HSSC - Federal Board

Solution Set for Class X - Federal Board.. English

English SSC- II
SECTION — A (Marks 15)
Time allowed: 20 Minutes                                                                              Total Marks: 15
Note: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the question paper itself It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the invigilator Deleting / overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.

Insert the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D in the empty box opposite each part. Each part carries one mark.
(i). He decided every case brought to him, by friend of foe with justice. The underlined word means:
a. partner         b. companion                           c. enemy                     d. forefathers
(ii). Prior to the first day of the New Year. It is customary for families to thoroughly clean their:
a. houses         b. office                                   c. kitchens                   d. garages
(iii) Choose the correct spelling:
a. auditory      b. uditary                                 c. auditery                   d. auditry
(iv) The invention of television primarily aimed at giving:
a. in depth coverage                b. feedback     c. view points              d. entertainment
(v). Choose the correct antonym for "abandon".
a. desert          b. deny                                    c. burden                     d. support
(vi). Do you know anybody here? The underlined word is a / an:
a. relative pronoun                  b. reciprocal pronoun
c. interrogative pronoun          d. indefinite  pronoun
(vii). If I had a million dollars, I would buy a bungalow. This sentence is:
a. zero conditional                   b. first conditional
c. second conditional                         d. third conditional
(viii). This is the land where our forefathers landed. What type of clause in the underlined part of the sentences?
a. adjective clause                  b. noun clause             c. dependent clause     d. independent clause
(ix). Because he was late, he missed the first period. What type of sentence is the given sentence? a. simple sentence                         b complex sentence
c. compound sentence             c. compound-complex sentence         
(x). He does not take pride in his piety. Which tense is it?
a. present indefinite               b. present continuous              c. present perfect         d. past indefinite
(xi). Team is a:
a. proper noun             b. common noun         c. collective noun       d. material noun
(xii). How cold the night is! This is a/ an sentence.
a. assertive                   b. interrogative            c. exclamatory            d. imperative
(xiii). The cab stays where they are. The underlined clause is an adverb clause of:
a. condition                 b. place           c. time             d. manner
(xiv). The men ______ you were talking to at the meeting is my cousin. Insert appropriate Pronoun.
a. that              b. what                        c. who             d. which
(xv). The first aid supplies are generally available at:
a. pharmacies b. fisheries                   c groceries       d.  culinaries
Section A (MCQs)                             (15)
indefinite pronoun
second conditional
adjective clause
complex sentence
present indefinite
collective noun

SECTION — B (Marks 40)

Q-2: Answer any FIVE of the following questions in about 30-40 words. Each part carries 3 marks.                                                                                                                        [5 X 3=15]
(i). Which personality trait of Rasoolullah convinced Non-Muslims to bring their suits to him?
Ans: Non-Muslims trusted the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) because he was well-known for his justice and decided cases in equity. Thus, the justice of the Rasool (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) made non-Muslims bring their suits to him. Non-Muslims trusted that the Rasool (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) will decide all cases in equity without any favour or fear.

(ii). How New Year Eve’s Dinner is celebrated I Chinese Culture?
Ans: The New Year's Eve dinner named as "Nian Ye Fan" is the most important dinner for the Chinese. Normally, this is the family reunion dinner, especially for those with family members away from home. It helps Chinese families to sit together and mend their bonds. It is mandatory for all family members to attend this dinner. Chinese prepare eight to nine dishes for this specific feast as In Chinese language, the word “eight” means “Prosperity” and word “nine” means “Long-lasting”. Whole family partakes in this dinner to solemnize the feast.

(iii). What is the effect of incessant growth of population?
Ans: The alarming and incessant growth of population is causing serious economic problems in almost all continents. Great pressure is being placed on arable land, water, energy and biological resources. The food problem will become increasingly severe. As the human population continues to explode, finite natural resources, such as fossil fuels, fresh water, arable land and forests, continue to drop, which is placing stress on the basic life supporting resources and leading to a poor quality of life.
(iv). How young people seek guidance for their future career?
Ans: A 14 to 15 years old student is not mature enough to decide for his / her future. He / she aren’t mature enough to make such life-changing decisions. Likewise, most of the parents and teachers cannot observe or determine specific personality traits of the students or their interests. Career Counselors are well informed about trends of the market. They play an important role in guiding the youth towards a rewarding profession. Moreover, they know what the scope of any field in future is. Thus young people seek guidance for their future career with the help of career counselors and career counseling departments.

(v). Who hurt the camel and how?
Ans: The old owner of the garden, on seeing the camel nipping leaves off the tree branches, thought that this camel has no owner. The camel was spoiling his garden and he wanted to let the camel out of his garden. So, he picked up a stone and hurled it at the camel with all his strength. Unfortunately, the stone caught the camel on the side of the head. It reeled and fell down dead.
(vi). On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave?
Ans: The criminal had a murder charge of an old man on him. He was allowed to leave on a condition to produce someone who could stand as surety and would be willing to suffer death if the criminal failed to return. The young man looked helplessly to the crowd as he was a stranger in town. Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari (R.A) a well-known companion of the Prophet (S.A.W.W) came forward and offered himself as the surety of the accused. The accused was released and given a camel to ride.
(vii). Which medium of news is more convenient for you? Why?
Ans: Both the mediums have their strengths and shortcomings. In the same way each medium has some significant features which other lacks. I, personally prefer to read newspapers. Reading newspaper has many advantages like newspapers give detailed news. Expert’s views, analysis and the views of general public is taken under consideration about any topic or problem before publishing it. Moreover, we have the flexibility to skip any part or whole news if we want which is also time-saving.

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(a) Write down the central idea of the poem “The Rain”.
Ans: This very beautiful short poem has been composed by W. H. Davies, who is famous for his themes of nature and social problems of the society. In this poem he very boldly and bluntly gives a serious message in a few words as he criticizes the discrimination between rich and the poor. If the rich people help the poor and bring out from the miserable life and eliminate their worries, the world can become quite attractive and peaceful. He has used metaphorical language to use leaves as upper and lower classes of the society and to tell that upper class enjoys all the amenities of life. However, after quenching their thirst they pass on the remaining to lower class but drop by drop.

To conclude, in the second stanza the poet has given the glimpse of the sun after the rain as a hope.  The sun comes out after the rain to eliminate the darkness and share its brightness equally with all the parts of tree and leaves without any discrimination of upper or lower.

(b). Read following stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end.
Tis a lesson you should heed ---
Try again;
If at first don’t succeed,
Try again.
Then your courage should appear;
For if your courage persevere,
You will conquer, never fear,
Try again.
(i). What lesson do you learn from this stanza?                                                                  [2]
Ans: The lesson we learn from this stanza is to keep trying until succeed. Winners always try again without care for their initial failures and ultimately they succeed at the end.

(ii). What does the repetitive use of the word “Try again” connote?                               [2]
Ans: The repetition of work “Try Again” connotes the importance of giving it another shot. Its means “Try” doing something but wisely this time and not to repeated same mistake again. The poet has used this alliteration to make readers aware of the importance of trying again.

(iii). What is the role of “perseverance” with reference to conquering?                          [2]
Ans: Word perseverance means firmness or determination. If one is determined to do something no power in the world can stop the person to become a winner. Water is the best example of it as it keeps falling on a stone drop by drop and at last it makes a hole in the hard stone.

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Q-4: Read the following passage and answer the questions.                                             [10]
The next ingredient is a very remarkable one Good Temper. “Love is not easily provoked.” Nothing could be more striking than to find this here. We are inclined to look upon bad temper as a very harmless weakness. We speak of it as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into very serious account in estimating a man’s character. And yet here, right in the heart of this analysis of love, it finds a place; and the Bible again and again returns to condemn it as one of the most destructive elements in human nature.

(i). What is the common misperception about “bad temper”?                                          [2]
Ans: The common misperception about “bad temper” is that it is a very harmless weakness due to a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, not a thing to take into very serious account in estimating a man’s character.

(ii). Should “temperament” be an important indicator in analyzing one’s personality? Why or Why not?                                                                                                                             [2]
Ans: Yes, temperament should be an important indicator in analyzing one’s personality a it is not a mere a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament, but something that has been described as the most destructive elements in human nature by Bible time and again.

(iii). Write the meanings of the underlined words and phrases.                                       [1]
deliberately make someone annoyed, angry
express complete disapproval

(iv). Summarize the passage and suggest a suitable title.                                                   [4+1]
Ans:  Suitable title: Suitable title for the given passage can be “importance of temperament” OR “temper check”.
“Love is not easily provoked.” Nothing could be more striking than to find love as bad temper is considered a very harmless weakness. It is considered as a mere infirmity of nature, a family failing, a matter of temperament yet not a thing to be taken into very serious account as man’s characteristic. The Bible has repeatedly condemned it as a destructive element in human nature.

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(a) Change the narration of any FOUR on the following sentences:                   [4]
(i). She said that she liked clouds in the sky.
(ii). He asked if I would listen to him.
(iii). He said, “Alas! We cannot defeat our enemies.”
(iv). My friend said to me, “Do you want to come with me for a walk?”
(v). He said to his father, “Please give me some extra money.”
(vi). The judge said, “Call the next witness.”

Solution (Narration)
She said, “I like clouds in the sky.”
He said, “Will you listen to me?”
He exclaimed with sorrow / sorrowfully that they could not defeat their enemies.
My friend inquired / asked me if I wanted to come with him for a walk. OR My friend inquired / asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with him.
He requested his father to give him some extra money.
OR He requested his father for some extra money
The judge ordered to call the next witness.
OR The judge called in the next witness.

(b) Use any FOUR on the following prepositional / Phrasal Verbs I sentences: [4]
send out, get down, hold over, guilty of, grieve at, bear upon

P. Phrases
send out
to cause , a signal to go out
They have sent out their kids to play.
get down
depress, discourage
We must get down the habit of smoking.
hold over
to save, delay
They are holding over the ship at sea.
guilty of
responsible for
He was guilty of stealing his friend’s belongings.
grieve at
to be sad at a loss
The world is grieved at innocent loss of lives in air crash.
bear upon
to tolerate
He has been bearing upon his nonsense since long.

Q-6: Write a letter to the editor of news paper about street crimes in your area.           [8]
(i)                         Formal Letter:
Formal Letters are written to business associates, higher authorities, editors etc.
The Editor,
Daily Dawn,
A.B.C City.
(Line Space)
Date: 15th February, 2020.
(Line Space)
Subject: To publish about street crimes in our area.
(Line Space)
Dear Sir, / Madam,                 
I am a regular reader of your newspaper and always appreciate the steps and stand your newspaper takes to eradicate social evils and resolve matters of public interests. I am a resident of LMN Area. We are facing a lot of fear and issues due to increased number of street crimes in our locality. Every now and then some cell phone, bag, wallet or any other important belonging is snatched by the street criminals and mobile snatchers. People are afraid to walk about in the locality and they prefer not to go out in the late evenings. Moreover, these dacoits do not care for anything and can shoot on spot. Recently there had been a couple of cases in which they not only snatched the belongings but also shot the victim for nothing.

(Line Space)
Therefore, on behalf of our locality’s residents, I want to use a little space of your esteemed newspaper and hope that you will publish my letter as soon as possible. Kindly publish this letter in your newspaper that concerned authorities can take a look into the matter and we, the residents of LMN area can lead a safe and peaceful life.
(Line Space)
Yours sincerely / truly, / faithfully / affectionately,   
(Resident(s) of LMN Area)
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Write an Application to the Principal of your school requesting him / her for provision of transport facility.
The Principal
A. B.C School,
X. Y. Z City.
(Line Space)
Date: 15th February, 2020.
(Line Space)
Subject: To provide transport facility.
(Line Space)
Dear Sir, / Madam,                 
I am a well-rounded student of your school. I have been studying in this school since my admission and have been an active participant in both academic and non-academic activities. I used to come by private transport as my father was here with us. But now my father has been transferred to Lahore / we have shifted our house into another area far from the school and my father cannot commute to drop me every day and then go to office. Moreover, no private van comes to school from that area. If I will take public transport then there are certain chances that   I might get late to school often.

(Line Space)
Therefore, it is requested that I might be granted permission to use school transport and a seat may be allocated in school bus that I can do outback to and from school without any problem. Kindly look into the matter and allow me to use school transport facility.
(Line Space)
Yours obediently,      
Student of ABC Class,
R #: 12345.

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