice. At the same time Pakistan wants to make full use of science, machinery and technology and become an active partner in the progress of third world countries of Asia.