HSSC - Federal Board

Prisoner Of Zenda - Short Question Answers


Q: 01. The Prisoner of Zenda is a novel of adventure. Discuss                                         (2006)
Ans: Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins has created a combination of adventure, melodrama and romance in “The Prisoner of Zenda”.
Plot: The plot is based upon the political challenges in an imaginary state of Ruritania, situated in Central Europe, for the throne and the Princess, which are caused by the death of King Rudolf IV.
Theme: The only and legal heir to the throne is Princess Flavia. Rudolf Elphberg, the real son of king, is her fiancé. However, Black Michael, a son from second and morganatic marriage of the late king, also wishes to get the throne as he is far more popular than his brother Rudolf who had spent a big time of his life abroad.
Story: Black Michael made a devilish and dangerous plan to drug Rudolf Elphberg and seize the throne for himself but Colonel Sapt, with the help of a stranger and distant cousin of Elphbergs, Rudolf Rassendyll, an Englishman, snatches away this chance from him. Black Michael’s men kidnap and imprison King in the castle of Zenda. Both parties, though knowing the realities of each other neither, do not dare to speak of the truth to defend their schemes i.e. Black Michael’s scheme to kill insensible king and take over the throne and King’s party to free the real King and place him at his rightful place.

Q: 02. Anthony Hope has drawn a free vivid picture of late 17th Century European people with Palace intrigues and unaware subjects in his novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. Discuss.
Ans: It is true that Anthony Hope has drawn a free vivid picture of late 17th Century European people with vivid picture of Palace intrigues and unaware subjects in his novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. Rudolf Rassendyll, a young aristocratic family member goes on a tour to Ruritania, an imaginary state and meets the future King in the forest of Zenda. The king invites him to supper, drinks too much and gets unconscious thus, both of the loyal servants of King, impersonate him due to his resemblance with the king. This gives a birth to all the incidents, palace intrigues, adventures and romantic touch to the novel.

Q: 03. How do we learn Rassendyll’s connection with the Elphbergs?
Ans: The Novel begins with the description of a very rich family “The Rassendylls” in England. They are artisans, the elder son of the family “Robert Rassendyll” is Lord of Burlesdon and younger son “Rudolf Rassendyll” is highly educated, perfect speaker of different languages, good shot and a competent swordsman, likes to travel and adventure. More than two centuries ago, there had been a scandal in the family as during his stay in England, a young prince from the Elphbergs, had developed illicit relationship with the Countess Amelia who belonged to  “The Rassendylls”. It was due to the legacy of sin of that young prince that “The Rassendylls” always had sharp noses, blue eyes and red hairs like the Elphbergs since then.

Q: 04. “You are nine and twenty and you have done nothing.” To whom does Lady Rose state and what does she mean by the above remark?                              (2013-Com-Pvt)
Ans: Lady Rose is addressing Rudolf Rassendyll in this statement. She is trying to express the necessity of taking up some permanent employment as he has turned twenty nine and yet he is only interested in adventure, wandering and hunting only.

Q: 05. State three qualities of Rudolf Rassendyll.              (2017-Com)                OR
Q: Highlight some sterling qualities of Rudolf Rassendyll as a Victorian hero. (2015-Com) OR
Q: Rassendyll is the real King. Comment.                                      (2014-Sc)
Ans: The quote “Before God, You are the finest Elphberg of them all”, affirms that Rudolf Rassendyll is the real King. He appears to be a typical hero of romance and adventure besides being brave, gallant and man of upright character. He is such a person who possesses multifarious qualities of heroism that put in him a spirit to experience adventures. Sapt makes a quite worth admiring decision by choosing him to save the throne of Ruritania because Rassendyll fits his decisions and never lets him down. He not only helps Sapt fully in the restoration but also remains anxious for the liberation of the real King. On the other hand he plays the role of King till his level best and sacrifices his own desires and wishes to stand the dignity of his words. Since the acceptance to impersonate the king to save throne till the end when he faces the painful departure from his love “Princess Flavia” knowing that she will marry Rudolf Elphberg for the sake of her country and people, Rudolf showed that every inch of him was made of noble blood and he was brought up like a King.

Q: 06. Who deserves to be the king of Ruritania more and why?
Q: Who deserves to be the rightful King of Ruritania Elphberg or Rassendyll? State with reasons (2013-Com-Reg)                                                                                        OR
Q: What were the main differences between both Rudolf Rassendyll and Rudolf Elphberg?
Q: Compare two Rudolf’s briefly.                                                                           OR
Q: Give a comparison between Elphberg and Rassendyll.           (2014-Sc)
Ans: Both the cousins resemble physically but yet have differences like different mental approach, habits and traits.
1.      Rudolf Rassendyll is an English Aristocrat whereas Elphberg is a European Crown Prince.
2.      Rudolf Rassendyll is shrewd, straight forward and proves discreet whereas Rudolf Elphberg is indiscreet.
3.      Rudolf Rassendyll is silent and reserved natured whereas Rudolf Elphberg is careless and pleasure seeking person.
4.      Rudolf Rassendyll is a brave, courageous, challenging and full of spirit of adventure whereas Rudolf Elphberg is weak, unchallenging and a shallow person.
5.      Rudolf Rassendyll posses the quality of adaptability whereas Rudolf Elphberg lacks it.
6.      Rudolf Rassendyll posses genius, active mind and free heart whereas Rudolf Elphberg has no genius but only a good friend.
Ans: Legally Rudolf Rassendyll doesn’t deserve to be the king as he is an Englishman, a foreigner in Ruritania and doesn’t classify to be a King. However he possesses inborn qualities of leadership which weigh heavily in his favour. He is enterprising, accepts the responsibility to step into the king’s shoes and becomes the imposter of King and plays that role admirably.
Rudolf Elphberg being the heir to the throne of Ruritania has the right to be King though he lacks the qualities of a King. He is easy going, careless and lacks in leadership qualities as he loves wine, women and music. He takes kingship rather lightly, while Rudolf Rassendyll is bold and courageous at the right time. His conduct is most unbecoming for a king which makes him undeserving to be a king.

Q: 07. Do you consider Rudolf Elphberg the best king of Ruritania? Justify your answer with reason.                    (2011- Com-Reg)
Ans: No, He wasn’t a better choice to be a King as the Throne was totally endangered by the careless attitude of the real king. It was sheer chance for the Black Michael to capture the throne. Rudolf Elphberg being the heir to the throne of Ruritania has the right to be King though he lacks the qualities of a King. He is easy going, careless and lacks in leadership qualities as he loves wine, women and music. He takes kingship rather lightly, while Rudolf Rassendyll is bold and courageous at the right time. His conduct is most unbecoming for a king which makes him undeserving to be a king. He also drinks the wine gifted by his wicked brother though it is well known that Black Michael intends to get through the access to the throne and wants to marry Princess Flavia but Elphberg doesn’t care about all these facts.
Q: 08. What was the importance of the first meeting of the hero with the King Rudolf and his most loyal attendants?                                                                                                    OR
Q: How and where do the two Rudolfs meet first time?                                       (2017-Com)
Q: Narrate the first meeting that took place between Rudolf Rassendyll and Rudolf Elphberg.                                                         (2011- Supplementary)        
Ans: The first chance meeting of the hero with the king (both Rudolfs) and his most loyal attendants were of vital and significant importance in the novel. They met in a forest near Zenda just a day before the coronation. This was a meeting which shocked King Rudolf because he saw a person who resembled him very much. The king was amused to know distant relation with Rassendyll and took him to an informal supper where they ate and drank together with some delightful conversation. There King Rudolf drank a rare old wine gifted by Michael which was actually drugged. Hadn’t Rudolf Rassendyll met them all, Black Michael would surely have captured the throne in absence of the King Elphberg.

Q: 09. Discuss the points of resemblances between both Rudolfs.
Ans: The Writer has created artistically amazing resemblances between both the Rudolfs as both have similar physical features such as red hair and long nose. Moreover both have same stature and built as they are distant relatives. It was like hide one and bring forth the other in order to convince the people that he was the real king of Ruritania.

Q: 10. What part does the Castle of Zenda play in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”?
Ans: The Castle of Zenda plays a very significant and important role in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. In fact the title says it all because the real adventure, thrill and action begins when the King, Rudolf Elphberg, is imprisoned in the castle of Zenda and Rudolf Rassendyll, Colonel Sapt and their faithful companions struggle to free the king by attempting and attacking Castel again and again till they succeed.

Q: 11. Describe morganatic marriage with particular reference to the Prisoner of Zenda. (2013-Com-Reg)
Ans: A marriage in which the spouse belonging to lower rank nor any children have any claim to the possessions or tile of the spouse of higher rank in European royalty, is termed as morganatic marriage. Black Michael is the elder / half brother of King Rudolf Elphberg. He is the late king’s son from a morganatic marriage. Since he is not from the royal family, he could not become King of Ruritania.

Q: 12. How does King’s weakness put him in danger?                                                      OR
Q: Describe the careless attitude of the King Elphberg?                                      
Q: How much was the throne endangered by the careless attitude of the real king- Rudolf Elphberg?
Ans: Rudolf Elphberg was addicted to drink so his brother Black Michael sent him a drugged wine bottle which he drank and got unconscious. The Throne was totally endangered by the careless attitude of the real king. His brotherBlack Michael” had a plan to exploit his drinking habit, kidnap and kill the king to take over the throne and get married to Princess Flavia and King’s weakness to drink had made it possible for Black Michael to take advantage and carry on with his plan. It was sheer chance for the Black Michael to capture the throne. One of the most significant signs of Elphberg’s careless attitude is that he doesn’t hesitate in getting drunk just a day before his coronation. He does not care even for the coronation and drinks excessively. He also drinks the wine gifted by his wicked brother though it is well known that Black Michael intends to get through the access to the throne and wants to marry Princess Flavia but Elphberg doesn’t care about all these facts. Shortly, it is all because of his carelessness that Black Michael gets a chance to hatch a devilish plan by kidnapping him.

Q: 13. Why is Black Michael not regarded as a suitable person to be the king of Ruritania?
Ans: To be King, one should be morally upright and noble in character which Black Michael lacks. Black Michael is the elder brother of King Rudolf Elphberg. He is the late king’s son, a result of morganatic marriage. Since he is not from the royal family, he could not become King of Ruritania. Apart this reason, he isn’t regarded as a suitable person to become King because he is a villain, mean, coward, crafty and has devilish nature. Hence, such a person is most unsuitable to be King. Colonel Sapt feels that if Black Michael will become King, he will murder King Rudolf Elphberg. His friendship and contacts with criminals and ruffians also makes him unsuitable for the kingship.

Q: 14.  What plan did Duke Michael make to prevent King Rudolf Elphberg from attending the coronation?
Ans: Black Michael is determined to ascend to the throne of Ruritania by fair or foul means, for which he is ineligible. So he hatches a plan to prevent King Rudolf Elphberg from attending his coronation ceremony. He knows that his brother is a careless and a happy go lucky sort of fellow, who loves alcohol and attending hunting expedites etc. so, he invites him to his state “Zenda” for a dinner at the shooting lodge. After the dinner Black Michael knowing his brother’s weakness, sends him a drugged rare wine bottle. King consumes this drugged wine and becomes unconscious. This was Black Michael’s plan to make him unconscious for a long time that he may not be able to attend his own coronation but his plans were made soar as Col. Sapt persuaded Rudolf Rassendyll, the king’s look alike, to become king.

Q: 15. Why did Black Michael kidnap the king?
Ans:  Black Michael wanted to be in King’s shoes. He wanted to get rid of the king by killing him and was the Duke of Strelsau and half brother of King Elphberg. He kidnapped the king so that he could disgrace him in front of his subjects and people of Ruritania by disclosing that he was a drunkard. He wanted to destroy the reputation of Rudolf Elphberg by proving that he was ineligible to become king and thus he could easily get to the throne by proving himself more capable of being a king.

Q: 16. Duke Michael in spite of all-out efforts could not become the king of Ruritania. Why?                                                                                                                                                OR
Q: Why could Duke Michael not succeed in his conspiracy to become the King of Ruritania?
Ans: Duke Michael couldn’t succeed in his evil intentions and the conspiracy to become the king of Ruritania in spite of all out efforts because luck favoured King Elphberg and sent Rudolf Rassendyll to impersonate him. He resembled the real king and as the loyal servants of King were aware of Black Michael’s evil nature and intrigues, they compelled and convinced Rassendyll to impersonate the King. It was bad luck on Michael’s part and the coronation along with all rituals rook place smoothly.

Q: 17. Why did Black Michael not kill the King?
Ans: Rassendyll’s impersonation plays a major part in saving the life of real king. If Black Michael killed Rudolf Elphberg then it was impossible for him to prove Rudolf Rassendyll as an imposter. Therefore, to keep his own guilt and crime secret, he is forced to keep the king alive and not to kill him. It is also due to this reason that he puts his all efforts in killing Rudolf Rassendyll first and then to get rid of the real King.

Q: 18. Why was Rudolf Rassendyll reluctant to impersonate the King Elphberg?
Ans: When Colonel Sapt and Fritz offered Rudolf Rassendyll to impersonate the King he becomes reluctant and confused. He is not ready to take the risk in a foreign country whose people, culture and routine are stranger to him. He suggested calling a doctor who can bring the king to consciousness. At first he resists but the devotion and sincerity of Colonel Sapt compelled him to accept the challenge and impersonate the king at last.

Q: 19. How does Colonel Sapt convince Rudolf Rassendyll to play the role of the king for the coronation ceremony?                  (2012-Com-Pvt)
Ans: Colonel Sapt persuades Rassendyll to impersonate the king because he knows quite well that Black Michael will seize the throne. On the morning of Coronation, when King’s loyal attendants, Colonel Sapt and Fritz, found him insensible and utterly unable to attend his own coronation, Sapt made a plan for Rassendyll’s impersonation in the coronation ceremony. Colonel Sapt decided to frustrate Michael’s plot by keeping Rassendyll on the throne until the real King was rescued. Colonel Sapt says “Fate sent you to here. Fate sends you now to Strelsau”. He breaks upon Rassendyll that if the King did not keep his appointment today, he will either sleep in jail or in his grave. He added that half of the Strelsau is already in favour of Michael and if the King failed to attend his coronation then it will be a piece of cake for Michael to capture the throne. Rudolf pictures himself as the King and enjoys the feeling to finally agree to impersonate the king.

Q: 20. How and why Rudolf Rassendyll was made the King of Ruritania?
Q: What were the circumstances that led Rassendyll to impersonate the king? (2016-Com)
Q: Why was Rassendyll forced to impersonate the King of Ruritania? (2015-Sc)         OR
Q: What events led Rudolf Rassendyll to act as the King of Ruritania? (2014-Com-Reg), (2012- Com-Pvt)                                                                                                             OR
Q: Why does Rudolf Rassendyll disguise himself as Rudolf Elphberg?              (2010-Sc)       
Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll resembled the king of Ruritania because of a common ancestry. During his visit to Ruritania to attend the coronation ceremony of Rudolf Elphberg, by chance, he met the king in the forest of Zenda. King invited his cousin on an informal supper and drank wine sent by Michael as a gift. As the wine was drugged, the King became insensible and Colonel Sapt persuaded Rudolf Rassendyll to impersonate the king at the coronation and save the throne from Michael’s devilish intentions.

Q: 21. What role does Colonel Sapt play in the novel?
Ans: Colonel Sapt plays a very significant role in the novel. He is one of the most devoted followers and personal attendant of the real king. He is the major character who prevents the throne from the devilish plans of Black Michael. He is the most experienced, senior and intelligent character of the novel that persuades Rassendyll to impersonate the king because he knows quite well that Black Michael will seize the throne. He is the strongest man and a trusting advisor for the king and for the politics of Ruritania. Colonel Sapt meets with Rassendyll in the forest near Castle of Zenda for the first time. He is a brave man whose gallantry keeps him motivated for taking personal risks. He shows great valour on all events and occasions. Sapt is very loyal to the king and serves the throne with dedication and faith.

Q: 22. Describe the efforts taken by Col Sapt to save Ruritanian Throne.                     (2015-Com) OR
Q: Give a brief description of the loyalty and wisdom of Colonel Sapt. (2011-Com-Pvt) OR
Q: Colonel Sapt is the real protector of the House of Elphberg. Justify the statement. (2014, 2013-Sc)
Ans: Colonel Sapt plays a very significant role in the novel. He is one of the most devoted followers and personal attendant of the real king. He is the major character who prevents the throne from the devilish plans of Black Michael. He is the most experienced, senior and intelligent character of the novel that persuades Rassendyll to impersonate the king because he knows quite well that Black Michael will seize the throne. He is the strongest man and a trusting advisor for the king and for the politics of Ruritania. Colonel Sapt meets with Rassendyll in the forest near Castle of Zenda for the first time. On the morning of Coronation, when King’s loyal attendants, Colonel Sapt and Fritz, found him insensible and utterly unable to attend his own coronation, Sapt made a plan for Rassendyll’s impersonation in the coronation ceremony. Colonel Sapt decided to frustrate Michael’s plot by keeping Rassendyll on the throne until the real King was rescued. He shows great valour on all events and occasions. Sapt is very loyal to the king and serves the throne with dedication and faith. He is a brave man whose gallantry keeps him motivated for taking personal risk as the real protector of the House of Elphberg.
He is a brave man whose gallantry keeps him motivated for taking personal risks. He shows great valour on all events and occasions. He supports Rassendyll as a mentor and guides him at every event and occasion. He not only serves the throne but also keeps Princess Flavia safe from the reach of Black Michael and reveals the real story at the end of the novel to justify his actions to King and Princess. Sapt is very loyal to the king and serves the throne with dedication and faith.

Q: 23. How did wise Sapt face the critical situation to save the throne when King Rudolf Elphberg had fainted by drinking the drugged wine?                                                        OR
Ans: Col. Sapt was a very intelligent and experienced army officer and the personal body guard of King Rudolf who had the duty to protect King and his throne. He proved his loyalty and sharpness of mind in that critical situation when king got fainted by drinking the drugged wine sent by Black Michael. He showed remarkable wisdom and presence of mind and quickly decided to take advantage of Rassendyll’s resemblance with the King. He convicted him to impersonate the king at the coronation. Rassendyll with help and guidance of Colonel Sapt, displayed great heroism and courage at the coronation and consequently, the villain and traitor, Duke Michael failed to capture the throne of Ruritania.

Q: 24. How Colonel Sapt frustrated Michael’s plan to seize the throne for himself?
Ans: On the morning of Coronation, when King’s loyal attendants, Colonel Sapt and Fritz, found him insensible and utterly unable to attend his own coronation, Sapt made a plan for Rassendyll’s impersonation in the coronation ceremony. They left the king in shooting lodge and went for the coronation but later that night when Colonel Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll arrived back at the shooting lodge to fetch back the King, they found him missing. King was kidnapped by “The Six” Michael’s followers. Colonel Sapt decided to frustrate Michael’s plot by keeping Rassendyll on the throne until the real King was rescued.

Q: 25. How did Sapt and Fritz serve Rudolf Rassendyll?
Ans:  Sapt and Fritz served Rassendyll not only as a person who assisted them in their mission but they also regarded him very important and valued his advices. They never misbehaved with Rassendyll and never let down his proposals. When a letter arrived for Rassendyll asking him to come at midnight to summerhouse alone, at first Sapt suspected a trap, tried to turn down the instruction but when Rassendyll insisted, he agreed to accompany him. When Fritz and Sapt escorted Rassendyll’s departure from Ruritania, Fritz still bowed in front of him as he used t do and kissed his hand in esteem previously. This all shows that their behaviour with Rassendyll had been like a friend and like a man who was a superior to them.

Q: 26. What was the first gallant and brave step of Rassendyll when he was made an imposter of the king?                                                                                                            OR
How did Rassendyll get the first moral victory over Michael in the dangerous game? OR
When did Rassendyll strike first blow to Michael in the dangerous game played on the surface of Ruritanian politics?
Ans: When Rassendyll was made an imposter of the king and reached Old Town, which was in the favour of Black Michael, on his way to cathedral on the coronation day, he went through without any particular escort or security. In fact he took a very wise and bold step for king’s popularity and to build the trust by showing his bravery that the King of Ruritania trusts his people.  The people of that area got surprised and highly impressed by the courage and heroism of Rassendyll who felt no hesitation at all in riding through the danger zone without any sign of fear or panic. This bold step won him first moral victory over Michael as well.

Q: 27. Give an account of the Coronation Ceremony with reference to Rudolf Rassendyll’s behaviour. (2015-Sc)
Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll went through Coronation quite successfully. Having passed through the streets of the old and new city surrounded by gaily dressed men and women, Rudolf and his procession reached Cathedral. He managed everything quite well and did more than he was expected by Sapt and Fritz. He faced Black Michael very bravely and enjoyed his frustration of seeing King keeping his commitment. He also embarrassed Princess Flavia, whom he had fallen in love on her very first sight, and dealt with Cardinal and formal processions quite well. In Short, Rassendyll’s behaviour was remarkable and praiseworthy in the Coronation Ceremony and he never gave a hint to anyone including Princess Flavia that he is an imposter to the real king.

Q: 28. How does Rudolf Rassendyll behave as the king when he takes part in the procession before the coronation?                (2013-Com-Pvt)
Ans: After drinking the Drugged Wine, King Elphberg got unconscious, his loyal servants begged Rassendyll to save the throne and impersonate the King. When Rudolf Rassendyll agrees to impersonate the King in coronation on the demand of Colonel Sapt, he took the job as a religious duty. After reaching Strelsaun and being welcomed by the dignitaries including Marshal Strakencz, Commander-In-Chief of Ruritanian Army; Chancellor of the kingdom Ruritania, a group of officers of the royal court (Colonel Sapt keeps whispering their names in his ear) the procession reaches Old Town, which was in the favour of Black Michael, on his way to Cathedral on the coronation day. He takes a very wise and bold step for king’s popularity and to build trust by showing his bravery that the King of Ruritania trusts his people.  Rassendyll felt no hesitation at all in riding through the danger zone without any sign of fear or panic rather responded to the cheers and calls of the people. He meets Princes Flavia and Black Michael on reaching at cathedral. Black Michael shows outward love in the presence of others yet confused and surprised on the unexpected situation. Behaviour of Rassendyll as a king does not make any of them suspicious that the real king is not in the Coronation.

Q: 29. Briefly describe the processions of Coronation ceremony of Rassendyll as the King of Ruritania.
Q: Describe the Coronation Ceremony.                                          (2016-Sc)                    OR
Q: Describe any important incident of the novel Prisoner of Zenda.                   (2014-Sc) OR
Q: Highlight the main features and events of Coronation Ceremony.     (2013-Com-Reg)
Ans: The Coronation ceremony of King Rudolf Elphberg as the 5th King of Ruritania has been mentioned in the novel. Rudolf Rassendyll, accompanying Sapt and Fritz, arrives at the station on Coronation day morning (Wednesday). A large procession, consisting upon dignitaries, brings the new king to the “Cathedral”, place of Coronation. In the procession a lot of people gaily dressed lead the king and others shower the flowers over him. The procession arrives at the Church, decorated with statues and pictures where Rudolf meets with gorgeous Princess Flavia and falls in love with her. He also meets well dressed priests and Black Michael and many others who awaited there. When Michael comes to meet him, he shows outward love in the presence of others yet confused and surprised on the unexpected situation. He is turned pale. The Cardinal rises to welcome him, Rassendyll knells before the altar and the Cardinal anointed his head. Cardinal sets the crown on his head; Rassendyll swears the oath and receives the Holy Sacrament. It is announced that Rudolf the fifth has been crowned as the King. Princess Flavia was the first to come forward, courtesies low, takes his hand and kisses it. He draws her near and kisses her cheeks. Cardinal follows Princess Flavia and presents letter from Pope to the King followed by Black Michael who pays his respect to the King, though is pale, and then the ambassadors pay their respect. Ceremony lasts for an hour and then the procession moves to the palace from the same streets through which they had come to the Cathedral.

Q: 30. What was the attitude of Michael to Rassendyll during the coronation?
Ans: When Rassendyll unexpectedly reached at cathedral on the coronation ceremony, Black Michael, the villain, got stunned to see him there. His full-blooded red cheeks went pale all in a moment and his helmet fell with a clatter on the floor. When the king was crowned and he went to meet him, Duke’s lips became dry and parched, his face became patched with red and white, his steps trembled and he looked to the right and left, as a man who was thinking of flight while his hands shook the hand of King.

Q: 31. Compare and contrast the characters Rudolf Elphberg and Black Michael. (2010-Com)
Ans: Rudolf Elphberg being the heir to the throne of Ruritania has the right to be King though he lacks the qualities of a King. He is easy going, careless and lacks in leadership qualities as he loves wine, women and music. He takes kingship rather lightly, while Rudolf Rassendyll is bold and courageous at the right time. His conduct is most unbecoming for a king who makes him undeserving to be a king whereas Black Michael, also known as Duke of Strelsau is the half brother of the King Rudolf Elphberg but he isn’t a legal heir to the throne. He appears to be a traditional villain of the novel who is the owner of the Castle of Zenda and the surrounding states, still his thrust for power and throne doesn’t quench. he drugged the king in order to seize the throne in his absence but unfortunately Colonel Sapt snatches away this chance from him by presenting an imposter of the king. There is no love in Black Michael’s heart for anyone and this is the reason why even his most trusted followers have no regard or respect for him. In the end he is betrayed by his own followers like Johann and Rupert of Hentzau.

Q: 32. What is the character of Black Michael in the novel?                                            OR
Q: Black Michael is a detestable character. Discuss.                      (2017-Sc, 2013-Sc)     OR
Q: What were the characteristics that made black Michael an outright villain? (2015-Com)
Ans: Black Michael, also known as Duke of Strelsau, is the half brother of the King Rudolf Elphberg but he isn’t a legal heir to the throne. He appears to be a traditional villain of the novel who is the owner of the Castle of Zenda and the surrounding states, still his thrust for power and throne doesn’t quench. He drugged the king in order to seize the throne in his absence but unfortunately Colonel Sapt snatches away this chance from him by presenting an imposter of the king. There is no love in Black Michael’s heart for anyone and this is the reason why even his most trusted followers have no regard or respect for him. In the end he is betrayed by his own followers like Johann and Rupert of Hentzau.
In short Black Michael is all evil, selfish and unreliable character and being the villain of the novel he betrays everyone. Consequently, he has no true friend. He never cares for blood relations not even for his love. Therefore, nature repays him in the same coin and he is killed by one of his own men “Rupert of Hentzau”.

Q: 33. “Black Michael was a clever conspirator but a coward.” Discuss. (2015, 2011-Com) OR
Q: Who is the villain in the novel “Prisoner of Zenda” and why?            (2014-Com-Pvt)   OR
Ans: Black Michael, also known as Duke of Strelsau, is the half brother of the King Rudolf Elphberg but he isn’t a legal heir to the throne. He appears to be a traditional villain of the novel who is the owner of the Castle of Zenda and the surrounding states, still his thrust for power and throne doesn’t quench. he drugged the king in order to seize the throne in his absence but unfortunately Colonel Sapt snatches away this chance from him by presenting an imposter of the king. There is no love in Black Michael’s heart for anyone and this is the reason why even his most trusted followers have no regard or respect for him. In the end he is betrayed by his own followers like Johann and Rupert of Hentzau. Black Michael is all evil, selfish and unreliable character and being the villain of the novel he betrays everyone. he is a villain, mean, coward, crafty and has devilish nature. Hence, such a person is most unsuitable to be King. Although Black Michael knew who the imposter is, yet he couldn’t expose him for his cowardly nature.  Throughout the novel, though, both the sides showed much enmity for each other, still Black Michael and his followers can’t expose the imposter king. If they did so, they would have to reveal their own grave crime and this may cause the failure of their treacherous schemes.

Q: 34. Write down the chief negative qualities of Black Michael.
Ans: Black Michael is an intriguer and schemer. He makes every possible effort to remove the real king, marry Princess Flavia and become king himself as he has no love for any one in his heart.
No one cares for him either due to his evil nature. He even uses his beloved Madam De Mauban for his own purposes by promising to marry her. Though love can turn even a cheater but it has no authority on him. In short he is a villain with all evil in him and no good quality.
Q: 35. Who is more devilish Black Michael or Rupert of Hentzau?
Ans:  “A villain is an engineer of his own catastrophe”, both of the characters, Black Michael as well as Rupert of Hentzau are hateful, scoundrels and detestable by character and nature. Black Michael is more devilish because of his mean, heartless, evil and vindictive nature. He is fully aware of the love and relationship of Rudolf Elphberg with Princess Flavia, yet he desires to marry her. He due to his evil nature hatched a plan to murder King Rudolf and for that purpose he had kidnapped and imprisoned him in the castle of Zenda.
Rupert of Hentzau has the touch of the devil. He is bold and courageous but is all about money and fame that is why he assists Michael in his plans. He is fond of Madam De Mauban and desires to marry her. Rupert is a reckless character who is sincere to none but Black Michael is more devilish, mean, coward, crafty and clever. He uses Rupert for his purposes and doesn’t care for his intentions towards Madam De Mauban which leads in an argument and Rupert of Hentzau kills Black Michael.

Q: 36. What role did Madam De Mauban play in the novel ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’? (2014-Com-Reg)                                                                                                                                OR
Q: Madam de Mauban played a magnificent role in the novel ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’. Comment. (2011-Com-Reg)
Ans: Antoinette De Mauban is one of the major and significant characters of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. She is a widow of 30 years with very charming and attractive personality who deeply loves Black Michael. She appears to be rich, handsome, according to repute and ambitious French lady. She is fashionable and is much talked in the fashionable society of Paris but is reserved and doesn’t let anybody come to interaction easily with her.
The hero of novel, Rudolf Rassendyll, meets her on the railway platform of Paris from where they travel in the same train till Ruritanian Border. Despite being a part of Michael’s plans, she remains a noble lady who wishes nothing but the love of her lover. She proves a very helpful character in the restoration and rescue of the king. She is the one who gives valuable information about the king for the first time, leaks out the real intentions of Black Michael and warns Rudolf Rassendyll to not to trust him ever and later on warns Flavia through a letter signed as ‘A’ in the last attempt of rescuing the king, she acts as a part of Rassendyll’s party.

Q: 37. Why does Madam de Mauban not cooperate with Black Michael against Rudolf Rassendyll?             (2011-Com-Pvt)                                                                                             OR
Q: “Say I am Christian or say I am jealous. My God! Shall I see him marry her?” Discuss the above sentence with reference to novel ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’. (2011-Com-Reg)
Ans: The statement is a part of the event of Summer House. Madam De Mauban has uttered these words when she met Rassendyll in Summer House and disclosed the secret of Castle of Zenda as well as Michael’s plan to kill Rudolf Rassendyll. She wrote a letter on Black Michael’s command to invited Rudolf Rassendyll to summer house and coming to know about Michael’s plan she utters these words. The statement means that being a Christian the conscience doesn’t allow her to do wrong or to side with those who are wrong. Moreover, as she loved Black Michael and intended to marry him she had a jealousy with Princess Flavia as Michael had intentions to marry her. This had hurt Madam De Mauban and as a result of the jealousy, she turned against Michael and disclosed his whole plan to Rudolf Rassendyll.

Q: 38. Why did Madam De Mauban not want Black Michael to ascend to the throne?(2017-Sc) OR
Q: Why did Madam De Mauban help Rassendyll?                                   (2016-Sc)        OR
Q: Why does Madame de Mauban help Rudolf Rassendyll?       (2012-Com-Pvt)
Q: Why and how did Antoinette De Mauban help Rudolf Rassendyll?  (2014-Com-Reg)
Ans: Antoinette De Mauban loved Black Michael but Michael was only using her for her purposes i.e. trapping the imposter of the king, getting access to the throne and getting married with Princess Flavia. When she learned about his devilish thinking of deserting her and marrying Princess Flavia, in order to save him from marrying her, she betrays Black Michael and helps Rassendyll against him. She gave away very important information about King’s exact place in the castle of Zenda and helped Rudolf Rassendyll to rescue the real king.

Q: 39. Why did Madam De Mauban turn against Black Michael? (2017-Supp,2015-Com) OR
Q: Did Madam De Mauban betray Michael rightly? Comment with reasons.   (2014-Sc)     OR
Q: Why and how did Madam Mauban betray Black Michael?   (2012-Com-Pvt)
Ans: Madam De Mauban was madly in love with Black Michael and wanted to marry him but when she comes to know that Michael isn’t sincere to her, he is using her and wants to marry Princess Flavia, she betrays him only to keep him to herself. She is an attractive but jealous French widow who is dreaming to marry Michael one day and become the Queen of Ruritania. The disclosure that Michael is using her as a tool for his purposes and wants to bring Rudolf Rassendyll under his control makes her to betray him. She couldn’t tolerate Michael’s cheating and changes her attitude towards him. She clearly understands that Kingship of Black Michael will be the death of her dreams to marry him and to become queen.
She betrays Black Michael and helps Rassendyll against him. She gave away very important information about King’s exact place in the castle of Zenda and helped Rudolf Rassendyll to rescue the real king.

Q: 40. Why does lady Mauban write letter to Rassendyll?                       (2017-Com)    OR
Q: Who invited Rudolf Rassendyll to the Summer House and How?      (Supp-2011)
Ans: Madam De Mauban invited Rassendyll to her Summer House through a letter under Black Michael’s direction and when Rassendyll reached the summerhouse, she told him about Black Michael’s plan to kill him in anyway, seize the throne and marry princess Flavia. She also told him that she has made arrangements to help him flee but he got trapped in Michael’s plan as his men approach and surround him. Rudolf Rassendyll got safe due to his sharpness, reached to the ladder, went up the ladder in a minute and fled from summerhouse.

Q: 41. Who wrote the letter received by Rassendyll signed “A”? What was the importance of the letter written by De Mauban to Rassendyll?
Ans: One Day a letter signed “A” arrived for the king. It was an invitation to apprise the king to meet a lady at the Summer House all alone at midnight. Rassendyll presumed that the letter was from Madam Antoinette De Mauban with the instructions of the lady to reach the Summer House situated at the end of the avenue. The letter had much importance in the novel because Mauban shifted her sympathies from Michael to the King as she didn’t want Michael to marry Princess Flavia in anyway and on the other hand she wanted to take revenge from Michael for his ignorance and using her for his own purposes.

Q: 42.  “Madam De Mauban’s love made Rupert and Black Michael apart”, discuss. OR
Q: Why do Rupert and Michael have a fight?
Ans: Rupert and Black Michael are portrayed as rivals because both are attracted by Madam De Mauban. In the final course Rupert entered lady Mauban’s room and tried to molest her but she shrieks to Michael for help. Michael and his loyal servants rush into the room and have a fight with him. Rupert was armed with a sword; he fights and kills Michael and escapes.

Q: 43. Madam De Mauban is responsible for the tragic death of Black Michael. Do you agree?
Ans: Rupert of Hentzau loved Madam De Mauban and wanted to marry her whereas Madam De Mauban loved Black Michael. Rupert entered in her room and tried to convince her to escape with him but she screamed for help to Michael. Black Michael with his servants came in room and had an argument with Rupert of Hentzau. Rupert was armed with a sword so, he stabbed Michael with it and killed him. In this way Madam De Mauban is responsible for the tragic death of Black Michael.
Q: 44. Compare and contrast the characters of Princess Flavia and Madam De Mauban. (2014-Sc)                                                                                                                          OR
Q: Compare and contrast two women characters in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. (2013-Com-Pvt)
Ans: Princess Flavia is the heroine of the novel. She is the cousin and fiancée of Rudolf Elphberg and also to Rudolf Rassendyll. She is not only beautiful but also intelligent to deal all her personal and state matters wisely. She is a sensible lady who is also straight forward and sincere in her love till her cores. She is fully conscious to her duties to the country, though she loves Rassendyll but yet marries Rudolf Elphberg only to bring joy and peace to her state and people. Her beauty and sincerity has attracted Rudolf Rassendyll to love her. Her dignity is always reflected in her behaviour throughout the novel.
Madam De Mauban is widow, rich and gorgeous who is visiting Ruritania on the invitation of Black Michael. She is very ambitious and is not interested in the politics. She has come to Ruritania to win Black Michael’s love. She is jealous by nature and feels jealousy towards Princess Flavia when she comes to know that Black Michael intends to marry her.
She is very sympathetic by nature and the servants of Castle of Zenda regard her due to her sympathy towards them. She is a noble woman who is open-hearted and generous. She is an attractive woman and her attraction has got attention of many men including Rupert of Hentzau who turns enemy towards his master because of Madam De Mauban’s love.

Q: 45.  Why Could Black Michael not expose the true identity of the imposter?
Ans: The reason why Black Michael could not expose Rudolf Rassendyll, the imposter, because he would have himself got into trouble by doing so. Col. Sapt and Fritz would have exposed his foul-play, in order to prevent him from attending the coronation. Although Black Michael knew who the imposter is, yet he couldn’t expose him for his cowardly nature.
Throughout the novel, though, both the sides showed much enmity for each other, still Black Michael and his followers can’t expose the imposter king. If they did so, they would have to reveal their own grave crime and this may cause the failure of their treacherous schemes.

Q: 46. Who is the Heroine of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”? Describe three qualities of her character.                                    (2017-Supply)
Q: Throw light on three dominant characteristics of Princess Flavia.     (2017-Com)
Princess Flavia’s character is a reflection of virtue and goodness. Discuss.        (2016-Sc), (2011-Com-Pvt)                                                                                                               OR
Q: Princess Flavia is an intelligent and romantic character. Do you agree with the statement?                                                                                                                                    OR
Q: Whom do you consider the most lovable and sympathetic character in the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda?” Give reasons.          (2010-Com)                                                                OR
Q: Describe some of the appealing qualities of Princess Flavia                (2014-Sc)        OR
Q: Princess Flavia is an ideal heroine and the symbol of love, beauty and nobility. Comment. (2010-Com)
Ans: Princess Flavia is not at all portrayed by the author as a mere showpiece in the novel but an extra dedicated, sincere and sensible type of young lady. She is a perfect epitome of love, loyalty, beauty, elegance, sincerity, patriotism, honour and sacrifice. She is loyal to her country, knows her duties well and performs them with all her sincerity and honesty. She regards the feelings and expectations of the people of her state important. She is the cousin of the king of Ruritania who is an ideal princess coming out of the book of romance as we read any literature of the world. Her love for the king is not only the matter of legal importance but it also has the deep emotional value. The colour of romance, infatuation and love begins to broaden its spectrum when a ball is arranged for the imposter of the king and Princess Flavia. Rassendyll tries to appear to be wowing her and this causes him fall in love with the epitome of beauty and elegance, Princess Flavia.
In the end, her heart sustained a shock when she came to know the shocking reality that the center of her love and devotion was not he king but an English young man in the disguise of King Rudolf. She displays remarkable courage and sense of duty. She confesses to Rassendyll that she loved him more than her life but was determined to uphold her family honour and the prestige of her homeland. She made it clear to him that she would prefer to sacrifice her love for the sake of honour and duty. This noble and daring decision glourifies the character of Princess Flavia and earned her great respect and love of the readers.
Q: 47. How does Princess Flavia react when she comes to know the truth of the fake king?
Ans: She reacts most naturally when she learns about the identity of the fake king. She is in a state of shock which is unbearable for her. Her nerves go out of control and she falls unconscious. She couldn’t bear the torture of this reality and faints. On the other hand, Rudolf Rassendyll also curses the Heavens and feels great pain on the disclosure of this reality.

Q: 48. How did Princess Flavia prove in the end of the novel that she wanted to uphold honour and prestige of her homeland and family?
Ans: Princess Flavia is not at all portrayed by the author as a mere showpiece in the novel but an extra dedicated, sincere and sensible type of young lady. In the end, her heart sustained a shock when she came to know the shocking reality that the center of her love and devotion was not he king but an English young man in the disguise of King Rudolf. She displays remarkable courage and sense of duty. She confesses to Rassendyll that she loved him more than her life but was determined to uphold her family honour and the prestige of her homeland. She made it clear to him that she would prefer to sacrifice her love for the sake of honour and duty. This noble and daring decision glourifies the character of Princess Flavia and earned her great respect and love of the readers.

Q: 49. “If Love were All, I could follow you in rags.” Discuss with reference of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”.
Ans: These words were uttered by Princess Flavia in the last meeting with Rudolf Rassendyll in the most tragic episode of the novel. She comes to know the true identity of her lover, Rudolf Rassendyll and the war of crown shatters her dreams. She has great love for her country and people and by getting married to Rudolf Rassendyll; she would have disappointed her countrymen and at the time, had gone against the wishes of the royal house of Elphbergs. This she doesn’t want to do. So she gives up her love for Rassendyll and says: “Honour binds a woman too Rudolf. My honour lies in being true to my country and my house (the royal house of Elphberg.”

Q: 50. Why does Princess Flavia sacrifice her love to Rudolf Rassendyll?
Ans: Princess Flavia displays remarkable courage and sense of duty. She confesses to Rassendyll that she loved him more than her life but was determined to uphold her family honour and the prestige of her homeland. She made it clear to him that she would prefer to sacrifice her love for the sake of honour and duty. This noble and daring decision glourifies the character of Princess Flavia and earned her great respect and love of the readers.

Q: 51. Give an account of the Ball given for Princess Flavia at the conclusion of which Rassendyll decided to rescue the king.                                                                                  OR
Q: Describe the importance of Ball.                                                            (2017-Sc)        OR
Q: What was the plan behind arranging the ball? By whom was it proposed?  (2015-Com) OR
Q: What is a “Ball”? State its importance in novel. (2015-Sc)
Ans: The ball is a formal dance party. Social dance forms a large part of the evening; actual ballroom dancing may or may not occur. It refers to an occasion for gathering and celebrating. It also includes gossip, intrigue, and romance that often occur at other celebrations, such as a feast.
People of Ruritania loved Princess Flavia and wanted the king to marry her as soon as possible but in the circumstances it was not possible. The situation was getting worse and the people had started to feel that the King doesn’t want to marry Princess Flavia rather wanted to be on throne only. One day Sapt brought the news of dissatisfaction and unease regarding king’s behaviour with Flavia and advised Rassendyll to give a ball for the princess as the requirement of the situation. The ball was very splendid and Rassendyll opened it by dancing with Flavia. Rudolf played his part very cleverly and made his position even stronger in the eyes of people. People looked at them with curiosity and whispered. Then they went to supper and Rassendyll put a garland around Flavia’s neck. Rassendyll then confessed his love to Flavia and Flavia replied in the same. Before Rassendyll could reveal his true identity, Sapt arrived to prevent him. The ball came to an end and Rassendyll decided to rescue the king without any further delay. The purpose of the ball was successfully achieved and people regained their faith in king.

Q: 52. Write the selfishness and self-sacrifice of Rudolf Rassendyll.                   (2010-Com)
Ans: Legally Rudolf Rassendyll is an Englishman, a foreigner in Ruritania and doesn’t classify to be a King. However he possesses inborn qualities of leadership which weigh heavily in his favour. He is enterprising, accepts the responsibility to step into the king’s shoes and becomes the imposter of King and plays that role admirably. Though he falls deeply in love with Princess Flavia yet he stands to his duties and makes his mind to do what is right. At the end when he has to choose between his love and love of his lover (Princess Flavia) he chose to sacrifice his own desire and lets his lover win.

Q: 53. Who are “The Six”? What part do they play in the novel?
Ans: “The Six” are resolute and unscrupulous gentlemen in the service of the Duke of Strelsau. There are locals (Ruritanians) and three are foreigners. The foreign three are De Gautet who’s French, Bersonin who’s Belgian and Detchard who’s English. Rests of the three who are Ruritanians include Lauengram, Krafstein and Rupert of Hentzau. Rupert of Hentzau is by far the most daring and dangerous of the six. Only Rupert of Hentzau is the one who remains alive at the end of the novel as he kills Black Michael for De Mauban’s love and escapes during the attack of Rassendyll and his companions to retrieve the king from castle of Zenda.
The Six play devilish part in the Devilish plot of Black Michael. Three of them are always on guard with the strict instruction of Black Michael to kill the king in case of any attempt to rescue him and other three are always looking to grab a chance to kill R. Rassendyll. 

Q: 54. Rupert is a dashing daredevil. Comment.                           (2017-Sc)
Ans: Rupert of Hentzau has the touch of the devil. He is posed as the most dangerous of all the Six in novel. He is bold and courageous and a real threat to Rudolf Rassendyll and his party. His master Black Michael fears his skills and attitude. In the novel his daring attempts and attacks on Rassendyll’s life show that he is brave and dangerous. He attacked Rassendyll in presence of many men, got successful in injuring him and escaped. He is fond of Madam De Mauban and desires to marry her. Rupert is a reckless character who is sincere to none but to himself. He even has the courage to suggest to Rassendyll to let the king, Sapt and Fritz die, to marry Flavia and rule Ruritania whereas he himself will kill Black Michael and win Madam De Mauban. His intentions toward Madam De Mauban lead in an argument and Rupert of Hentzau kills Black Michael. At the end after killing Michael for Madam De Mauban, he gives a strong fight to Rudolf Rassendyll. All these facts from the novel “Prisoner of Zenda” prove that Rupert is a dashing dare-devil.

Q: 55. How and by whom Duke Michael murdered?        (2017-Supply)
Q: Who did kill black Michael and why?                           (2016-Com)                OR
Q: Why did Rupert kill his own master?                                        (2014-Com-Pvt)
Ans: Rupert is a reckless character who is sincere to none but to himself. He is fond of Madam De Mauban and desires to marry her. His intentions toward Madam De Mauban lead in an argument with Black Michael. In the final course Rupert entered lady Mauban’s room and tried to molest her but she shrieks to Michael for help. Michael and his loyal servants rush into the room and have a fight with him. Rupert armed with a sword; fights and kills Michael and escapes. “Madam De Mauban’s love made Rupert and Black Michael apart”.

Q: 56. “Heaven doesn’t choose right men king.” Comment.                                             OR
Q: What does Fritz Von Tarlenheim mean by saying “Heaven doesn’t always make the right men kings.”?                                     (2015-Com)
Ans: Fritz is a very sincere and loyal servant to the king. He gives this remark due to the careless, irresponsible and carefree attitude of the King that had put everyone in trouble. Rudolf Elphberg doesn’t care for his coronation ceremony and drank too much. His behavior in the prison again throws a shadow on his personality that he needs reformation and rebuilding of his character. It gives a clear picture to the readers that he would make a very poor type of king but Heaven gives a chance to such men to mend their ways and learn a lot from their sufferings.

Q: 57. Who was the Prisoner of Zenda? Why was he imprisoned?         (2014 (Sc/Com, 2013-Sc)
Q: Who played the role of prisoner in the novel and how was he rescued? (2010- Com)
Ans: Rudolf Elphberg has played the role of prisoner. He liked to spend a care-free life, used to drink a lot and listen to music. King was addicted to drink so his brother Black Michael sent him a drugged wine bottle which he drank and got unconscious. Black Michael was a black hearted person like his title and he had appointed three of The Six as vigilant in the room where king was imprisoned. They had given strict orders to them to hold on against all attacks. If the attack gets pressing and they felt that they will not be able to hold against the attackers then Rupert of Detchard or any one of them had to pass into the inner room and kill the king. The King was imprisoned in the older part of the castle of Zenda after being kidnapped by Michael’s followers. Johann was Black Michael’s servant who leaked out the King’s exact position in the castle when he was captured and forced to reveal what he knew and at last King was rescued with the help of Madam De Mauban.

Q: 58. What were the steps taken by Rudolf Rassendyll for the liberation of Rudolf Elphberg? (2015-Sc)
Ans: Rassendyll has inborn qualities of a king. He puts his own life at risk when he accepts to impersonate the king. Every day being the imposter he is at risk and to add he makes many attempts to rescue the king. From the first gallant step in the old city before coronation, facing Michael gangsters with courage and fighting till last fight with Rupert shows his bravery. He takes all possible chances to find out the whereabouts of King in Zenda; puts his own life at risk when he accepts Madam De Mauban’s invitation to visit Summer House alone; scouting the Castle of Zenda; meeting with Rupert in Tarlenheim where he got injured, capturing Johan to extract King’s location and acting on the rescue plan clearly speak about his steps for the liberation of Rudolf Elphberg.

Q: 59. How does the tea-table incident turn the table of Michael’s plans?                      OR
Q: Describe the tea table incident.                                                   (2017-Com)
Q: Describe the incident of the attack on Summer House.            (2016-Com)                OR
Ans: Madam De Mauban invited Rassendyll to her summerhouse through a letter under Black Michael’s direction and when Rassendyll reached the summerhouse, she told him about Black Michael’s plan to kill him in anyway, seize the throne and marry princess Flavia. She also told him that she has made arrangements to help him flee but he got trapped in Michael’s plan as his men approach and surround him. Michael’s men offer him a large bribe as well as safe conduct to the frontier but she forbids him to trust them as they had clear orders to kill him by every means.
Rudolf Rassendyll uses his head, pretended that he was agreed and quickly used iron-topped table as a shield to protect himself. As soon as the gate opened, he hurled himself on them with the tea-table that caused three of them to tumble down the stairs. One of them, Detchard, managed to come out from under the table and tried to fire on Rassendyll but he got safe due to his sharpness, reached to the ladder, went up the ladder in a minute and fled from summerhouse. This all turned the table of Michael’s plan of capturing and killing King’s imposter as well.

Q: 60. How did Rassendyll manage to escape from the summerhouse safe and sound where he had been trapped by the three villains?                                                                                   OR
Q: How did Rudolf Rassendyll defend himself in the summer house?    (2017-Sc)
Ans: Duke of Strelsau, Black Michael wanted to get rid of Rassendyll as the real king had already been kidnapped and kept in his castle and for that purpose he deputed three professional killers to kill him at the summerhouse.
When Madam De Mauban disclosed the plan and asked him to run for his life as the three foreigners of Michael’s Six were about to arrive at the scene. Before Rassendyll could realize and flee, Rudolf Rassendyll got trapped in Michael’s plan as his three villains approached and surrounded him in the Summer House. Michael’s men offered him a large bribe as well as safe conduct to the frontier.  Rudolf used his head, pretended that he was agreed. He displayed great heroism, presence of mind and fighting spirit and quickly used iron-topped table as a shield to protect himself. As soon as the gate opened, he hurled himself on them with the tea-table that caused three of them to tumble down the stairs. One of them, Detchard, managed to come out from under the table and tried to fire on Rassendyll but he wounded him, got safe due to his sharpness, reached and went up the ladder in a minute and fled from summerhouse and safely escaped to Sapt who was waiting outside.

Q: 61. Which incident did you enjoy most in the novel “Prisoner of Zenda”?    (2016-Sc) OR
Q: Comment on Summer House incident in the novel “Prisoner of Zenda”.      (2014-Com-Pvt)                                                                                                                                             OR     
Q: Comment briefly on the tea-table incident in the novel, “The Prisoner of Zenda”. (2012-Com-Pvt)
Ans: Madam De Mauban invited Rassendyll to her summerhouse through a letter under Black Michael’s direction and when Rassendyll reached the summerhouse, she told him about Black Michael’s plan to kill him in anyway, seize the throne and marry princess Flavia. She also told him that she has made arrangements to help him flee but he got trapped in Michael’s plan as his men approach and surround him. Michael’s men offer him a large bribe as well as safe conduct to the frontier but she forbids him to trust them as they had clear orders to kill him by every means.
Rudolf Rassendyll used his head, pretended that he was agreed and quickly used iron-topped table as a shield to protect himself. As soon as the gate opened, he hurled himself on them with the tea-table that caused three of them to tumble down the stairs. One of them, Detchard, managed to come out from under the table and tried to fire on Rassendyll but he got safe due to his sharpness, reached to the ladder, went up the ladder in a minute and fled from summerhouse. This all turned the table of Michael’s plan of capturing and killing King’s imposter as well.
Q: 62. What is the new use of tea-table mentioned in the novel?
Ans: When Madam De Mauban invited Rassendyll to her Summer House and disclosed Michael’s plan of killing him at any cost, Rassendyll decided to use iron topped tea-table as a shield to remain safe from gunshots of Michael’s men. When he opened the door, Michael’s three men fired at him but bullets merely hit the table. He threw the table on them and they got caught up in it. Rassendyll used the table as a shield and cover to protect himself from the gunshots of Michael’s man and returned safely to the palace.
Q: 63. What was Michael’s security plan / arrangement regarding his conspiracy?      OR
Q: What was Black Michael’s plan in case any attempt was made to rescue the king? (2014-Com-Reg)
Ans:  Black Michael was a black hearted person like his title and he had appointed three of The Six as vigilant in the room where king was imprisoned. They had strict orders to them to hold on against all attacks. If the attack gets pressing and they felt that they will not be able to hold against the attackers then Rupert of Detchard or any one of them had to pass into the inner room and kill the king. The killer will unlock the barred window which is connected with the moat with a large earthenware pipe and the dead body should be pushed through pipe into the water of the moat. Moreover, if necessary, they along with the Duke would also pass out through the pipe and will come back to attack their enemies from behind, who would thus fall into a trap.

Q: 64. Describe the meeting between Rassendyll and Rupert of Hentzau in the street of Zenda.
Ans: After the encounter of Black Michael and Rassendyll’s men, in which two of Michael’s party men and four of Rassendyll’s party men died, Rassendyll was wandering in the streets of Zenda with Sapt and Flavia. When they reached near the castle of Zenda, they saw a funeral procession of those who were killed last night and Rupert of Hentzau rode behind in black clothes. A dialect between Rassendyll and Rupert took place in which Rassendyll admired the bravery of Rupert and Rupert suggested a plan to attack on castle boldly to rescue the king. Rupert assured that he will kill Black Michael and in that way Rassendyll will get the throne and he will get Madam De Mauban. Rassendyll didn’t like the idea but Rupert proposed him to think about it and went back to his friends. Rassendyll discussed the plan with Flavia and Sapt and told them that he had seen many wicked men but Rupert of Hentzau was unique.

Q: 65. What does the King’s party plan to save King Elphberg and kill Duke Michael?
Ans: Colonel Sapt and his party wanted to use all efforts to save the king by acting very carefully to restore the King to his throne. Rassendyll made an excellent plan to save the king, they entered with the help of De Mauban and Michael’s servant where they had a fight with Michael’s men, killed De Gautet, Searched his pocket and found the keys of the cellar where King was imprisoned.

Q: 66. What was the exact position of the king in the Castle of Zenda?
Ans: The King was imprisoned in the older part of the Castle of Zenda. The only way to approach that part was the drawbridge and that indirect mode of access formed only passage between the old building and the outer world. The king was kept in a small room just by the drawbridge, a room with one window close to the surface of the moat with entrance only from an inner room.

Q: 67. Where was King Rudolf imprisoned? By whom was he looked after?    OR
Q: Who leaked the King’s exact position of detention in the castle of Zenda?    OR
Where was the king imprisoned in castle of Zenda after being kidnapped by Black Michael’s followers?
Ans: The King was imprisoned in the older part of the castle of Zenda after being kidnapped by Michael’s followers. Johann was Black Michael’s servant who leaked out the King’s exact position in the castle when he was captured and forced to reveal what he knew. According to his information, the king was imprisoned in a small room in the old castle just by the drawbridge, a room with one window close to the surface of the moat. Three of Michael’s faithful followers “The Six” were ordered to keep an eye on him and kill him in case of any try to rescue him.

Q: 68. How was Johann persuaded to work as an informer against his master, Black Michael?
Ans: Johann was the personal and trustworthy servant of the Duke of Strelsau, Black Michael, living with his master in the New Castle of Zenda. He was in love with one of the daughters of the Inn-Keeper at Zenda where Rassendyll had stayed before his meeting with the real king and his attendants and the coronation ceremony. Rassendyll took the advantage of love affair to persuade Johann to work as an informer against his master Black Michael. Johann was captured successfully when he came to meet her beloved out of Zenda. He convinced Johann to deliver information about the prisoner king by threats and surety that he will not be harmed if Michael and his rotten followers were arrested in consequently. Johann agreed to cooperate with the king’s men for his own safety and safety of his love in future.

Q: 69. How Rupert did seriously injure Rassendyll in the presence of his friends at the Chateau De Tarlenheim?
Ans: When Rupert met Rassendyll on the terrace of the Chateau De Tarlenheim, he gave an offer for Rassendyll from Black Michael of a million crown and a safe conduct to the frontier but Rassendyll refused.
When Rupert of Hentzau was mounting his horse after the visit, he hurled a dagger towards Rassendyll. Fortunately, Rassendyll saw the flash of Dagger blade in the sunlight and quickly moved his body away. As a result, the dagger missed Rassendyll’s heart and pierced into his shoulder. Rupert escaped unharmed as his horse darted into the forest with the rider followed by ineffective pistol shots. Rassendyll was badly injured and it was a huge shock for the king’s camp.

Q: 70. “I have been bitten by a Mongrel dog”, discuss with reference of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”.
Ans: The phrase bitten by mongrel dog means, a dog of mixed breed. This remark is a reference to Duke Michael’s family back ground, whose mother was a commoner though his father was king. He doesn’t have blue blood and he doesn’t belong to a royal family either. One of his Six’s had wounded Rudolf Rassendyll from the back, Michael meets him and inquires about his injury. Rassendyll makes these remarks and in reply Black Michael looks at him and says, “The dog is very dangerous Sir, it doesn’t spare anyone in the second bite.”

Q: 71. How did Black Michael die in the novel?
Ans: Rupert of Hentzau loved Madam De Mauban and wanted to marry her whereas Madam De Mauban loved Black Michael. When Rupert showed his intentions and asked her to come with him, Madam De Mauban shouted and called Michael for help. Black Michael with his servants came in room and had an argument with Rupert of Hentzau. Rupert was armed with a sword so, he stabbed Michael with it, jumped in the moat and escaped.

Q: 72. Describe Rupert’s escape from Zenda and his last encounter with Rassendyll in the forest of Zenda.
Ans: Rupert Killed Michael and jumped into the moat. Rassendyll followed him but could not gain as he was wounded. Rupert got out of the moat and ran towards forest. In this chase Rassendyll got into forest and though he was injured and tired, kept following Rupert. Soon he caught sight of Rupert and challenged him in loud voice. Rupert laughed and made fun of Rassendyll but didn’t stop. Rupert saw a girl with a horse standing nearby and as Rassendyll was reaching close, he snatched the horse from girl, got on it and was about to run, when Rassendyll challenged him again and attacked him. In return Rupert also attacked and made Rassendyll feel down, before Rupert could crush him, Fritz fired on Rupert and Rupert fired on Fritz too. Rupert ran away and vanished in the forest. If Fritz had not reached in time, Rassendyll would have been killed by Rupert.

Q: 73. Describe the last painful meeting between Flavia and Rudolf Rassendyll.
Ans: The most tragic episode of the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” is the last meeting between Princess Flavia and Rudolf Rassendyll. The war for crown and throne has shattered her dreams and she is at a cross of love and responsibility. She confessed her love and told Rassendyll that she will keep his ring on her finger but she has to sacrifice her love for the sake of country and for the love of people.

Q: 74. Anthony Hope has been more faithful to the male characters than female characters in his novel “The Prisoner of Zenda”. Give your answer with valid reasons.
Ans: Reader can easily agree that Anthony Hope has been more faithful to male characters than female ones in his novel “The Prisoner of Zenda.” All the female characters are partially drawn. They are drawn in sections and behave like their counter parts in actual life. As it is a story of conspiracies, adventure, political enmity, Palace intrigues and unaware subjects, so man are more involved and discussed as compared to the women in the story.

Q: 75. Why does Rassendyll not want to do any job?
Ans: Rudolf Rassendyll believes that a person like him who belongs to a noble and rich family does not need to do any job as they can lead a good life just depending upon the wealth that their ancestors have left for them. So, if he is not a needy one then doing a job will be like an illogical burden on him.

Q: 76. Who persuades Rudolf Rassendyll to do a job and why does he accept it?
Ans: Miss Rose, the sister-in-law to Rudolf Rassendyll, insists him to do a job. He tries to convince her that he doesn’t need a job due to his comfortable and luxurious life but she doesn’t stop persuading him. When she doesn’t stop and refers a job that has to start after six months, he thinks that by accepting it he could stop her from this every now and then labour.

Q: 77. Who were Rassendyll’s friends in Paris?
Ans: Rassendyll had mainly two friends in Paris, George Featherly, who was rendering his services as a Diplomat in the British Embassy in Paris and Bertrand Bertram, a poet and journalist who worked with a London newspaper named Critic.

Q: 78. Where did Rassendyll stay when he reached Ruritania?
Ans: When Rudolf entered Ruritania to attend new ‘Kings Coronation Ceremony at Strelsau, he was informed that the Coronation has been postponed. It seemed to find any accommodation in Strelsau, Rassendyll decided to stay at Zenda, a small town 10 miles from the border and 50 miles from the Capital. He stayed in an Inn-Kept owned by a woman who was mother-in-law to be of Johann, the gamekeeper of Black Michael.

Q: 79. What information did Rudolf receive about the king-to-be at border and by whom?
Ans: The Inn-Kept where Rudolf Rassendyll stayed at Zenda, was kept by a kind old woman. She lived in the Inn with her daughters and through their conversation Rassendyll came to know that King was in the forest of Zenda on a hunting expedition. He also came to know about Black Michael, half brother of the King and that the people of state have mixed opinion about making Black Michael or Rudolf Elphberg next king.

Q: 80. Who was Joseph and what had happened to him?
Ans: Joseph was a faithful and loyal servant of the king. He shaved off Rassendyll and helped Col Sapt and Fritz to impersonate the King. He met a tragic death by the hands of Black Michael’s men when they attacked shooting lodge. His body was put in the cellar to confuse King’s party of the dead body of King.

Q: 81. How was the secret of Rudolf Rassendyll dawned upon Princess Flavia and what was her reaction?
Ans: Princess Flavia was informed that the King got seriously injured in the turmoil at Zenda, on her way to Castle of Zenda a farm girl disclosed that the King is lying unconscious in the bushes in forest. It was the moment when Colonel Sapt had to reveal the real identity of Rudolf Rassendyll. First there was wonder, then confusion in her mind and at the end she realized that Rudolf Rassendyll was not the real king or her finacee.

Q: 82. What is meant by Cloak and Dagger story?
Ans: The term Cloak and Dagger story refers to a melodramatic intrigues and espionage. The novel “Prisoner of Zenda” is an excellent example of it. From the beginning, Rassendyll’s idea of adventure to witness the Coronation ceremony, becoming the victim of Rurtanian conspiracies, getting attacked by Michael’s men at summerhouse and Zenda, bloodshed and struggle to recover the real King and till the end when the efforts are successful, Prisoner of Zenda displays all remarkable characteristics of Cloak and Dagger Story.

Q: 83. “The Devil has his share in most things”. Comment.
Ans: Colonel Sapt spoke these words to Rudolf Rassendyll when he bade farewell to Rudolf Rassendyll on station. Rassendyll was returning from Ruritania after successful attack on Castle of Zenda and recovering the king and saving the throne of Ruritania. Colonel Sapt uttered these words to tribute the self sacrifice and efforts of Rudolf Rassendyll that he took in rescuing the King and saving the throne. Sapt acknowledges that Rassendyll is a responsible, sensible and a combination of outstanding qualities. He is also referring Rudolf Elphberg by saying this line as he is no match to Rudolf Rassendyll and not better yet has the crown and Princess both.

Q: 84. What had prevented Rudolf Rassendyll from going on the wrong track?
Ans: Rassendyll was a gentleman and a man of honour. He had fallen in love with Princess Flavia on their first meeting but his integrity, honour and strong values had prevented him from doing what his emotions and heart desired. He had no desire for the position he held nor had any intentions to keep it for him. He loved Princess Flavia and was going through an agony to keep himself detached from Princess. He planned to rescue the King as soon as possible before his emotions overcome him and he loses his control to decide something that might ruin the efforts.

Q: 85. What invention was given the name “Jacob’s Ladder” by Rupert? What was its use?
Ans: Black Michael had affixed a great earthenware pipe at the square window of the room where King was kept in Castle of Zenda. The pipe was wide enough for a body to pass through. It ended immediately above the surface of the water in the moat, so that there was no interval between pipe and water. If a body tied with weight was thrown through the pipe, it would directly go to the bottom of the moat which was about twenty feet deep. Rupert named this invention of Black Michael as Jacob’s ladder or Ladder of Jacob. However, this ladder had taken the King not to heaven like the real Ladder of Jacob but to the bottom on moat. He mentioned it to the King when the pipe was being fixed that being a king he should not go by the common route. Black Michael had ordered his men to kill the king and slip his body in the moat through the pipe, if any rescue attempt was made on the castle. No one would know as the body will drown in the moat without splash.