HSSC - Federal Board

SLO Based English Notes SSC - II - FBISE - @ 2021 Onwards (Part II - Short and Long Questions)



Total Marks Sections B and C: 60

NOTE: Answer all the questions from Sections ‘B’ and ‘C’ on the separately provided Answer book.

Use Supplementary Answer-sheet i.e. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly.

Q. 2 Note: Read the following passage carefully and answer any FIVE questions including Question No. (i) appended to it.

Question No. (i) about Summary Writing is Compulsory carrying 06 marks while rest of the question carry 03 marks each. (6 + 4 X 3 = 18)

Q: 2. Comprehension Passage - 06 + 04 X 03 = 18 Marks


Newspapers do not require us to sit at a place and read the news. Busy people may read the papers anytime of the day. They may read the news that is important to them early in the morning, and carry the paper with them to read in the bus or van. They may also choose to omit certain aspects of the news that they are not interested in.

Television on the other hand, requires its viewers to be at a certain place, at a certain time in order to watch and listen to the news. If they are busy people, they will miss the news. They cannot choose to read it on the move or throughout the day. They cannot even choose which piece of news they wish to skip. One way could be to record it and watch it later. But the point here is that it is not that convenient.

Television brings laziness in us. We can view the news with a little or no effort since it is practically a form of entertainment. If we have the leisure time, we can view the television news anytime of the day and night. It broadcasts the news as it is happening. Much mastery of language is not necessary for the person who prefers to view the news on television because everything is visual and auditory. A person with a basic knowledge of the broadcast language will be able to view and understand it. In comparison, the reader of a newspaper needs to be proficient in the language in order to understand it better.


i. Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title to it. (Compulsory)

ii. Who can read the newspapers anytime of the day?

iii. Which medium is not convenient for the busy people?

iv. For which medium mastery of language is not necessary and why?

v. How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?

vi. Who can omit certain aspects of the news?

vii. Give the synonyms of any three words that are underlined in the passage.

FBISE – 2022 Paper – A

Newspapers do not require us to sit at a place and read the news. Busy people may read the papers anytime of the day. They may read the news that is important to them early in the morning, and carry the paper with them to read in the bus or van. They may also choose to omit certain aspects of the news that they are not interested.

Television on the other hand, requires its viewers to be at a certain place, at a certain time in order to watch and listen to the news. If they are busy people, they will miss the news. They cannot choose to read it on the move or throughout the day. They cannot even choose which piece of news they wish to skip. One way could be to record it and watch it later. But the point here is that it is not that convenient.

Television brings laziness in us. We can view the news with a little or no effort since it is practically a form of entertainment. If we have the leisure time, we can view the television news anytime of the day and night. It broadcasts the news as it is happening. Much mastery of language is not necessary for the person who prefers to view the news on television because everything is visual and auditory. A person with a basic knowledge of the broadcast language will be able to view and understand it. In comparison, the reader of a newspaper needs to be proficient in the language in order to understand it better.


i. Summarize the given passage. Also give a suitable title. (Compulsory)

ii. What are the advantages of reading newspaper?

iii. What are disadvantages of watching television?

iv. Explain the role of language if you watch television instead of reading newspaper.

v. How does television make us lazy?

vi. What do you prefer reading newspaper or watching Television, if you need to get news?

vii. Write down the Synonyms of any three of the underlined words.

FBISE – 2022 Paper - B

More than 99 percent of me world's food supply comes from the land, while less than 1 percent is from oceans and aquatic habitats. The continued production an adequate food supply is directly dependent of ample fertile land, fresh water and energy. As the human population grows, requirements for these resources also grow. Even if these resources are never depleted on a per capita basis they will decline significantly because they must be divided among more people. At present, fertile agricultural land is being lost at an alarming rate. The shortage of productive fertile land and combined with decreasing land productivity is the major cause of current food shortages.

Water is another critical item for all crops. Massive amount of water is required during the growing season for cultivation. In fact, agricultural production consumes more fresh water than any other human activity. In many countries people are facing shortage of fresh water. Competition for water resources among individuals, regions, countries and associated human activities is already occurring with the current world population. Water resources. critical for irrigation are under great stress as populous cities, states and countries require and withdraw more water form rivers, lakes and aquifers every year. A major threat to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-use of surface and ground water resources.


(i).   Summarize the given passage Also suggest a suitable title to it.

(ii).  Explain the food resources of the world

(iii). What happens to the available food resources if the population of the world continues to increase?

(iv).  What is the condition of fertile land at present?

(v).   What are the effects of shortage of water in agriculture sector?

(vi).  Do you also face shortage of water in your locality? Why? or Why not?

(vii). Write down the Synonyms of any three of the underlined words.

Model Paper- Set I

Literature is the story of humans. It is the record of who we are, where we come from and where we are going. Books make us travel at large. During our journey, we are connected with humanity. We identify ourselves with the characters we meet and learn whether we love, loathe, fear or flatter. They help us comprehend our faults and aspirations. They tell us who could we become if we are not careful. Reading provides the deepest connection to the morals that make us human, and part of a larger society.

Books are a source of comfort for us. They are a safe shelter. Throughout human history man has found peace in the written works. Books are bridges – through their pages we make our contact with society. Those who read more are better prepared to face the world than those who don’t read.

Though reading a book connects us with humanity, it is also the last truly private act in a world that has become too public. As a nourishment for the mind, it is slow food in a world given over to fast food. Blogs, text messages and e-books, bring relevance and instant gratification, much as newspapers and magazines do. But however important such forms are, they endure only as long as the stuff they are printed on. The comforts of books defy time, and break borders.

Books offer other types of pleasures as well. The joy of their touch, sound and fragrance is immeasurable. The pleasure of their understanding is an addition to it. The sharing of a book with friends is still another form of joy. Libraries are the evidence of grandeur of a civilization.

It is important that we work to give every person the opportunity to enjoy books as shelters, sustenance, and roads forward. To imagine a world without books is to imagine a world without thought, feeling, compassion, history, or voice.


i. Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title to it.

ii. What are the benefits of books?

iii. What does the author mean by ‘slow food’ & ‘fast food’?

iv. What kind of pleasures do the books offer?

v. How are the libraries an evidence of grandeur of civilization?

vi. What kind of world the humans will have without books?

vii. Give the SYNONYMS of the words that are underlined in the passage.

Model Paper- Set II

I also belonged to the following clubs: Reading Club           (two years), second year as Secretary Reading Club, and Computer Club. In the year 2009, I received awards in the following classes: Computer    Applications,    Geography,    and    Advanced Algebra / Trigonometry.  I also received an award for Most Encouraging Student. I currently belong to the Hiking and Outdoor Club, and Environmental Awareness Club. In addition, this year I participated in a programme called "Read With a Friend." In this programme I, along with a group of students, went to the nearby elementary school to read to a class of students from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade.

In order to gain an understanding of independence and responsibility, I held several summer jobs in the preceding two years. I also worked to help myself financially in a boarding school. My first summer job was at the English Language Center. My second job was at McDonalds, and my past summer job was at D.K. Academy. I am thankful to all these institutions for these job experiences. They have prepared me mentally and financially. This is important in a way that I am now more mature and responsible; which helps me not to be worried about the future but to look forward to it.

I am glad that I have got a taste of what the real world has to offer. I have learned many lessons from my Public High School, boarding school, and my work experiences. I am now ready to learn many more lessons through my college experience. Although it has been tough, I have succeeded so far. I am prepared to excel and make it much further in the years to come with my college education. This developing positive outlook has given me motivation that I need to become successful. I never give up. When I am determined to achieve, "I shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars."


i.          Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title to it.      

ii.         What are writer’s achievements as a student?

iii.        How has the writer got taste of real world?

iv.        What was writer’s purpose of doing summer jobs?

v.         How has the writer spent his summer vacation?

vi.        What has the writer gained from summer job experiences?

vii.       Give the SYNONYMS of the words that are underlined in the passage.

Model Paper- Set III

Once Hazrat Umar (R. A), sitting in the Masjid of the Rasool , was busy in the affairs of the state. Two young men, holding a strong and sturdy countryman, appeared before him. They complained to Harzat Umar (R. A) that the person had murdered their old father. They demanded justice by punishing the murderer for his crime.

The Caliph looked at the young man and said, "You have heard the charge leveled against you. What have you to say in your defence?" The villager replied, "Commander of the Faithful, I plead guilty to the charge. I was leading my beloved camel. When I reached a garden and halted to rest, the camel nipped a few leaves off the hanging branch of a tree. The old man, on seeing this, hurled a stone at the camel with all his might. The stone caught the camel on the side of the head. It reeled and fell down dead. The camel was very dear to me. I could not control my anger, so I took the same stone that had killed my dear camel and hurled it at the old man with all my strength. The stone hit the old man on the head and subsequently killed him. At this, these two young men came to me and I surrendered myself to them."

Caliph: As you have confessed your crime, there is no need of witnesses. You are, therefore, sentenced to death.

Villager: I accept this sentence but request you to delay the execution for three days.

Caliph: Why do you ask for delay in the execution of the sentence?

Villager: My father on his death left some gold for my younger brother who is too young to be told about the place where I hid it. I have buried the gold in the earth in a field and no one knows the place. If my brother, on account of my death, does not get his due share, I shall be called to account on the Day of Judgment for being dishonest. Be kind and grant me three days' time.


i.          Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable title for it.

ii.         What case did the two men bring to Hazrat Umar (RA)?

iii.        Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?

iv.        What did the caliph say to the villager after hearing the complaint?

v.         Why did the villager ask Hazrat Umar (RA) to delay the execution?

vi.        What was the Caliph’s verdict and what was the response of the villager?

vii.       Give the SYNONYMS of the words that are underlined in the passage.

Q: 3. Paraphrasing & Poem Comprehension (Poems). - 02 + 04 = 06 Marks

a.                 Paraphrasing - 02 Marks

(a).       Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas:


I.                   You are the handicap you must face,

You are the one who must choose your place

You must say where you want to go.

How much you will study the truth to know.


II.              Once or twice though you should fail,

If you would at last prevail,

Try again.

If we strive, 'tis no disgrace

Though we did not win the race—

What should you do in that case?

Try again.

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

I.                 ‘Tis a lesson you should heed---

Try again;

If at first you don't succeed,

Try again,

Then your courage should appear;

For in you will persevere,

You will conquer, never fear,

Try again.


II.              Look them over, the wise and great

They take their food from a common plate

And similar knives and forks they use,

With similar laces they tie their shoes

The world considers them brave and smart,

But you’ve all they had when they made their start.

FBISE – 2022 Paper - B

I.                 The pines where they stood.

The wind will miss them

When its sliver blind is down

They have stripped the bark from the wood---

The needy boughs and the brown

Knobby nuts trodden into the ground


II.              But all of that

Not its core.

Its center is in truth

Eternal stillness

Bright blue skies

And all you hear

Are gentle whispers

Far away

And unimportant.

Model Paper- Set I

I.                 If you find your task is hard,

Try, try again;

Time will bring you your reward,

Try, try again.

All that other folks can do,

Why, with patience, should not you?

Only keep this rule in view:

Try, try again.


II.              Thy kindness shall bring to thee many sweet hours,

And blessing thy pathway to crown;

Affection shall weave thee a garland of flowers,

More precious than wealth or renown.


Model Paper- Set II

I.                 Once or twice though you should fail, Try, try again;

If you would at last prevail, Try, try again;

If we strive, 'tis no disgrace

Though we do not win the race;

What should you do in the case?

Try, try again.


II.              Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the Milky Way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

Model Paper- Set III

I.                 And when the sun comes out,

After this rain shall stop,

A wondrous light will fill

Each dark, round drop;

I hope the Sun shines bright;

It will be a lovely sight.


II.              Be kind to thy sister-not many may know

The depth of true sisterly love;

The wealth of the Ocean lies fathoms below

The surface that sparkles above.

Q: 3. Paraphrasing & Poem Comprehension (Poems) - 02 + 04 = 06 Marks

b.                Poem Comprehension - 04 Marks

(b).      Read the following Poem / Stanza carefully and answer the questions appended to it:


I.                Figure it out for yourself my lad,

You've all the greatest of them have had.

Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,

And a brain to use if you would be wise,

With this equipment they all began,

So, start for the top and say “I can”


(i). Write the Metaphor that has been used by the poet in this stanza.                       (02)

(ii). Elaborate the implied message of the stanza.                                                      (02)


II.              And when the sun comes out.

After this rain shall stop,

A wondrous light will

Each dark, round drop;

I hope the sun shines bright:

It will be a lovely sight.

(i). What does the sun symbolize in this stanza?                                                       (02)

(ii). What makes the scene lovely?                                                                            (02)

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

I.                Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is broken-winged bird

That cannot fly;

Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams go

Life is barren field

Froze with snow


(i). Write down the theme of the poem.                                                                     (02)

(ii). What happens when dreams die?                                                                        (02)


II.              And when the sun comes out.

After this rain shall stop,

A wondrous light will

Each dark, round drop;

I hope the sun shines bright:

It will be a lovely sight.


(i). Write down the moral lesson the poet is conveying in the stanza.                       (02)

(ii). What happens when the sun comes out after rain?                                              (02)

FBISE – 2022 Paper - B

I.                 Figure it out for yourself my lad,

You've all the greatest of them have had.

Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,

And a brain to use if you would be wise,

With this equipment they all began,

So, start for the top and say “I can”


(i). Explain the theme of the stanza.                                                                           (02)

(ii). What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?                                                  (02)


II.              I hear leaves drinking rain;

I hear rich leaves on top

Giving the poor beneath

Drop after drop,

‘Tis a sweet noise to hear

These green leaves drink near


(i). What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?                                                  (02)

(ii). Explain the sweet noise' mentioned in the stanza.                                              (02)

Model Paper- Set I

I.                 Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.


i. Give examples of metaphor from the given poem?                                                (02)

ii. Write down the theme of the poem in your own words.                                        (02)


II.              I hear leaves drinking rain,

I hear rich leaves on the top,

Giving the poor beneath

Drop after drop:

Tis a sweet noise to hear

These green leaves drinking near.


i. What does the poor leaves and rich leaves metaphorically stand for?                   (02)

ii. Elaborate the implied message of the stanza.                                                        (02)

Model Paper - Set II

I.                 The wind is now

a roaring, smashing

monster of destruction,

raking all man's work

from the valleys,

from the vales,

and sends them spinning, broken flying


i. Give two examples of visual imagery from the given stanza?                               (02)

ii. With what the wind is compared? What does the wind do?                                  (02)


II.             In spite of war, in spite of death,

In spite of all man’s sufferings,

Something within me laughs and sings

And I must praise with all my breath.

In spite of war, in spite of hate

Lilacs are blooming at my gate,

Tulips are tripping down the path

In spite of war, in spite of wrath.


i. What are the things that flourish despite the damages of war?                               (02)

ii. Elaborate the implied message of the stanzas.                                                       (02)

Model Paper - Set III

I.                 Once or twice though you should fail,

If you would at last prevail,

Try again

If we strive, 'tis no disgrace

Though we do not win the race;

What should you do in that case?

Try again.


i. What should you do if you did not win the race?                                                   (02)

ii. Explain the line “If we strive, 'tis no disgrace” in your own words.                     (02)


II.              Though guns may roar and cannon boom,

Roses are born and gardens bloom;

My spirit still may light its flame

At that same torch whence poppies came.

Where morning's altar whitely burns

Lilies may lift their silver urns

In spite of war, in spite of shame.


i. What are the things that flourish despite the damages of war?                               (02)

ii. Elaborate implied message of the stanzas in your own words.                              (02) 


Q: 4.

a. Fill in blanks with appropriate form of the Verbs given in the brackets.                    (04)


(i). I ________ (speak) Chinese for twenty years.

(ii). Javeria ________ (ask) that question four times.

(iii). Shan ________ (go) for lunch tomorrow.

(iv). I already ________ (post) the letter.

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

(i). The river ________ (flow) under the bridge.

(ii). I ________ (write) the letter before he arrived.

(iii). I ________ (not go) out if it rains.

(iv). He ________ (sleep) for five hours.

FBISE – 2022 Paper-B

(i).        It _________ (rain) all night

(ii).       Ali fell off the ladder when he _________ (mend) the roof

(iii).      This time tomorrow I _________ (sit) on the beach in Karachi

(iv).      Don't disturb me, I _________ (do) my work.

Model Paper- Set I

i.          Hardly had we reached the school, when the bell _________________ (ring).

ii.         I wish I _________ (be) a child again.

iii.        The doctor suggested that the patient ____________ (lose) weight.

iv.        To take pay and not to work _________ (be) dishonesty

Model Paper- Set II

i.          My grandmother is eighty-five, but she _________ still read and write without glasses. (Ability)

ii.         _________ I come with you? (Permission)

iii.        _________ you help me with the housework, please? (Polite request)

iv.        There was a time when I _________ stay up very late. (Past ability)

v.         You _________ not lose any more weight. You are already slim. (Necessity)

vi.        Our country _________ become a super power by 2025. (Possibility)

Model Paper- Set III

i. She is so intelligent that she will __________ it. (understand)

ii. Last month, he ______ every plan. (try)

iii. You must ______ the responsibility. (take)

iv. Everyone ______ to be happy. (wish)


b. Change the FOUR bold sentences into Indirect Speech:                                              (04)


(i). She said, “I didn’t go to school yesterday.”

(ii). He said to me, “Tell the truth.”

(iii). She said, “I like clouds in the sky.”

(iv). He said, “Will you listen to me?”

(v). You will say, “She is nervous.”

(vi). Afshan said, “Honesty is the best policy.”

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

‘My sons, a great treasure lies in the estate and I am about to leave you’. said the old man ‘Where is it hidden?’ said the sons. ‘I’m about to leave you,' said the old man, ‘but you must dig for it’

FBISE – 2022 Paper-B

He said "Who are you to speak to me like this". He added "I am the master". "Why should I help you?” The man replied "It is your work to draw the cart".

Model Paper- Set I

Rashid recently attended an interview for the selection of a computer programmer. At the interview, he was asked:Why do you want to be a computer programmer?” To this question he replied,I want to change my job because I have always been interested in computers.

When the interviewer asked him, “Do you have any experience?” He replied that he didn’t have any experience but he was a fast learner.

Finally, the interviewer wanted to know the kind of computer he used.

Rashid replied, “I can use a Mac and have also used Windows 10 once in the past.

The interviewer seemed to be pleased with his answers.

Model Paper - Set II

Rewrite the sentence with the Adverb form of the underlined word. (any Four)

i.          He is certain to come.

ii.         Her dress was poor.

iii.        That he had made a mistake was evident.

iv.        He treated me with scorn.

v.         His action was wise.

Model Paper - Set III

The King said, “Is my son dead?” The messenger said, “No Sir, thank God.” The King worriedly said, “Do you mean he is fine?” The messenger replied, “No Sir, he is in great trouble and badly needs your help.”

QUESTION #: 04 (GRAMMAR (b. Do As Directed) - 04 MARKS)

c.         Do as directed (any FOUR) of the following:                                                         (04)


(i).        She does not eat meat.                                    (Change into Affirmative)

(ii).       It is raining cats and dogs.                              (Change into Interrogative)

(iii).      Amjad is a successful writer.                          (Change into Negative)

(iv).      My mother makes delicious cookies.             (Change into Interrogative)

(v).       She wrote with her left hand.                          (Change into Negative)

(vi).      I do not  have two sisters.                               (Change into Affirmative)

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

(i).        The headmaster wants to speak to you.          (Change into Negative)

(ii).       She left the school last year.                           (Change into Interrogative)

(iii).      You go into the room.                                     (Change into Imperative)

(iv).      The light went out while I was reading.         (Change into Negative)

(v).       Were we listening to the radio all evening?    (Change into Affirmative)

(vi).      She seems sad.                                                (Change into Interrogative)

FBISE – 2022 Paper - B

(i). The Sun rises in the east                            (Change into Interrogative)

(ii). Piper piped that song again                                  (Change into Negative)

(iii). The girl closed the door quickly.                         (Change into Imperative)

(iv.) Ahrned spoiled the project in a hurry.     (Change into Interrogative)

(iv). Did the plane arrive at 3 30?                               (Change into Affirmative)

(vii). I bought a new bicycle last week                       (Change into Negative)

Model Paper- Set I

You have never come across such an unusual piece of art. (Change into Interrogative Sentence)

ii. We’re going to have to put off our trip to Spain until September. (Change into Negative)

iii. They would not come for your help. (Change into Imperative Sentence)

iv. The train will come in five minutes. (Change into Interrogative Sentence)

v. The latter half of the film is more interesting than the former. (Change into Negative Sentence)

vi. My brother works abroad. (Change into Negative Sentence)

Model Paper - Set II

i. The coach said to the players, “Bravo! You have played well.”(Change into Indirect Speech)

ii. Every morning he has to go for a walk. (Change into an Interrogative Sentence)

iii. It grows slowly. (Change into a Negative Sentence)

iv. "Please sit down”, said the headmaster. (Change into Indirect Speech)

v. He is never on time. (Change into Affirmative Sentence)

vi. I saw an old beggar. He was sitting under a tree. (Change into a Simple Sentence)

Model Paper- Set III

i. Everybody knows the name of Iqbal. (Change into an Interrogative Sentence)

ii. Only the brave deserves the praise. (Transform into a Negative Sentence)

iii. You are requested to give me a glass of water. (Change into an Imperative Sentence)

iv. I can never forget you. (Change into an Interrogative Sentence)

v. You are the only person fit for the post. (Transform into a Negative Sentence)

vi. There was an unusual silence. (Transform into a Negative Sentence)



Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about access to school libraries in evening.     

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper regrading begging on the road signals.           (08)

FBISE – 2022 Paper – B

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about price hike

Model Paper- Set I

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the nuisance caused by the excessive use of pressure horns in the city during examination days drawing attention of the concerned authorities to take the remedial measures

Model Paper - Set II

The editor of a newspaper about the increasing number of crimes committed by teenagers drawing attention of the concerned authorities to take the remedial measures.

Model Paper - Set III

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the trouble caused by the encroachments in front of shops in the bazar drawing attention of the concerned authorities to take the remedial measures.


OR - Application Writing


Write an application to the Principal for the grant of fee concession.

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

Write an application to the Managing Director of a firm for the post of an accountant.

FBISE – 2022 Paper - B

Write and application to the Director of Education for the grant of scholarship.

Model Paper - Set I

Write an application to the Managing Director of a firm for the post of Manager.

Model Paper - Set II

Write an application to the Managing Director of a firm for the post of Manager

Model Paper - Set III

Write an application to the Chief Executive of an organization for the post of Public Relations Officer.



Describe your visit to a historical place using appropriate / correct Transitional Devices (at least six) for connecting your ideas logically in paragraph.

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

Describe a day at school using appropriate / correct Transitional Devices (at least six) for connecting your ideas logically in paragraph.                                                     

FBISE – 2022 Paper – B

Describe your weekend, using appropriate / correct Transitional Devices (at least six) for connecting your ideas logically in paragraph.

Model Paper- Set I

Describe your daily routine using appropriate/correct transitional devices (at least six) for connecting your ideas logically in a paragraph

Model Paper - Set II

in other words, furthermore as well as, same as, although, but, as a result, yet,

Drawing, ________, other skills is all about taking the time to master each step.

_________, mastering the art of drawing doesn’t happen in a day. _____, it’s a skill that takes daily practice __________dedication to improve your craft. ________it is important not to burn yourself out, _____ you need to practice enough. ______ some people make an eager start, ____ not many can show enough patience. _____, they quit without it before mastering it.

Model Paper - Set III

Write a paragraph to describe your visit to a park using transition words (at least six).

Q: 7. Essay Writing – 10 Marks.

Q: 7. Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics. (200 - 250 words)                            


Covid – 19                                          OR      Our Cultural Festivals            

OR      Floods in Pakistan

FBISE – 2022 Paper - A

Choice of Future Career                     OR      The Role of Social Media in Our Life

OR      Sports and Games

FBISE – 2022 Paper – B

We Live In Deeds not in Years          OR      Importance of Tree Plantation

OR      Hard Work is the Key to Success

Model Paper- Set I

Need for Online Studies                     OR      How Can We Save Our Environment?

OR      Use of Cell Phone at School

Model Paper - Set II

Importance of English                        OR      Role of Media            

OR      Benefits of Digital Technology

Model Paper- Set III

Need for Technical Education            OR      Global Warming


Charms of Spring Season